
^^ This



Okay, here it is again for any of you girly-men who missed it - If you hit a woman - I hit YOU - you hit the ground!!!

Pulling a knife is a threat of deadly force. Threats of deadly force authorize deadly force in return.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman. If someone pulls a knife on you, you’re justified in using them as a demonstration in a physics test. Yeet cannons, ladies and gentlemen. Always carry.

Thanks Batman


Guess we're against impersonation again guys


I just commented on this one.

Incredible that the good senator from the great state of Massachusetts is upset with musk instead of being upset with the alleged journalists over at WaPo that decided to impersonate him.

And to be fair, he was probably opposed to it from the get go but nobody listens to him so meh.

Honestly though the impersonation thing was easy as hell before anyhow, people are just mad at musk.

As I've said on previous posts, one of the big bonuses of having the owner of the town square be someone so many people loathe is there's going to be a massive uptick in people policing the site on their own.

Which means the glut of illegal activity that happens on there will start to get reined in by people giving their time freely to do it instead of musk needing to pay all those people in content verification/moderation.

Gotta wonder if the tattletales will figure out they're working fro elon musk for free by searching through all that garbage.

Should be funny


I don't know why these people are so upset, Twitter is a private company that can do what they want.


Incredible. They're so close to getting it.


The game seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what communism is. What they're describing is a capitalist system working better when the workers have more of the capital, and wouldn't apply at all in a system devoid of capital.

And when you go through real world history, the introduction of the capitalist system did exactly that, distributing resources away from the nobility into the common people and thereby massively improving quality of life, while every "communist" society consisting of more than about 200 people has inevitably concentrated control of all the resources on a tiny ruling class while the general population starves and dies.

>capitalism distributing resources from nobility into the commons

You actually believe this?

The fact that you can afford the machine that you typed that with proves that it did. You might be poor compared to the billionaires, but you're not a fucking serf. The probability of you dying of starvation or exposure is pretty close to zero, and that makes you wealthy by the standards of any pre-capitalist culture.

Look, you could open literally any book about pre-renaissance history, or I could just summarize the first 200,000 years of humanity for you: it fucking sucked. The three most accurate words to describe the life of anybody who wasn't born into the aristocracy were nasty, brutish, and short.

I'm not going to pretend capitalism is the best possible system. I'm not even going to pretend that it's a good system. But the fact remains that what came before it was even worse in pretty much every way. And every attempt that people have made so far to replace it with something newer has resulted in making things dramatically worse again. So until somebody comes up with a new idea, or there's an unprecedented shift in technology or human psychology, it remains the least shitty of our many shitty options.

fuck i just realized how the game has a basic flaw in communism

the workers get PAID

there is no money in communism, because there is no private ownership, and all things are shared equally.

its not communism if there are wages. so they're running a collectivist capitalism and calling it communism.


Does anyone remember that 4Chan thread on lefty memes? About how their ideologies are so divorced from reality that they need to include paragraphs of carefully detailed context because their conclusions wouldn’t make sense on their own?

Yes, I do. What about it?

I saw this on Twitter and it made me think of it


The ultimate leftist meme

A single meme cannot contain the whole truth, but truth is something that can be reflected in a single, simple meme. Truth can be distilled.

But a lie needs to paper over all of the holes in its augment.

Lies can travel across the world before the truth finished putting on its shoes, but lies can never stand their ground; the truth is a rock that scatters the house of cards.

I never got the whole “hurr durr conservatards can’t read” defense they always use when they themselves usually do this (I mostly see this here on tumblr, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens on twitter too):

Obnoxious neolib: I posted my sources, do you have anything to support YOUR argument?!

Normal person who is moderate at best and not in a permanent echo chamber: uh, sure. after reading your stuff, I feel that these sites/videos support my case.

Obnoxious neolib: omg i’m not reading/watching all that, sorry sweaty, looks like I win! *sassy beyonce gif* followed by a block.

It’s like they have this thing where neolibs “meme” when they should be making a logical argument, and make “”““““logical”““““ arguments when they should be memeing.


Really love how this generation turned the tables and created this situation where instead of people being scared of cryptids, the cryptids are dead terrified of horny humans.

"You foolish human, I'm going to eat you!"

"Alright, I'm down for it, eat me monster daddy"

"What the fuck"


"You wouldn't be this upset about bad adaptations of other books." Well, you see, The Lord of the Rings is not like other books. It is in a separate category all its own, more precious and more valuable than any other piece of fiction ever written. Hope this helps.


No, I absolutely am this upset about bad adaptations of other books


Deliberately bad adaptations of books are a form of fraud.  They take a book they know is loved that already has an audience...then delivers something else that the audience they are seeking to fleece never wanted or asked for.   In many cases, fans have waited decades to see the story they love on screen, only to have the rug swept out from under them.  

This is a subject I feel very passionately about.   If you don’t like the original source material or just want to make a story that’s similar to it, but with changes...do the damn work and create your own world.  Don’t rip off someone else and their fans.  

Now, I will give some slack to people who are actually trying to make a faithful adaptation and it just turns out...bad.   That does happen sometimes.  

I’m beginning to wish modern filmmakers would just leave my faves alone. 

>"You wouldn't be this upset about bad adaptations of other books." I still believe that the new Dune movie is made by cowards because they changed jihad to crusade. Do not presume to tell me what I would or wouldn't care about.

I know that the Percy Jackson and Eragon fandoms don’t acknowledge the existence of the movies made of the books.

I’m actually rather frustrated at what the Hobbit movies did, especially with how they changed the personalities and motivations of a few canon characters.

I’m also annoyed that the 1986 movie adaptation of the book Clan of the Cave Bear, the 2004 adaptation of Ella Enchanted, and the 2007 adaptation of the Golden Compass were such bad adaptations.

I would in fact argue that there are more examples of bad adaptations than there are of those that are exceptionally good. Hell, there's a reason that there's the popular phrase "the book was better". The lie is the idea that adaptations are more often successful, when they've been resounding failures for decades.

If you're adapting something and you're removing the bits fans actually like, you're either incompetent or piggybacking off name recognition, IMO.


“There is no heterosexual explanation for this”

Actually there are several, you don’t even need that much imagination.


i scrolled passed this several times before actually reading it. i’m not used to two white men talking sense…

Ignoring your clearly racist commentary, this is actually false. 

First off, many, if not most dishes that black slaves made were recipes brought over from Europe (France) and Canada. Black slaves didnt make gumbo and dredged fried Chicken in Africa, they learned it in the US. They were taught how to cook those meals in the first place. 

Second, Most southerners certainly weren’t rich. Most didn’t even own slaves. To say that they didnt know how to cook is very very wrong. Rich people may not have been knowledgeable about cooking but the majority middle and lower income families did. 

French Influence is a HUGE part of Southern Cooking. Creole cooking is an evolution from various immigrants. Actual diaries from black house slaves at the time very much confirmed that they were given recipes to go off of and taught how to cook for their slave owners. A vast majority of Africans, especially poor Africans captured and sold (by other Africans, remember) only really had knowledge on how to cook food from their specific culture, if that (as many cultures left cooking to the elderly, the women, etc.) 

To say that the food was just invented by black people is deeply dishonest. It is only something you say when you want certain groups to like you. 

-An educated black man with two culinary degrees who doesn’t blindly believe what people on television, who want you to like them, say. 

Honestly it’s like people who claim barbecue was invented by Black people, as if people haven’t been burning meat over charred wood for 10’s of thousands of years.

also, the staples of soul food, watermelon, fried chicken, cornbread, etc, were allsouthern foods before hand, due to cornmeal being more plentiful and cheapert than wheat flour, chickens being highly cost effective livestock, and watermelons being rediculously high-yield fruit. literally all southerners ate this stuff, even pigs feet, possum, etc. because most people in the south were poor, white and black alike.

black eyed peas became popular as people food only after General sherman burned literally every other crop on his way to the coast, forcing the (mostly white) people to live off them.

while we cannot ignore the contribution of black contributions to southern cuisine, it is simply false to claim that southern cuisine exists solely because of black people.

That is another great point.

Soul food itself, actual food that can be credited to black Americans (not all, but much of it), came from using scraps that slave owners didnt want. Braised greens can be credted to black people. Stewed chiterlings (pig intestines) can be attributed to black people (although other races such as native americans and norther mexicans also ate pig intestines in their own ways), and the like can be attribured to black people. But dredging marinated chicken in eggs and flour before frying was NOT invented by black people. Making soups and stews using roux was NOT invented by black people. Literally just putting pig meat with vegetables was NOT invented by black people. They were taught these things from slave owners and fellow slaves and servants (some of whom were certainly white) and simply worked to perfect and occasionally evolve those recipes.

To say otherwise ignores a ton of history and culture that was built by non African Immigrants and their home countries.

People in the notes out there still thinkijg stuff like Gumbo and mac and cheese casserole were invented by Africans.


Anything to appear #woke


So, there's apparently research coming out now about microplastics being found in people's bloodstreams and the possible negative effects of that and I feel the need to get out ahead of the wave of corporate sponsored "be sure to recycle your bottles!" or "ban glitter!" campaigns and remind everyone: It's fishing nets. It's fishing nets. It is overwhelming fishing nets It always has been fishing nets. Unless regulations are changed, it will continue to be fishing nets. The plastic in the ocean in largely discarded nets from industrial fishing. The microplastics are the result of these nets breaking down. The "trash islands" are also, you guessed it. Mostly fishing nets and other discarded fishing industry equipment. Do not allow them to continue to twist the story. Do not come after disabled people who require single use plastics. Do not come after people using glitter in art projects and makeup. These things make up a negligible amount of the issue compared to corporate waste, specifically in the fishing industry. Do not let them shift the blame to the individual so they can continue to destroy the planet and our bodies without regulation.

Industries are incredibly resistant to taking responsibility for their own waste, to the point where “consumers are responsible for industrial waste” is somehow considered a sensible, ethical, worthy sentence.

It is actually perfectly reasonable to say that “industries are responsible for industrial waste” and “the effects of industry can, should and must be fixed by industry” and “Industry can, should and must be held responsible for its impacts on the commons, such as air, water, oceans and land.”


People like normal-horoscopes have a vested interest in giving Nazis more power over symbols, because it justifies Nazi-fighting efforts. It’s the Ankh-Morpork Fireman problem.

 “Ankh-Morpork no longer had a fire brigade. The citizens had a rather disturbingly direct way of thinking at times, and it did not take long for people to see the rather obvious flaw in paying a group of people by the number of fires they put out. The penny really dropped shortly after Charcoal Tuesday.”

Things like this actually happened in history, BTW.

Yes, corvidaeDream, you are certainly asking yourself that question too frequently.

As in, at all


These are the people 4chan preys upon for laughter.

The OK Sign being about “white power”? A 4chan joke that the press took seriously, THEN was adopted by actual white-power groups, and NOW is supposedly a “legitimate” white-power symbol. Which was exactly what 4chan’s jokesters wanted to see if they could do.

“Well that was easy,” they said, and promptly did the same with milk-drinking, claiming that it was tied to lactose-intolerance and therefore in some EXTREMELY ridiculous sort of reach was a “white power” gesture. It was promptly picked up and flogged by a media still hungry for stories that would make people gasp in shock and pay attention long enough for their ad revenue to kick in, and since so many news outlets had “vetted” the story it got picked up and flogged by anti-racism activist groups. This time, it wasn’t even adopted by actual white-power types, who openly mocked the concept as stupid.

Ah, but by DOING so, they gave news outlets the opportunity to claim that white-power groups DID use it as a symbol and were “just trying to hide” it!

I have an image for all of you to consider when faced with such matters:

I’ve seen at least one person - who is , of course, a socialist - go “okay, X STARTED as trolling, but ACTUAL Nazis started using it, so it’s completely tainted, even though the Nazis are in the minority of users.”

Needless to say, that person supports Antifa, and apparently thinks wearing the flag or being Trump is a sign of Nazi affiliation. They also blocked me shortly afterward.

If there were as many Nazis around as these people think there are, half of us would already be in camps and the other half would be Sieg Heiling at the mandatory loyalty parade.

I lost my mind when for some reason everyone decided 👌 was a Nazi symbol. That’s just the dumbest thing possible but hearing about how drinking milk is somehow worse.

Shit just reminds me when left handed people were called devil worshippers and punished for writing with their left hand or doing anything left handed by Christians. It’s bonkers what people will decide is bad for no reason.

The OK sign - just like milk - was 4chan trolling.

I think the religious comparisons are quite appropriate. Especially the blind faith part.

It’s OK to be white was probably the funniest one, since everyone even the media knew it was a fake campaign designed to see how far off the rails people had gotten. And they still managed to walk eyes wide open into it and do exactly what was predicted, it’s like someone standing in front of a steamroller moving 1 meter per min and being shocked (briefly) when they get run over by it.

I saw some thinkpieces going “this is a troll campaign…by actual white supremacists, to make people overreact, to prove their threat narrative”.

Some even went “yes, it STARTED on 4chan, but actual 88ers picked it up! Honest!” 

I remember when people kept saying itsokaytobewhite on this website was a white supremacist, and none of them could explain how. They just kept spouting NPC lines.


people seem to forget that the original context of manspreading was public transportation. like there literally is NOT space and insisting on taking up more than one seat, which it does, is unbelievably entitled when it's crowded. and people noticed it's largely men doing this which gets back to the way men and women are socialized vis a vis taking up space and consideration for others. and I think probably most of the phenomenon actually came from the way men responded when it was initially pointed out. like doubling down on justifications and denial.


Maybe because trying to turn individual douchebags into some great conspiracy of Patriarchy or whatever and making a whole-ass movement out of it is stupid as Hell or something, idk


Not to mention hypocritical when you consider that plenty of women take up a lot of space with their bags.

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