

@lotrproject / lotrproject.tumblr.com

LotrProject is a creative web project dedicated to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. It is perhaps most known for the extensive and ever updating genealogy, the historical timeline of Middle-Earth and the statistics of the population of Middle-Earth.

Seems like yesterday, but it has actually been many years since I made this graphic now. Some striking similarities to my own brain I think.


The Hobbit takes place over about a year and that story was turned into three movies. LOTRonPrime will tell the tales of the Second Age which spans 3441 years.

You do the math.

Actually, it's 20 500 hours or about 1 025 seasons with each having 20 one hour episodes.

With the current budget of an impressive 250 - 500 million USD per season Jeff Bezos can still fund the first 320 - 640 seasons all by himself.


Dory’s Problem Solving Flowchart


A new chart from my new project ArtsInCharts. If you want you can find more charts like this artsincharts.tumblr.com


Just wanted to share another graph from a new tumblr project of mine. Hope that’s okay! If you want more humorous graphs of music, movies and books you should follow ArtsInCharts.


Tolkien books as clickbait headlines

How Inviting Strangers For Tea Changed This Man's Life Forever       - The Hobbit You'll Never Believe How Much Trouble This Guy Went Through Just To Destroy A Piece of Jewelry       - The Lord of the Rings This Man Was Not Allowed To Sing What He Wanted. What He Did Next Will Shock You!      - The Silmarillion


Boromir’s world view


A new project I’ve started together with a good friend where we will interpret music, books and art as colorful graphs.

Here is a look at Boromir’s world view...


Data analysis: Tolkien might have subconsciously given Hobbits even numbered birth years because he loved them When looking at the birth years of characters in Tolkien’s works it turns out that even numbered years are much more prevalent for Hobbits than other characters. Studies have shown that even numbers are generally seen as good and odd numbers as bad. Is it possible that Tolkien’s love for Hobbits subconsciously affected their birth years? We will never know for sure but the data definitely suggests it did.

There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Land of Shadow , The Return of the King

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