

@drawnxtolight / drawnxtolight.tumblr.com

THIS BLOG CONTAINS SPOILERS "Show me again the power of the darkness, and I'll let nothing stand in our way. Show me, grandfather, and I will finish what you started." indie rp account for Kylo Ren
She clenched her hands tightly at her sides. Still hating the way he watched her, she could practically feel his expression even though she wouldn’t allow her eyes to look at him.
The air between them had grown uncomfortable again, and all the progress they’d made had vanished, and part of her wanted to deny that she needed him. But she knew that was the farthest thing from the truth. If she didn’t leave with him, she’d be recaptured and her death imminent. The first few steps felt as if her legs were made of lead, as if they didn’t belong on her body, causing her to sway uncomfortably as she moved slowly in the way he’d directed her.

He watched her closely, still assessing the extent of which she might need his help. But as she managed to sway forward, he placed that aside. She was strong. He knew that. And therefore, he placed a confidence in her that he rarely did with anyone else.

He lead the girl away from the others. Lead her back the way he had came, onto his ship, leaving behind the mess General Hux would definitely create. And once there, he motioned to a bed. Comfortable, clean. She was hurt, but that would be fixed another time. When she wasn’t so apparently exhausted. “There are a change of clothes through there. You should rest; you’ve been through a lot.”


She flinched slightly, her breath hitching out of instinct at the sound of the door slamming, as if expecting a blow to come to her frame. exhaling only when his eyes fell upon her own, then down to his hands, where the rested upon her damaged ones.


“ Not easily. But I’m sure I’ll manage.” she offered, her lip jutting out in a stubborn pout. They may have broken her in many ways. Ways she’d hope would not have to become the topic of discussion with him of all people, but they’d never take the stubbornness from her that burned like a light all of its own.

Kylo trusted her. With a nod, he moved his hands away from hers and stood. Because he knew - whether she could walk or not - that she wouldn’t ask for his help. Because he wouldn’t either. Pride was only conquered by desperation, and he thought too highly of her to push her into giving in. “The ship isn’t far, I’m sure you’ll make it.” He said, watching her as he stood back - enough to give her some space, but not too far in case she did need some help. 


“ I don’t expect you to listen, anymore than Anakin did.  “  She had pled, and pled, tried as hard as she could to get Anakin to turn back. Luke had tried, Obi Wan had tried. Yet it had been Anakin’s own decisions that had brought him back. Not Padme’s attempts. “ You’re the only person who can decide what you become. “ 

“ The Dark Side may give you power, but it will always leave you inevitably alone,” She had watched at it happen. She had watched it overcome and warp Anakin into Vader. Her gaze was steady on his, her eyes sad and sure. Padme hoped, still. Hoped he would see.  “ Are you willing to give up everyone? In favor of an apprentice?” 


Anakin. It was strange hearing his grandfathers name spoken like that. It almost made him give a small smile. Such history. So much past. Too much to even process. And yet he was attempting to live up to the great Darth Vader - attempting to meet his own expectations on how he should be, how he should act. It was exhausting, but it wasn’t out of his capabilities. And if he wanted to become like his grandfather, he had to ensure he kept focus. Which is exactly what he was doing. Padmé was right. He wasn’t going to listen, no more than Anakin did.


“Anything you say I have already heard a million times from Skywalker. You forget who taught me, grandmother.” With an almost irritated sigh, he looked away. “I don’t expect you to understand the reasons for my actions, but I do expect you to understand this. I know what I’m doing. I am not some innocent boy, despite what you may believe.”

She could feel his anger reverberate off his every movement. And yet he still drew nearer, only stopping when something seemed to catch his attention. She remained silent. Her eyes flickered heavily despite her bodies exhaustion at simply trying to remain upright in front of him.
Her bound wrists. Nearly blackened from the blood that had risen below the surface of her battered skin. And then he was besides her, and the anger was still there, she could feel it, gentler now in the force, but it had been replaced by something else, and she wanted nothing more than to push him away. Hating him for finding her like this, but she didn’t have the energy in her to fight anyone anymore, let alone him. 
Her body protested as it collapsed against itself almost dangerously, at least like this she wasn’t on display, the conditions of her body tucked away safely amongst the coil of herself. “ Why are you here…I was sure I was the last person you’d want to see.” She paused, her memory flickering to the imagine of the last time she’d seen him on Crait. “ After the way things had been left…” 

He hadn’t come here alone; in fact, they were busy. But here he was, abandoning his position. It did not equate professionalism, he knew, but there wasn’t much they could really do about it; Kylo was in charge. General Hux would handle this, he had assumed. Until there was an interruption behind him. He rose his hand, practically slamming the door in his face. Secretly hoping that would leave a mark, he moved, hands gently covering her swollen ones as he just looked at her. Observed her. Assessed.


“I don’t care.” His response was stated simply, his eyes finally locking onto hers. “Forget about it. Put it behind you. Can you walk?” 

@the-scavengergirl​ liked this for a starter

He sensed her. Again. Anger, against Luke, against the Residence, against Rey - had arisen since the fall of Snoke. Since Luke had tricked him, since the balance between the light and the dark had shifted at his ‘death’. But all of that was temporary, when it came to her. While true, his annoyance with her had gone unchanged, he was still unable to forget what she had done. Against him, yes, but for him... And it was for that reason, that he brutally killed the bandits that were holding her hostage. 

Their relationship was complicated, nothing could deny that. But he preferred her alive and well. Because he wasn’t at all done with her yet.


“Rey.” The saber, if it was a real sword, would most certainly be dripping with blood. Flipping it off, he approached her, only to stop when he saw the marks upon her wrists. How long had she been here, shackled, alone? What did they do to her? 

Suddenly what he had thought before didn’t matter. His anger, his annoyance. Concern was an emotion he couldn’t stop, no matter how much he attempted to push it away in the time it took for him to join her on the cold ground, breaking her free with one simple motion. 

Oh, he should have given them a more torturous death.


“I am, “ she agreed, watching him. With a distant bit of surprise,  she realized, he looked like Leia. Leia’s features, her features, marred with darkness. Padme knew the source, the source that was both hated and feared by many. Even now. “ I’m your grandmother, Ben. My name is Padme. “ 

  He knew that was not the name Leia would’ve told him. Breha had been her mother, in all the ways that counted. But Ben was still her grandson. She can see his hesitation, and Padme felt hope. Surely, no truly evil creature would be so cautious. 

“ I wished it hadn’t happened again.” 


That stilled him. Grandmother. That was why she had reminded him of Leia. That was why he already felt that connection. That was the link. It took him a moment to fully comprehend, for Solo was not Padmé’s second name. Skywalker. Post-marriage. This was the wife of Vader. One that appeared to have been lost in history. No one alive knew her voice, knew her face. No one knew anything about her. His mother barely had, the same with his uncle. So this...


“...Honoured is not the word I’m looking for.” Or was it? He brushed it aside, finally ignoring the strange sense that seemed to be poking around at him while they were talking, and instead focused on what she was saying. Hadn’t happened again. It didn’t take a genius to work it out. “I’m not sorry.” He stated, before finally, finally looking to where the voice was coming from. “The longer I stay the more it becomes clear that this is my place. So if your mission here is to convince me otherwise, your time would be better spent elsewhere.”

“Oh Ben.. “ Her voice is sad, a distant echo as she looks upon him. Her grandson. The only son of her daughter had fallen, just as Anakin had. When would this stop? she wondered. What had Anakin done, what had any of her descendants with him done to deserve this? “ Not you too. “ 
It was like an essence. No, not even that. An slither of an essence. Something so small that you could only feel it if you were absent minded enough to tell the difference. Focusing in on it seemed to push it away, but Kylo held on. He held on tight. For he recognised the feeling that it gave him. He couldn’t place it’s origin, only drive it down to a single source, and that source was his mother. It felt like his mother. The presence was so soft, so tender - he wasn’t sure what to make of it. Until he heard those words.

For once, he did not startle, nor jump to violence. Though he did feel displaced, unsure of where it came from or how to really respond to it. “...You’re sad.” His voice was gentle, though he said it as if it was a simple matter of fact. Kylo lowered his hand and allowed his eyes to close. What was this presence? Or rather- who was it? “Who are you?”

kylo ren

Rey considered the momentary silence, his response, the overwhelming sense of protectiveness she felt all of a sudden. They were interlinked and entwined in ways that she couldn’t control (in ways he likely had no control over either - the man had too much pride to let his emotions through in such an honest and open way). It felt… Right.

“I have to kill him. Don’t I? Before he kills me.”

“No.” That was an instant reaction, and it took him a moment to speak again. It wasn’t because he wanted Luke to live. Quite the opposite in fact; if there was a way to destroy Luke then he would take it. But he wasn’t sure how he felt, allowing Rey to face him alone. She was capable, but he knew Luke. Their match would be evenly faught.


“You don’t know him like I do. If you’re confident in your abilities then kill him, but it will be a test of your strength.” Emotional and otherwise. He didn’t want her to fail.

kylo ren

It might not have been the first time she’d felt his presence, but each time it felt stronger, each time filled her with different emotions that she hardly understood. Hatred, anger, darkness, love, hope… How she could feel an array of emotions like that from a man across the Galaxy? 

“He told me.” She said, looking up and seeing him in front of her. Taking in a breath, she looked at him. “He told me he was afraid of my power. Would he do the same to me?”

Luke had finally told her the truth. He almost wondered how that went; what exactly he had said. It was enough for Rey to fear him, it seemed, at least. For a reason unknown to him, Kylo suddenly felt a hint of protectiveness about this girl, this nobody. For she was strong, and on an island with a man who would try to kill his family. What truly would stop him from doing the same to Rey?


“I don’t know.”

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