
Sergey Lazarev will represent Russia in the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. (thank you lord jesus christ)


A memo ‘What to do if you are taken hostage’ spread around my city by the government. Under the last circle it says: ‘Comply with criminals’ demands’. Apparently there was absolutely no other way to illustrate this advice but with a female stick figure with a waist whipping her bra off.


Royal Group on Hesse in 1899 , with Nicholas II of Russia , Empress Alexandra , Grand Dukes Boris , Andrei and Kirill of Russia , Grand Duke Ernst and Grand Duchess Victoria Melita of Hesse and Prince Nicholas of Greece.


New Russian bill orders fines, arrest for public coming out as gay

Two Communist Party MPs Ivan Nikitchuk and Nikolay Arefyev have drafted a bill that bans any public demonstration of “non-traditional” sexual orientation and orders monetary fines or up to 15 days of administrative detention for violation of this rule.

An explanatory note attached to the draft reads that if this expression takes the form of “demonstration of one’s distorted sexual preferences in public places,” it must be punished with fines between 4,000 and 5,000 rubles ($64-$80 at current rate). And those who do this in educational and cultural establishments or offices of state and municipal authorities can face up to 15 days of arrest.

The lawmaker also told reporters that he considered homosexuality to be a “grave danger for any normal person and for humanity as a whole” because it can affect children and grandchildren and prevent them from reproduction. “In a biological sense, failure to reproduce is the same as death and this makes homosexuality a deadly danger for humanity,” Nikitchuk said.

The two MPs stated that their bill is based on historical experience, both of the Soviet Union - when male homosexuality was a criminal offence punishable by prison sentences of between five and eight years - and “ancient times” when the anti-gay laws were much more severe. “In Athens during the classical period homosexuals had to report their vice to the people’s assembly and got stripped of their civil rights. Those who tried to conceal it were either exiled or executed. The laws of Ancient Sparta were even stricter – there were no reports, anyone who got caught was executed,” read the explanations attached to the bill.

Gay activist and lawyer Maria Bast said in comments to Izvestia that the bill “was not worthy of real leftists” adding that she expected the Duma to block it because Russia is currently working to restore relations with the European Union.

(x) At the same time the lawmakers decided not to punish lesbians. “We believe that women are more reasonable and are mostly guided by emotions. So we will not touch women for now,” Nikitchuk said. (x)


I bought some stuff for my 1D concert today, got carried away and made my Mum take pictures… (also I’m 99% sure this is illegal)


I bought some stuff for my 1D concert today, got carried away and made my Mum take pictures… (also I’m 99% sure this is illegal)


Printed 500 of these for the upcoming concert in Helsinki, I guess they turned out pretty cute :) Hit me up if you want one or look for me in the ‘early entry’ line to Kentta 1 (Если хотите штучку, ищите меня в очереди “раннего входа” в Кентту 1 или пишите)

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