
Confessions of a Coffeeholic

@confessionsofacoffeeholic / confessionsofacoffeeholic.tumblr.com

I had been right, I was still right, I was always right. I had lived my life one way and I could just as well have lived it another. I had done this and I hadn’t done that. I hadn’t done this thing but I had done another. And so?

The Stranger by Albert Camus (via quotemybooks)


What do you do when your shadow is more exact than your own self? When your own secrets sleep in your throat? Even the nightingale sings what it collects from the day’s failures. There was a time when everything please me, when everything called my name. That was before I lived in a landscape someone else invented. Later, I never found any certain record of what I was supposed to do, or why, I was an echo with no first sound.

Richard Jackson, from “The Lesson of Samson,” Resonance: Poems (Ashland Poetry Press, 2010)


You're talking to your 17-year-old self, and you're only allowed to tell her not to go to that one place that one time. What do you tell her?


Oh wow this is a cool question also a bit tough since i don't think my life depended on those drastic moments (though i wish it did for some reasons). Anyway first thing that came to my mind is not for 17 year old me but to the 24 year old me and that is: "don't follow the people to the taxi that night after the festival." That was one of the scariest nights of my life. What happened was that we couldn't find a ride back to the city after concerts and we shared a taxi with some people we didn't know. Those people were ok. The driver, on the other hand, was not. At some point we were convinced that he was kidnapping us. He didn't. Though it turned out that he was drunk as fuck. He drove in the opposite direction, he decided to dump us all on the highway (thankfully he did not), he drove so fast so that we thought we would die. Eventually we stopped him as soon as we entered the city center. Yeah, 24 year old me, shouldn't have gone there.

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