


25 and lost/ 70s enthusiast and disco lover/ Journalism

btw… important PSA: cutting off the mold on the surface of food does nothing. you can only see the spores on the surface, but mold itself has spread and grown roots into the food. by the time you can actually *see* the spores, that piece of food is completely full of it. youre still eating mold

many of which are poisonous and have been shown to cause cancer. youre not even supposed to sniff it, because that can get spores into your lungs. like if you look up the health and safety guidelines for mold they barely stop short of telling you to put on a hazmat suit. 

like produce is okay as long as you cut around it at least an inch, but cooked foods? you gonna die. stop eating mold people 

does that include bread


Here’s the USDA mold chart




“What’s anyone going to need Home Ec for anyway?”

Anonymous asked:

what's the tour montarvaprpawrqr or whatever french shit that word is?

ok im gonna infodump about fucked up buildings for a second so this is probably gonna be long

tour montparnasse in paris is my least favourite building in the entire world and i am slightly obsessed with it just bc of how much it sucks. its an office building and if you saw it from up close you might think ok this is a building. like its a little bland but theres nothing special about it

but then you zoom out a little 

wow!!! what the fuck. that is so ugly. it literally looks like someone jammed a tv remote into the earth and i hate it so much. also this is paris so this monstrosity is within BLOCKS of the eiffel tower and just completely destroys the view. its so evil that there is now an 8 storey building limit in the area to prevent anything this criminal from happening again

some other shitty buildings i like include marina city chicago aka the corn cob buildings, which were designed with the idea in mind of a building with no right angles since ‘right angles do not appear in nature’

and rainier tower in seattle, which honestly just makes me anxious

but my FAVOURITE shitty building is part of the sydney university of technology (uts) campus

not just because it looks like someone made a building out of wet cardboard, but because the original design sketch is a work of art and it makes me cry laughing every time i look at it


fucking impeccable. thank u for listening

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