
had a vision that this was the new funny meme thing just like “heading to the hospital!” followed by the picture of a random image captioned “the surgery was a success:]” like


this stupid twink wont share his fucking doritos 

that’s ellen degeneres

Not so generes now



happy valentine's day 💌 (ft. enkaze)

tried out medibang's comic/screentone function and i quite liked how most of the panels turned out! ( .. except that dream!kazemaru one 💦 it's gonna haunt me forever)


someone once said the definition of modern art is it still elicits as strong an emotional response in you as classical art but you can no longer understand or articulate why


to this day this is still ultimately my favorite post on this site


Hello! I know I post about it frequently on here, but it really does help me a lot. I make high-end, heirloom-quality handmade leather goods for a living. I follow centuries-old artistic traditions to make the best art that I can.

I launched my business in March at the start of the pandemic, with no outside money or financial assistance. It’s been a struggle. I could still really use your support to keep my fledgling business afloat!

I’m also on Instagram here. 

Running out of time for guaranteed holiday delivery! I can make a lot of cool things. Don’t be shy to send me an email through my website if you have any questions! I won’t be responding to any tumblr messages regarding this ❤️


Art-tober Day 2: Lanterns

[G, Vio/Shadow, ~500 words]

Vio’s lantern cast a pool of flickering orange light in the otherwise midnight-dark of the library.

Shadow tried not to wince too much. That couldn’t be safe, right? Must be a fire hazard, a candle flame in the middle of all this flammable paper. Shadow… really didn’t like the idea of “Vio” and “fire” in the same sentence. For reasons he was going to try very hard not to dwell on.


I’m doing the Four Swords Art-tober this year! Kind of. I made a longer post about it over here, but the short version is: not all of my pieces are going to be specifically drawings, non-drawing artwork (non-illustrated fic, manga edits, things like that) will be posted to my personal blog here.


One dog has ear medicine she needs and the other one also thinks he needs it too 


Oh my gosh, mine does this EXACT SAME THING.

The cocker spaniel is prone to ear infections, so she needs a solution squirted down her ear canal and massaged in on a regular basis. She absolutely HATES it, but she endures it because she’s a good girl and she knows she gets treats after.

The border collie does NOT have ear issues, and doesn’t need the solution, but every time I’ve finished doing the cocker spaniel’s ears, he comes slinking up to me with his tail between his legs and an expression like “It is my turn for the ear torture. 😔😔 do your worst. 😔😔😔” and he will KEEP ACTING LIKE THAT until I put the closed nozzle of the ear solution into his ear and tip it upside down and massage his ear for a bit. Then I tell him he’s done and he immediately turns delighted, because “oh, wow, I survived the ear torture, and now I’m just vibrating with delight at my survival, wow, that was rough, but I made it through”

At literally no stage did we ever tell him he needed his ears done. He just saw the cocker spaniel getting it done, and was like, “oh. 😔 ear medicine for all of us 😔”

Anonymous asked:

how did you get banned on soundcloud?

A month ago during the “soundcloud is going down” scare I wrote a script that basically downloaded my entire corner of SoundCloud at incredibly abusive speed and got bandwidth-banned for a month since CloudFlare detected it as a mass DDOS (which is fair I mean I was downloading like terabytes of data)

Anonymous asked:

hey why the FUCK does your archive go back to 1973??????????

Usually I Get Smaller When I Get Old;

I Considered Singing You A Song For This

In A Really Well-Regarded Style

According To My Desire, I Ate One Grape And A Thousand Peaches

Many People Say I Have A Unique Character

According To My Desire, I Discovered 100 Different Kinds Of People

I Made 50 Of Them My Saints And Had 50 Be My Little Emperors

It Just Goes To Show — I Guess It Really Is Like They Say

In Old Times Most People Had A Different Aspect

And These Days Everyone Is Just Like Me

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