me: I really!!!! want!!! people!!!! to help!!!! me with!!!! my problems!!!!!!!
brain: you have to tell people about your problems first.
me: disgusting. atrocious. completely repugnant. I have never heard anything so vile. get out of my sight immediately.

Misha Collins digital painting, done by me myself and I, with sketchbook app on iPad and the craftsmanship of my fingertips.


I’d like to spend time with gay men too tho. where’s my small beloved group of fun. kind. casual gays and lesbians

2 days after this post I got invited by a lesbian couple I just met to stay the night & watch Moana with them & my friend who’s a gay dude & another gay I just met so this is the gaypost, reblog to bring gay friends to you


no offense but let bisexual girls talk about boys like… y'all praise us when we gush about other girls but when we mention a cute boy y'all call us straight… like how do you expect bisexuals to feel comfortable with themselves if you only show validation for part of their attraction?? it just doesn’t make sense??

same with bi boys who dare mention a girl they like. please. dont fucking force people to ignore a part of their sexuality just because you’re looking for any excuse to exclude someone.

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