

@bananadome / bananadome.tumblr.com

There's always money in the banana stand

when Americans compare the World Cup to the Super Bowl

I don’t think you people understand how massive the Super Bowl is in this country


I don’t think you people understand how massive the World Cup is in the whole world


I don’t think you people understand how much Americans don’t care about the rest of the world.


i know the joke ur trying to make but i would trust a cabinet of dogs to responsibly and compassionately vote for the rights of others better than what we got now

Both this post & that comment are golden(retriever)

Source: twitter.com

Customer service agents should be giving deals and discounts to those who are polite and respectful. Not to those who are complete assholes and complain about everything. The world would be a much better place!


I worked customer service for a major corporation for a year and a half and I HATED it. If someone was unreasonably an asshole, however, I wouldn't budge in giving them any special treatment. In the company I worked for we were always told to not give unnecessary credits because it ~counted against us~ but we did have ways of searching for special pricing and if someone was nice and especially if they sounded like they needed it, I would go out of my way to look for it. The assholes usually had no idea what they were talking about anyway, but if someone's account was really fucked up/someone previously screwed up and they were owed a credit I was always happy to resolve the problem and apply it. The worst was when I did search for a special for an a-hole just to get them off the phone but ofc there wasn't anything because they already had it from all the times they called before 🙄. Anyway, I made really good money but I will never again do that job. I shutter just thinking about it.


this is fantastic now children in Puerto Rico wont be able to receive the education they deserve thanks to their messed up government

Its even worse than that. I’m living through it. Not only are schools closing, hospitals are collapsing. Only around 9% of the island has electricity and it comes and goes at times.

People are dying in hospitals because of lack of diesel for the generators, a lot of the water is now infected, there are disease outbreaks and scareceness of food. I am safe, but many are not.

Some have water, others don’t. We need help. Sending money would be helpful but what would help even more would be sending water filters, filtering water bottles, food, medicine, if somehow possible diesel.

All of you reblogging this news helps, but what we need is physical help. If you can’t, then spread the word, but God if you can send supplies… Please… PLEASE do. We are dying. Help us, help us save ourselves. Help us save our people. Help us save out ISLAND.


“He’s gonna have to fight these five women. He doesn’t realize that he is fighting the ultimate force of nature because they become one and they become as strong as this violent, angry ocean. Don’t fuck with us, motherfucker! That was the idea — that this guy is fighting against these women who represent the ocean, and that’s what they become and he’s gonna lose. There is no way you can fight this.”  Jean-Marc Vallée

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