


An outlet for my now unhealthy obsession for anything Tom Hiddleston...ooooh and Charlie Hunnam 💋

MW: Who do you think Captain America loved the most? Carter? Black Widow? Or Bucky? (All characters from the movie Avengers 2) (note: I have no idea why they said characters in Avengers 2 cuz Peggy and Bucky were absent from AOU, maybe they made a mistake and meant Cap 2)

CE: Bucky, I believe. Of course Captain America loves everyone, but of all those people, Bucky is the only friend who links him to his whole life.

[Full English translation of the interview under the cut]

Something I think you’d find relevant @pdxhipster. Because of its RELEVANCE

@deliciouswhispers FOUND. THE. RELEVANCE.


I’m sorry Tom I know these are paparazzi pictures and you don’t look completely happy, but.. you look so fucking good that I have gone a bit clammy just processing them for posting. You’re oozing so much man-pretty I can’t even

Yes, I hate that they are pap photos but he was so damn sexy here. 

Remember this @wellirving? @pdxhipster – this was summertime 2015 fuckery.


Don’t look directly at this Tom. Avert your eyes children @deliciouswhispers @pdxhipster

That is a summer I can be on board with @deliciouswhispers @wellirving


wellirving, In light of this STUNNING revelation (not kidding or over-exaggerating), I would just like to remind the world exactly what we’re talking about here:

It’s THIS guy’s pants we’re talking.  Not Thor-Loki, not TTDW-Loki, AVENGERS-Loki. Who has the best costume out of the three because of…

…those GOD DAMNED STRAPPY STRAPS.  You know what they do to me.  Also, look how those straps rest upon that beautifully leathered-up thigh.  If I look at this one too long today I won’t be able to leave the house today.  I have to leave the house today.

Look, here’s Action Tom walking around in his Loki pants in natural lighting.  You can see the detailing on the inside of the left thigh as well as the boots in all their glorious purpose.  Plus, check out the texture on the exterior of the lower half of his jacket.  And how that tunic drapes over the left thigh…..  WAIT, this is supposed to be about the pants.  That he STOLE.  THAT ARE LIKELY IN HIS CLOSET AS WE SPEAK.  *ahem* Moving on….

Guess what we never get to see?  The Loki costume from a ¾ turn rear view.  The metal grommet work on the outside of the thigh ALONE makes me want to do bad things.  A rear shot of those boots!  The detailing on all edges of the jacket…..  FUCK – pants, focus on the pants!

Peek-a-boo!  It’s the OTHER leg from a side shot.  Good to know they’re identical (they didn’t have to be).  I included this shot for the conformation.  ALSO FOR REASONS. And to call attention to the gold leather insert on the jacket.   And how the fabric on the biceps match the overlap pattern of the leather on his tunic/chest plate.  The detail work of the forearm armor…..I bet those are cold if they’re pressed to one’s bare flesh….. FOCUS, DAMNIT!

Now we come full circle and see those pants, from mostly the front, in a real-life scenario (you know how this kills me).  Now we know that the grommet work on the lower right side of his tunic matches the outside of both pant legs.  Look how soft and pliant that leather looks.  AND WAIT, are we seeing a little peep-show that involves both inner thighs and a bit of the crotch…? And that smile  AND THOSE HANDS. You know I can go on and on and on about that jacket, tunic, and breastplate (ohhhhhh that breastplate) but I’ll leave it all here for your perusal.

Just know, that when this shot was initially shared, these pants deserved, no NEEDED to be deconstructed more than they were.  This photo does bring to the table that the leather pattern below the knee matches both the fabric work on the jacket bicep as well as the pattern on the torso/low chest of the tunic.  


I just included this one because he’s touching his own leather and calling attention to the slightness of his waist.  Just gratuitous hotness.  Sorry, not sorry.

P-to-the-S, I think this post is far more deserving than Meh-g’s Doctorate.  I know it’s sure as fuck more useful….

I fucking found it! School is IN, ladies @wellirving @pdxhipster.

I...I have no words for this other than perfection!! Nor have a been more intrigued by a pair of pants and straps straps...EVER! @deliciouswhispers @wellirving


@insanely-smart I don’t think he was acting in the second one.

Neither do I @beaglebitch. And I like to think he slides through his house like that sometimes.

Saney, this is the PartyGames!Tom you are looking for.


Slumber party Tom @deliciouswhispers

Slumber party Tom in a Tux. Also WHERE IS THE LINK TO THIS ENTIRE THING @wellirving

I learned that @pdxhipster has a particular love of Slumber party Tom. It may have been her gateway Tom @deliciouswhispers

I love slumber party Tom! @deliciouswhispers @wellirving


i absolutely love this latest tommy h/ jess chastain video but if you want to bring me back from the dead just play the slumber party with josh horowitz and i’ll immediately start crying tbh :)

Sending this to you because you need to see it. Click the underlined area – it’s required viewing @pdxhipster

@deliciouswhispers I've seen this before and this actually is what I dream about. So PG but just hanging out in bed in pjs chatting. So hot!

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