
For anyone who still follows this account

Hey, I'm sure none of you remember me since I haven't actually posted in a couple years but. I'm just here to say I was going thru a lot of shit when I made this blog initially, and I've grown and matured a lot since then. I was childish, immature, and generally a prick. I disagree with most all of the things I thought/did when this blog was active. I'm sorry to anyone I hurt intentionally or otherwise on this blog, and I just wanna say this isn't who I am anymore. Thank you for reading :)

Anonymous asked:

Do you believe in nb identifies? Not that crystalgender/cosmicgender/whatever bullshit but people who identify as bigender, agender, etc.

Yeah, I think that some people legit don’t feel connected with either gender/both genders etc.

The thing about human nature is that there’s always exceptions, at first we thought there was just straight, then we found out people can have feelings for the same sex. Then we found out that there was bisexual people too and etc. etc. etc.

I believe that nonbinary identities are real, (and like you said not the stupid fucking edgegender fluidflux bull) but bigender and agender certainly exist among some people, and they deserve to be respected.


Pretty much this. However, I personally don’t see the problem with magicalstargenderflux, unicorn themed pronouns and stuff like that. It doesn’t hurt me, even if I think it’s sort of stupid and unlikely to be a serious gender identity. Besides, I believe and identify with stupid things all the time, so I’m certainly not one to judge.

To be completely honest, I wouldn’t give a shit if that was it, just fucking dumbasses calling themselves bun/buns/whatever the hell, but, as harmless as that may seem, it’s making the transgender, and all of the LGBT community look stupid. People see these themed pronouns and fluidsexual demisensual shit and that’s what they think of the community, and I don’t like that, especially since I’m part of it.

Anonymous asked:

Do u still get lots of hate? If u do, u never post it anymore

nah not as much as I used to. I’ve been/will be inactive tho so that kinda explains it

Anonymous asked:

I'm really depressed and I'm to ashamed to tell my friends. They all follow my tumblr so I can't vent about it there. I feel really alone :(

Vent here! I’m so sorry man, you don’t deserve anything like that.

Did any of the links I put help?


Shit son

the how to piss off SJWs post I made like a couple months ago is back and it has over 1000 notes wtf

I literally made it to piss off SJWs and what oh yeah it totally did

This is literally so funny cause all the comments are like “hhh wtf?? this is literally so wrong in so many fucking way wtf fuck fuck fuck“

like you’re legit just proving me right but whateva

anyways, y’all can stop reblogging that now cause I fucking get the point that you’re pissed lol

Anonymous asked:

Check hoarding-serpentrie dumbass dragonkin hoard blog. I kinda wanna spam them. Lolololol

loool do it

Anonymous asked:

My brother has been abusing me all summer (nothing sexual thank god) and I'm really want to do something about it, but he is going back to college is a few days. What should I do?

Well, it depends friend. I’m really sorry that’s happening to you, no one deserves that.

Here’s some resources specifically for kids being abused/abusing their siblings. Hope there help!

Then there’s hotlines like these, which are just for teens to talk to specialists (I assume you’re a teenager?)

Those are more general, but I think they might help.


Anyhow, I’m really sorry friend, and I just wanna say if you can’t find any other resources or help lines or such, come talk to me. I answer all asks privately unless you say otherwise. Please feel free to drop me a message any time, or use any of those resources. I hope it gets better!

Anonymous asked:

Do you believe in nb identifies? Not that crystalgender/cosmicgender/whatever bullshit but people who identify as bigender, agender, etc.

Yeah, I think that some people legit don’t feel connected with either gender/both genders etc.

The thing about human nature is that there’s always exceptions, at first we thought there was just straight, then we found out people can have feelings for the same sex. Then we found out that there was bisexual people too and etc. etc. etc.

I believe that nonbinary identities are real, (and like you said not the stupid fucking edgegender fluidflux bull) but bigender and agender certainly exist among some people, and they deserve to be respected.

Anonymous asked:

u said u werent active for like a week cuz ur computer broke, but y didnt u just go on mobile

I didn’t have anything to do it on, my phone’s too cheap to download Tumblr and yeah

Anonymous asked:

is being biracial considered being half one race and half the other (like your mom is fully korean and your dad is fully white) or can it be being some parts one race and a larger part another (like you mom is only 1/2 korean and your dad is fully white) im asking becuase im about 1/3 spanish (i dont say im biracial tho, just wondering if i could)

Yeah, biracial is having like two distinct races, like black and white, Asian and Indian, whatever. Mixed race I think is a mix of any races, whether it’s in two equal parts or not.

i.e I’m biracial cause my dad was black and my mom was white, but my friend is mixed race because because he’s a mix of hispanic and white on his dad’s side, and black on his mom’s side.

Hope this helped!

Anonymous asked:

Hey, I agree with most of the post you just made, but I'm confused about how you said asexuals need to calm down. Why do you say that? All the asexuals I know (including myself) are chill af :o

Oh hey that’s cool dude. I’m not talking about y’all. I recognize there’s asexuals that are just cool chill people, and I have a friend who is too.

When I said that, I meant the Tumblr asexuals, and friend, idk if you’ve dealt with these people, but they treat being asexual as like a badge of honor, and say that you can be asexual and love sex, jack off, watch porn, have sex every fucken day if they want to, and they’re still part of the ~ace community~

but yah I got nothing against asexuals. Just the fucking annoying ones.

Thanks for the ask!


This is a perfect way to piss off SJWs

Go the fuck outside. Otherkin don’t exist. Asexual people need to calm the fuck down. The LGBT acronym needs to be shortened. Feminism is useless. You cannot have 25 different pronouns and be valid. Therian, otherkin, and factkin are just sad attention seeking excuses. You gender cannot correlate with a species of animal or an object, pronouns are made to express gender. It’s very rare and extremely bad if you have like 12 different mental illnesses. Teenagers don’t know shit. If your parent make you do something, it’s not abuse, it’s their job.

OBVIOUSLY having 12 different mental illnesses is extremely worrisome and is probably going to impact the patient’s life in a negative way. OBVIOUSLY parents asking us to help around the house is normal and their scolding us is called raising children. NO feminism is not useless, asexual people don’t need to calm down - because they’re pretty fucking calm and cooperative as it is - an acronym that designates a minority in society (which you might not be a part of) doesn’t need to be shortened, since the version you’ve provided already excludes at least one sexuality, TEENAGERS, just like kids, can actually be very insightful and onto the next big thing. Because they’ve got imagination and their minds are running at the speed of light with what they learn in school and in life -before standardised tests come in and tell them not to dream but actually achieve something in a field they’re sometimes too young to choose. People are not one dimensional, history shows us that we’ve still got a lot to learn, so how would you know that the current pronouns and sexualities that exist and are commonly used aren’t extremely reductive and perhaps not as inclusive as you make them out to be?

and this post literally continues to do exactly what it was intended to do

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