
lame af blog

@yoooidkwhatimdoing / yoooidkwhatimdoing.tumblr.com

uh.... blog? more like reblog am i right?

‘Temporary’ Names

Vet clinics often have litters of kittens to raise. Either they’re too young for a shelter, too sickly, or the clinic intends to adopt them out when they’re big enough. Whatever the reason, nurses often end up raising kittens and giving them ‘temporary’ names. 

The intention of these temporary names is that if you give the kitten a stupid name, you have something to call it other than ‘the middle black male’, but because it’s a stupid name you wont get emotionally attached and end up keeping it. Again. 

Which is how some nurses end up with cats that have names like ‘Flea bus’ and ‘Trash bag’. 

Folks, I succumbed.

I ended up keeping Trash Bag.

He’s growing fast.

And getting into trouble

Happy post number 2500!


Tell Trashbag I love him


We love you Trashbag

Trash Bag chose Charmander.

I love this

This is my cat Fork


YES!!!!!!!!! I FOUND IT< Funniest vid EVER



lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why did i laugh so loud 

LMFAO “causeee im a gummiee bearrrr”  ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ .

I almost peed on myself omfg😭😭💀💀💀


I think about this video so much

Yo this shit gets me every time. I’m so glad somebody found this and put it in here

Source: catpacks

For anyone not so familiar with cat behavior, this cat is out of its mind excited to do this. It’s much more rare for cars to wag their tails but it means the same as it does when a dog does it. This cat is curious and proud and playing. It keeps looking at its owner too, like “LOOK AT ME, DAD” and it’s so rare to get videos of cats this happy. This is fucking rad

Nope.. wagging tails means anger or irritation in cat body language.

hey y’all, hope you don’t mind me stepping in!

you’re both right :) a wagging tail means the cat is highly stimulated (think coiled spring, ready to go off). depending on the situation, this can be interpreted differently - just like people can smile nervously at job interviews vs. happily grin at friends.

in most cases, it’s safe to interpret overstimulation as ‘you’re doing something to amp up the cat & it wants you to stop’ (ex. unwanted petting). it should be seen as a warning; all that pent-up energy COULD be released as a swat or bite.

BUT in this case, that tail-wagging ‘frustration’ is the stimulation that comes from problem-solving (where can I jump? is it safe to go here?) and the excitement of play. it’s good to be wary of ‘cute’ animals vids, but this seems like an unproblematic video!

I’d like to add to this–just look at world-famous box-loving cat, Maru, who wags his tail every time he stuffs his body into a box or other small object. He’s clearly not about to attack the person behind the camera! It’s definitely based on stimulation, but more to the point of “ahhh FINALLY I’ve gotten into the small space, now how do I get the rest of me inside”:

i love everything about cats ever always

Source: facebook.com

😂😂😂 why he do that poor baby like that


I just added ten years to my life by watching this


These things are fuckin lethal man, I went on one a couple years ago and it felt like my legs were just swept out from under me


I will never not reblog this. The 2 guys in the back are just ❤❤❤

Always reblog.

people who get hyped up for other people are the greatest people you can have in your life.


Love their reactions. They aren’t worried about being emasculated, they aren’t insecure, they are just genuinely impressed that she’s lifting like a beast!


Classical Music Masterpost (Edit No. 5)

“when you want to kill a pianist” me

^ Freddie is out to get us all

doesn’t art involve suffering or something like that

when you’re nervous and take up 3/5 of the nervous list

sweats nervously


Sometimes I just start singing and my mom joins in



#don’t trust this #they’re probably sirens


These two are singing “O magnum mysterium” by Tomas Luis De Victoria! It’s a very pretty piece from the renaissance that has a lot of different voice parts singing totally different melodies that mesh well together. I sung tenor for a song of his as well. It sounds ethereal in cathedrals and bathrooms alike my opinion. Its the room’s ability to bounce sound and make it resonate, giving it it’s “mermaid siren” like quality. It sounds great. Congratulations, you both! Sounds very pretty and seems like a fun time to clean with things like that.

That’s so prettyyy…

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