
“It’s getting cold again... “ A grumbled complaint escaped rosy lips as he rubbed his hands together, head tilting back to stare up at the sky. “Wonder if winter will be colder than last.” 

          “’The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’?” Somehow, Yu seems unconvinced. Perhaps the sensory memory of past consumable gifts is what prevents him from understanding. “I’m not so sure…”

                “ You’re really strange sometimes, Partner. “ Despite his words, a small snicker escaped his lips before adjusting his headphones a bit. “ It’s edible, I swear. I had Kuma test it out for me first. “ He wouldn’t dream of poisoning his best friend -- ever. 

           “—-You go it!
     It’s a phrase that he wouldn’t use normally – it’s simplistic and informal, where most of Yu’s day-to-day dialogue is carefully dictated and practised, but in the midst of battle he had other things on his mind than sounding exactly right. The Dia skill was a temporary fix – Yosuke would still be sore in the morning from the beating he took, and it did little for the energy he’d already spent, but it would work as well as a band-aid or a makeshift cast would. 
     His gaze swept the scene, because without Rise or Teddie here, he had to be even more aware of their surroundings, but as he reached back in his mind for the familiar sense of Izanagi, Yu couldn’t see any hints of further ambush. After this one they should be safe for a while, and the Shadow had done a neat job of breaking the tension between the two of them. 
      “—- Izanagi!” 
      As many personas as he may have, Izanagi was still that which he would prefer, and the Persona seemed to feel the same, rushing forward almost simultaneously with him giving the order, like it already knew – it probably did – that he was aiming for the finishing strike. 

His body almost seemed to move on its own. There was something about fighting that made him feel so alive. Yousuke wonders if the others felt the way he did. His pulse was pumping, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. There was so much excitement in his movements as he held his ground against the Shadow. Sure, he knew that he was going to feel it in the morning, but right now—he did not care. All he cared about was letting this feeling last as long as possible.

Jiraiya danced behind him, hovering in the air as he teetered from side to side. The frog – like Persona pulled back for a moment before he circled around Izanagi.

There was something breath taking about watching their Persona’s fight, as much as it was fighting himself. But, there was something more exhilarating about the tag – team they were all capable of. “ We got it, Partner! This should do it! “ Confidence oozed in his tone as he watched as the two Persona’s delivered a finishing blow on the Shadow. Watching as the creature disappeared in a mass of dark clouds, Yousuke let out a breath of relief.

“ Think that’s the end of it? “ He asked, a bit hopeful, as he glanced at Yu. As much as he loved the battle scene, there was only so much he could take before he wears himself out.

“I’m gonna tell the others everything.” Kanji answers immediately after hearing this sappy spiel. “I’m gonna go on and on about how philosphical you are andhow yu’re this upstanding guy who’s seen the light. I think Chie might vomit.” Yosuke, you have got to stop doing that, he thought. 
Not that any of this excused Yosuke letting himself get shitkicked–if he’s wondering what that sound is, it’s Kanji snorting. He lied, of course. He’s not going to tell anyone this, given that he’d been afraid of people thinking he himself was a good and decent guy before.
A frown sits on his lips, and for a moment, he could not help but feel a singe of bitterness. Then again, that might be him over-reacting. He was actually used to these kinds of interactions with his friends, especially from Chie and the occasional jab from Kanji—like now. Yousuke was kind of used to being the living punching bag, no matter where he went.

Laughing a little, Yousuke rolled his eyes at the Emperor. “ Yeah, she might. But, I call dibs on not cleaning it up! “ He has learned how to joke along—it made it hurt a hell lot less, after all.

“Next time I see them, though, I’ll make sure they will eat shit.” Or something along those lines. He’s just more afraid of taking things a little too far. When he fights, he gets way too into it. His parents noticed that his throw is a little harder than it used to be, and he’s been scolded for throwing some of the boxes around a little too hard. What if he takes it too far?

Especially since, a part of him, kind of likes the whole scene of fighting monsters—and what if that satisfaction did not end at Shadows?

There was no way that anyone could come out of that accident and not be injured. So when he stated that he was just fine, Junko gave him a rather incredulous look. A lightly opaque blush dusted her cheeks briefly due to the wink she had received, but the look was quickly replaced with worry as the other took a step and gave a proclamation of pain. Junko brought her arms up as a precaution, just in case she needed to catch him if he fell over. Her face held a look of concern as he cried out in pain, 
You’re hurt, she stated and glanced down at the foot he stepped with and frowned slightly. Here… You can lean on me,she gestured for him to come closer.  Please… let me help you.

Just his damn luck. Of course something like this would happen to him. After all those battles in the TV World and taking blows that would have killed a normal person, he hurts himself now? Taking a moment to curse whatever God that may have it against him, he manages a small and sheepish smile at her. “ What, this? “ He quips in a dismissive manner, attempting to wave her worries and concerns aside. “ It’s nothing, haha! “ Wait, did she just say lean on her? Maybe his luck wasn’t out quite yet. This was his chance. How could he pass up such an opportunity? “ B—But, if you say so. Thanks, heh. “ Providing a lazy wink, he wobbled forward. “ I guess I owe you one! “ Like maybe, lunch? With him? He better stop himself there.

        aw, shit. Caught redhanded by the boss’s son. She’s not an idiot - or maybe she is depending on who you asked - and so she knows well enough that it’s probably smarter just for her to do her job. Stick her nose to the grindstone and whatever, but. Why do that when it was so boring, right? She should have fun at work, right? Of course, when you nearly run over a few toddlers in a shopping cart race with your co-workers who abandoned you in your time of need … things tend to get a little, uh. Complicated. “Uh, y’see. What happened was I was tryin’ to make sure these other irresponsible people didn’t do this thing and they were like ‘nah, screw you Kasai’ and uh … then they pushed me in and the thing happened. Y’know.” Nailed it.

He was tired. More than tired. Working ten days without a break will do that to a person, though. But, after today, he will have the next three days off as a reward for all of his hard work. It wasn’t like his father wanted to over – work him like this, but, seeing how short in staff they were, what choice did he have? He could have said no, but that held too much consequences on its own. Yousuke has worked too hard to lose the respect he got from his father now, he was not going to throw it all away just because he was a little tired.

Stacking another shelf, he took the time to admire his work. “Alright, one more row to go.” The words were meant to motivate himself, but even that seemed to fail. Oh man, he was not going to make it through the day. The day was almost over, and he was almost home free, and he wasn’t going to make it. Someone just put him out of his misery, he just wants the day to end.

Hearing a crash, his body jerked as his head whipped to the side. “ What now? “ A groan of exasperation escaped him, shoulders sinking with defeat. Taking in a calming breath, the Magician jogged forward and turned the corner, only to see the mountain of mess before him.

“ Oh, come on! “ Can’t he catch some kind of break? No, of course not. Luck was never on his side. Angry eyes ( were they watering a bit? Just a little ) fell on the culprit before he jabbed a finger at the pile of cans and other merchandise. “ What were you thinking! Or weren’t you thinking at all?! “ His own anger surprised him, but he went with it. “ Look, we hired you to keep this place together, not tear it apart. I hope you’re ready to clean all of this up, and while you’re at it, you’re staying over – time and closing tonight. “ He did not care if this was only her second week in; she should have thought about it before doing something as stupid as this.

And in that moment, he realizes, he is sounding more and more like his father by the day. He really needs to get out of here. And soon.

   🎮  — The disgust, already blatant on his expression, only seems to deepen as Matt listens, because if there’s one thing he hates more than goody-two-shoes boys, it’s goody-two-shoes who don’t know their place and don’t get provoked when they ought to. Still, beneath the uncaring appearance, Matt was thinking – it was obvious enough how this guy knew Nicole: he was sort of like a male version of her (though, Matt thought with a smirk, immensely less attractive) and the two would probably get on well enough … But the thought made his stomach clench a little, and Matt figured that, for once, it wasn’t due to hunger or whatever he’d consumed or smoked in the past four hours. 

      Regardless, he wanted to get this guy mad, and maybe part of it was a sort of masochistic streak, because it was somehow worth it to see people in such a lowered state of mental processing when they were livid, even if Matt was on the wrong side of their anger. He did it with Mello often enough (though admittedly it was a lot hotter when Mello did it), and he figured he could take a few hits if it meant pissing this guy off.

     Maybe it’s that that brought the gleam back to his eyes, shimmering there where there had been defeat only a moment ago. The way his pallid, chapped lips twist is nothing short of sick, but Matt at least does the courtesy to lower his voice, stepping a little closer to invade this guy’s space, because that’ll make it all the easier for him to lash out. “–Say whatever I want about you? Nah.” The padding on the soles of his boots gave him a bit of height, but Matt still had to lift a little off his heels to even come close to the kid’s own, and though that was both embarrassing and infuriating, Matt did his best not to let it show. “—-Don’t feel like wasting my time. I’ll tell you about Nicole, though, if you want. The way it feels when she sits on your lap, how she looks when she’s asleep…” The grin only seems to grow deeper and more vulgar as he continues. “Wanna take this outside, brat? Or do you wanna ask her herself what it tastes like when you kiss a smoker?”

Yousuke would like to think that he was a good person; now, anyway. Maybe he was something disgusting in the past, but he has learned so much since Souji’s arrival. Since their adventures in the TV World. He’d like to think that he has matured since then, that he would not resort into something as violent as punching a guy out. But, oh man, the temptation was strong. This guy just pissed him off, more than anything. Maybe he would have gotten along to him—and that was a huge maybe—but with the way he kept on running his mouth about Nicole in such a repulsive manner, he’d rather die than be friends with a guy like him.

Fingers twitched at his side as he glared down at the other. It takes him a moment to fully register that he was taller than him—by a few inches, anyway—but he isn’t stupid. Height does not give him any unfair advantage, and he knows nothing about this man. Sure he has a few moves up his sleeves, but for all he knew, so did he.

Hearing someone call out for the manager—one of his co-workers, he presumes—he felt his teeth grit together. Maybe if he let it go now, he won’t be in as much trouble with his dad. Just as lips parted, about to proclaim some kind of truce and a threat to call security ( never mind the fact that he was the one who started the fight ), the weight of the other’s words hit him.

Hazel hues darkened with a dangerous glint, and the next thing he knew, his body was flung forward. Tackling the other, he drew back a hand with a closed fist, ready to smash it into this scum’s face.

                                        “ Shut up! “


Go on Anon and Attempt to make My Muse cry! Use what you know against them, tell them things they are sure to believe and Make them Break Down into TEARS. Any Muses I ship Mine with, Including Muses who are Good friends of Mine, are Welcome to come Console them afterwards..


♪ 𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 ♪

{/Being asleep when he got there wasn’t something she intended for. Even more so to find out that he actually managed to find her in this sea of people. Did he have to look long for her? Or was she that noticeable? Either way, giving a loud, sleepy yawn, she stands up and salutes him back.}
“Ya know, i’ sounds like a nice offer! I migh’ have ta take ya up on tha’. Sleepin’ tha whole time would be nice..”
{/Another yawn followed as she stretched herself. Arms up, a small roll of her shoulders, and she brings her arms back down. As much as Nicole would have loved to go to sleep in her own bed, she couldn’t. She had a guest, and more importantly, Yosuke was her friend. She couldn’t leave him hanging the whole time he was here! That’d be awful of her.
Once she got herself all situated and stretched out, she walked around the row of seats to properly greet Yosuke with a hug. Practically latching on to him, she made sure to give him an affectionate little squeeze.}
“How was yer plane ride? Was i’ fun? Did youse ge’ sick? Oh oh! Wha’ abou’ tha movie? Was i’ a good movie a’ leas’?”

Stepping back to give the other room to stand from her seat, Yousuke gave a small laugh. Providing a lazy wink, the brunet rubbed at the back of his head. “ Hey, hey! Don’t even think of it, Nicole! “ His voice was a bit thicker and less confident than usual: even though he knew he wasn’t required to speak in English, but he wanted to give it a shot, especially since Nicole went through the effort to speak in Japanese while in Inaba.

Once the other was properly on her feet, he wrapped his fingers around the handle of his baggage. “ The flight was long, I swear I was gonna go crazy. “ Yousuke was not the type of person who could sit around all day for much too long; he got extremely restless within the first hour. “ But the movie was okay, some American movie about a bunch of monsters in a hotel? I dunno, my English wasn’t advanced enough to keep up, “ he admitted, a bit embarrassed.   

[~☪~] He carefully parted their lips after a moment of being able to taste his boyfriend, as he brushed his fingers  through his hair, and looked at his face, “Yosuke…” He whispered softly, one hand resting against the other’s hip, feeling the other’s weight on his lap.
“If you want me to stop, let me know, alright…?” This Magician was his, he wasn’t about to do anything to hurt him.

          His breath came in shuddered sighs past his lips, eyes fluttering shut. This was all such a strange sensation, and though he was raised to believe a certain way, this felt right. It was just him wrapping his own head around the idea.

         Adjusting himself against the other, he pressed his brow against the other’s. “ No, it’s okay, “ he assures him. He trusted Shinjiro to take care of him. 

; || αяѕ мσяιєи∂ι ❣ .
           ❝ It’s totally like that! I perfectly saw you while you ate the last                     cupcake!               I trusted you and you betray me like this… ❞

         He’s messed up, he messed up big time! “ I didn’t mean it, I swear! I was hungry and there was nothing else lying around the place. You have to forgive me! “ Why was he living on his own, he can’t properly keep his kitchen stocked. 

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