flora and fauna

@buchananfay / buchananfay.tumblr.com

freya 'fay' buchanan // xxiii // changeling unseelie faerie
"There is darkness in light, there is pain in joy and there are thorns on the rose."

Character Dossier


  • Full Name: Freya Adia Buchanan
  • Nickname(s): Fay
  • Species: Faerie
  • Age: 23
  • Date of Birth: 29th May
  • Gender: Cis female
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Orientation: Bisexual
  • Nationality: African-American, British

vanessa morgan’s instagram story [april 6th 2018]

The question almost made cringe, there was too much that he could say that he could hear. At the moment he could faintly hear people training and chatter in the distance but nothing that he could distinguish clearly enough. “More than I would like to at times, believe me, you really don’t want to know. I always feel comfortable in the greenhouse, I’m not sure whether it’s the glass or where this is but I don’t have to tune out as much.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Freya couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to hear so much but thought it must be overwhelming at times, and there were definitely some sounds she could live without hearing. “Me too, I think it’s the plants. I mean it could be a combination of things but so many plants having healing properties, or help with stress and calming. I’m not quite sure if they could affect your hearing but there are some here I haven’t seen before.”

“Our history tends to fail to be recorded, but it happens. And others that write our history from their perspective tends to paint us as nefarious villains. True, we are not a kind race, but we are only more open with our deceit than our Seelie cousins.”


“I suppose it makes sense, why would an immortal species need to record their history? Yes mundane writing isn’t really fond of the Unseelie court, but I often wonder which is worst. The person open about their deceit or the one who tries to hide it, but I would be grateful for anything you could teach me.” 

“I’m serious,” Caleb answered back with a raise of his brow. He wanted to see what the fae was made out of and this was the best way that he knew how. His eyes followed her closely as her she observed the weapons table, this was throwing her in the deep end and now it was time to see if she could swim. “Just any weapon, whatever takes your fancy.” Smiling to himself when he saw her focus on the small dagger that was on the table, already preparing himself for whatever attack that she had in mind. When she threw it in his direction, she quickly stepped to the side and dodged it, easy enough swerve for someone like him. “Not bad, nice throw and decent enough power behind it, a dagger that size is easy to conceal and keep on you at all times. Now, go on pick it up.”
That the vampire easily dodged the dagger wasn’t a real surprise but Freya couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that he did it with so much ease. Still she nodded in thanks at the praise happy to hear her first throw wasn’t a complete dud. “Okay.” Fay added walking over to collect the dagger, she what else Caleb had in mind for her training considering his first directive was essentially, to attack him. The blade had fallen a little further then Freya had initially thought but it didn’t take her too long to retrieve it, as she turned back Freya asked “What now?”

“Then you need to be taught in our ways. I haven’t been around the Unseelies in over five centuries, but I can teach you what I know, if that’s what you want.” Liatris offers her, feeling mildly generous towards the inexperienced fae. 


“I would be grateful for any help. All I know so far has come from books, mundane ones mostly and information on the Unseelie seems harder to find then the Seelie court.”

the herondale only grinned mischievously before pulling her in and pressing her lips to the fairie’s, not caring at all. she wasn’t sure why she did it but she could blame it on the alcohol later. katerina can handle a lot, including kissing a fae and even now, in her state, she left enough space for her to back out if she wanted to.

Fay couldn’t help but be amused when the shadowhunter’s lips touched her own, she wasn’t really surprised that Kat had gone for it and knew the alcohol she had consumed was a helping hand. The faerie put her hand on Kat’s waist, a gentle pressure giving the shadowhunter opportunity to control the kiss. Freya don’t know how long they stayed there locked lips but a whimper to their side reminded her that they weren’t alone and she slowly drew back smirking at the mundane boy still trapped in Kat’s arms. 

Caleb had to hold back the sigh that was building up in his chest when the fae began detailing everything that she had done until that point. “Well, it’s good to know what I am working with.” Which was nothing. Tapping his fingers on the edge of the weapons table, he stepped towards her and put his hands out. “Go on, give me your best shot.”
“Wait, seriously?” Somehow Freya felt this wasn’t the conventional way to start training someone, or maybe this was how vampires did. Which felt very much like throwing a child in a pool to help them learn how to swim. “Just any weapon?” She approached the table staring at the weapons in front of her, where to start. Her eye was drawn by the small dagger to the top left of the table but that would require close combat unless... Fay grabbed the dagger and threw it in the direction of the vampire as hard and fast as she could. 
He waited for her to answer curiously, his eyes narrowing as he tried to catch any sound other than the ones which he had trained himself to tune out. He couldn’t hear anything except for the traffic outside the building and on the street below. Listening to her explanation, he nodded slowly back at her and sighed a little in understanding. “That makes sense,” Matt explained with a grin on his face, “I guess that makes a lot more sense but that’s pretty cool. I would rather hear plants humming than be able to hear everything all the damn time.”
Freya was pleasantly surprised by the vampire’s reaction, at a young age she had learned to keep certain talents secret especially this one. People didn’t like it when they heard things they thought to be strange, something Fay has never quite understood but adhered to. “That must be weird, for it never to be silent, constantly hearing things. How much can you hear?” 

“My ears, sweetheart. They tend to help differentiate, if you see them clearly.” Liatris tends to cover her ears with her hair to avoid questions, but at this moment, she tucks some locks behind her ear to show a classic pointed ear of a fae with a diamond stud piercing within the lobe. “I’m a faery. An Unseelie, to be specific.”


Freya looked at Lia’s ears with interest, her own ears had a slight point to them but not enough to spark mundane questions and seemed mundane in comparison. “I will keep that mind.” She smiled briefly eyes still lingering “So am I. Well so I’m told I am. I’ve never met another Unseelie before.”


different headcanon questions!!

1. What are three Netflix shows that they’ve rated five stars? 2. Where do they prefer to read? On the sofa, in bed, at a table, on the porch, in a cafe? 3. Do they like to play games? What kind of games: video, card, board? What are some of their favorites? 4. What’s their food weakness? What food can they never turn down? 5. Do they prefer movies or TV shows? Why? 6. What holiday is their favorite? Which is their least favorite? 7. What’s their diet like? Are they vegetarian, vegan? Do they have any food allergies that make them have a special diet? 8. What sort of toys did they play with as a child? 9. How often do they go grocery shopping? Do they tend to do one large trip, or smaller ones throughout the week? 10. Do they eat breakfast? What’s a typical breakfast look like for them? 11. Do they like going to museums? What type of museums do they like to go to? Art, science, historical; interactive, quiet, a mix? 12. How do they organize their books? Alphabetical by author, by title? By size, color, date published? Is there any rhyme or reason? 13. Have they ever been do Disney World/Land, or any other amusement park? What do they prefer to do at them: go on the rides, play the games, eat the food? 14. How do they eat their popcorn? What do they put on it? 15. When do they pay their bills? As soon as the bill comes in? At the last moment? Or are most of their bills automatically taken out of their account? 16. What time do they normally go to bed? How many hours of sleep do they usually need to function in the morning? 17. Do they have cable, or do they rely mostly on Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services? 18. What is their preferred weather? What would be a perfect weather day? 19. Are they more of a snacker throughout the day, or they eat three meals and call it a day? 20. Have they ever had an imaginary friend? 21. What were they a part of in high school/college, if they went? Were they a part of any clubs, did they play any sports? What clique would they have been considered a part of? 22. Do they have a favorite restaurant? How often do they go to it, and what’s their usual order? 23. How do they prefer to watch movies? In the theater, on a streaming site, from an owned DVD/digital download, rented from somewhere? 24. Do they watch any sports? What are they a fan of, and what teams do they root for? Do they watch the games/matches on TV or do they try to be there for some in person? Do they just catch the highlights on their phone later on? 25. What do they prefer to do in the summertime? Do they like going to the beach, do they prefer camping, staying in the city? Do they like to stay indoors and away from the heat?

The Unseelie Court consists of the darkly-inclined fairies. No offense is necessary to bring down their assaults. They appear at night and assault travelers, often carrying them through the air, beating them, and forcing them to commit such acts as shooting at cattle. Most Unseelies can become fond of a particular human if they are viewed as respectful, and would choose to make them something of a pet.
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