I say fuck a lot

@manawhaat / manawhaat.tumblr.com

Mana. She/Her. 30. California. Ship & kink positive Hate free across the board SPN/Multi-fandom shit show *18+ content & tagged spoilers* Commissions are open

PSA if you see paintings by "Emile Corsi" or "Corci" those are all AI generated, not real 19th century paintings.The blog of origin seems to be shuttered-gallery.To be fair, they do announce it's AI art on their blog, but because they do not mention it in text of the posts, a lot of people are reblogging these images like real 19th century paintings.


Just read some of your Drabble celebrations and you're pretty rockin! Congrats on 1,000 btdubs. That's awesome. I've got a drab request of its not too late. (Trying to squeak in) Dean X reader: "If you can't be honest with me, at least be honest with yourself, dammit." A little bit of angst with a fluffy resolve? Sorry I'm bossy. Congrats again! Look forward to more of your work!!


This one was kind of tough, I’ll be honest. It kept wanting to be either WAY dark or complete crack. I hope you like it!

The past couple of days had been so surreal, you didn’t think anything would surprise you, anymore. Chuck is God. Rowena turned Dean into a bomb. As Chuck snapped his fingers to send Dean to Amara, you clutched Dean’s arm and hitched a ride. Dean was pissed. After a short, but fiery, argument, you agreed to wait just outside the blast zone. When the blast never came, Dean found you and told you how it had all gone down. He wasn’t alone, though.

The trip back to the bunker was….unusual. Explaining your relationship with Dean, the Men of Letters, the Winchester legacy, not to mention cell phones, was beyond difficult. You and Mary got along well from the start, but Dean was very quiet, letting you lead the conversation while he continually tried to contact Sam. You’d prayed to Cas several times without getting any kind of response, either, so you both were doubly worried. You watched Mary watch Dean steal a car with a sad smile on her face. You watched Mary look at pictures of her sons on your phone with that same sad smile. You also watched her twist her fingers when hours had passed and there still wasn’t word from Sam.

Finally back at the bunker, you hoped Dean would relax, but the pool of blood on the floor and the angel-banishing sigil on the wall kept that from happening. Cas finally returned a phone call and explained what had happened, sending Dean through the roof. You weren’t quite sure what pissed Dean off more, that Sam was kidnapped, or that Dean would have to get on a plane to save his little brother.

And that’s when all hell broke loose. You’d thought Dean had gotten his temper from his father, but apparently his mother was no slouch in the screaming department, either.


Oh Dean, oh Dean. Oh Mary. Oh Y/N! Oh Michelle! The feels and the scaredy dean-ness of this is just *chef’s kiss*

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