
Racist Roleplay

@racistroleplay / racistroleplay.tumblr.com

This is Racist Roleplay. Run by a team of people of color and people of mixed race, RR highlights and calls out racism on tumblr and in the roleplay community. Help us regulate our community, and call out racism when it appears. If we continue to allow racists to believe their racism (casual or not) is without consquences, nothing will get better. submit racists roleplays here, with proof. Submit asks and discussion here STATS: Time: time_is_widget.init({Norwich__Connecticut_z161:{}}); || var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<script src="http://freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site=ID3915092&e1=&e2=&r=' + ref + '&wh=' + w_h + '"><\/script>'); online now
Anonymous said: Saying a white person cannot understand is fundamentally damaging to the cause of poc people. If there is to be genuine equality, white people trying to understand and empathise is important. I'm Latino and have been bullied all my life. But I think it's really important not to blame everyone who's white for something done before their time. Or for that matter, people you know now for something people did to you in your past.

"Done before their time." Speaking about oppression and racism in a past tense is revealing. We do not live in a world free of racism. Racism is not something that can be spoken about as if it magically disappeared one day, and we're just holding onto a grudge. It is still very much a prevalent part of all of our lives, something that is around us constantly, that we must work to overcome, learn about, and dismantle.

White people may be able to empathize with people of color and the oppression they face, but they will never be able to fully understand it because it is not apart of their daily reality. And that's fine. We encourage white people to learn, stay learning, and take up the fight against racism with us.

They’ll talk about diversity and anti-racism, but will interpret people pointing out whiteness and straightness as an insult rather than a fact. They’ll see it as an attack, because they’re used to comfy invisibility-as-default. They’ll praise “colorblindness” as though it’s something to aspire to. “Colorblindness” as an ideal has been criticized at length by many, many smart people—let’s listen. Don’t strive to make the marginalized invisible; strive to make the privileged visible. It’ll make people uncomfortable. Trust me. They’ll live. The least the privileged can do is be aware of it. Notice. Again and again and again, until it drives you to frustration because it’s everywhere. Until it drives others to frustration because they’re starting to notice, too, and now they can’t stop either. Do not allow the barrage of majority narratives to pass unremarked upon. Do not let the privileged be the default. Notice.

The main admin of racistroleplay (me) has to step down due to an insane level of business. However, I want to open the blog up for people of color and members of ethnic minorities in the roleplay community who want to take up the cause. 

If you want to be a member of this blog, please send us a message with a little bit about yourself.  


You like 'Hard out There' even though Lily Allen is anti-woman and is using black women as props? Satire or not, that woman is shady as fuck.


Her twisted "anti-feminist" comments have been explained by her and she is a stated feminist (unlike most female pop singers), but that video is messed up. I think she may've commented on it once or twice, but we've written about it before.

The song, however, is awesome. 


How the White Majority in Character Selection Alienates Players of Color and Limits Your World

starsandboulevardsroleplay -- before you let yourself lose your temper, take this second, in the beginnings of your call-out, to think about the context of this conversation. 

People were and are uncomfortable with the way white people outnumber characters of color in your game, and how you continue to make skeletons for white characters despite having literally hundreds. If you don't understand the 'diversity' or 'people of color' phrasing, it can be put another way. Things people are uncomfortable with: 

  • The fact that white characters in your game out number black characters exponentially. 
  • The fact that white characters in your game out number Chinese American and Taiwanese American characters exponentially. 
  • The fact that white characters in your game out number latin american characters exponentially. 
  • The fact that white characters in your game out number Indigenous characters completely. 
  • The fact that, when this was brought up and this discomfort shared multiple times, you tried to defend yourself on a claim of "no, but we have different kinds of white people!" 

Diversity serves no purpose if it doesn't allow people a genuine variety of backgrounds, and a selection of them that can make them feel welcome. When you exclude and tokenize these groups, especially in a setting like Los Angeles - one of the most specifically racially diverse places in the world - you're prioritizing white faces and characters. Don't you want to reflect a diverse world, as it actually is? 

Do you understand why that made people uncomfortable, and why your list of some characters of color and a lot of Europeans as justification only adds insult to injury?  We have some resources linked in the 'navigation' port of  topbar about how you can respond to these kinds of situations with strength without hurting people, and how you can turn your game around with a racially diverse perspective. They're genuinely helpful. 


The message we have sent to BartonHollowRPG is that we are not going to stand for skin color as a label of diversity. That tumblr has taken "POC" and twisted it to fit their opinions. Obviously, from the beginning of what I said, people can be born with the same parents and have vastly different skin tones which people will label as they wish. When we look at the diversity of our RP we look at the range of ethnicities not judging people by their skin tone. Have a nice day.

Followers: If you want to follow along, the short of it is this: this roleplay had another roleplay remove them from their affiliates list because they (in the eyes of the other game) lack diversity. This roleplay’s admin refuted that claim by posting this, listing Irishmen, Scots, Greeks and Italian characters as a type of ‘diversity’ that apparently makes up for a lack of Indigenous, Asian, Latin@, and Black faces in their 400+ character game. Included in their list of a-hundred-and-change ‘diverse’ faces in an otherwise fully-white game were: 

If your game is made up by a majority of white Europeans, and it is, then it is not diverse. No matter how many character archetypes you have, your gender ratio, or how many characters are queer.

In any case, our issue wasn’t with your excessively white character list — most games on tumblr have an excessively white character list. While it is discouraging, lazy, and an inaccurate portrayal of any modern setting, we’d be working day in and day out calling games out just for having mostly-white-people.

What we take issue with:

  • You reducing the importance of race and dismissing concerns about representation as people ‘judging by skin tone.’ You’re using a straw man to try and distract from where you are at fault by calling us judgmental based on ‘tone’ — that’s some serious nonsense. Your game is majorly white, and you risked alienating people uncomfortable with that by allowing it to happen. 
  • Oh, and if you “looked at the range of [possible] ethnicities,” and you apparently mean nationality, then you ought to have triple the amount of non-white characters. There are infinitely more countries whose indigenous people are non-white than there are people with white European ancestors. 

It is nice to have you back, I hope you are doing okay. If you are not doing okay, I hope you find a way to be okay soon. You are a treat in the community and I was very worried about you. : )


Oh don't worry about us, we all have our own blogs. None of us were actually gone, this specific blog just went quiet. Thank you for the comps, though!


We're sorry to say that due to new affiliate rules, we cannot continue our affiliation with your roleplay. We now require our affiliates to be diverse, and have at the very least 30% of their characters be POC. Your roleplay, sadly, did not meet these requirements. However, we do wish you the best of luck with your roleplay, and hope everything goes well!


Don’t apologize to me, seriously, you’re entitled to your opinions and I my own. You’re calling our writing community unwelcoming to diversity and that’s simply untrue. This has been a very sour subject for me personally so I’m going to address this publicly. If any of our other affiliates would like to leave us for something like this then that’s fine in my book because our affiliates will only ever be Roleplays I can see the writers here joining. That means welcoming, to every type of character and writer. A writing community that actually is a community, that means they don’t oppress others for their thoughts.

Let me start with: Despite popular Tumblr opinions, being a “person of color” isn’t about your skin tone. I highly doubt you sat there and went through QUITE LITERALLY all 450 of our written biographies and checked to see the ethnicity of every FC. You went and looked at a person’s face and assumed they were white and ticked us off your affiliates. You’re wrong, I’m a person of color- I’m Hispanic. I’m a 100% Venezuelan that embraces both the culture of my family and the country I was raised in and I’m a polyglot. You would look at me, with my practically straight jet-black hair and my gas-leak-victim white skin, and either call me white or Asian because I “don’t look Hispanic”. Yet, I am, and I have a very very hard time getting tan. However, since I can’t tan (just saying I was famous) if an RP is using me as a FC you’re going to dock of a FC for not using lets say my sister instead of me. My sister has tight curls and dark beautiful mocha skin that will tan if she simply thinks about the sun. People look at her and automatically write her off as black. On a whole different level, diversity is in the eyes of the writer. Look at Saoirse Ronan and the many different countries characters she has portrayed are from, the writer had a facial image or a vocal image of that character in their head and Saoirse brought them to life.

This whole “POC” stuff on Tumblr has been taken to a disgusting extreme. Here at SABR we focus on writing and character development. If a writer wants to write a black actor that was born and raised in America as someone who is escaping the conflicts in Gaza, awesome. If someone feels motivated to write Lily Collins as an Italian transgendered porn-star, fantastic. Writing is about the vision. I will never be so unwelcoming as to say someone can’t apply here because his or her desired FC is too white. We’ve had is all and then some and SABR has been happy and great without being judgmental. So think before you send some message like this to other RPs because being diverse is more than what’s on the outside and it certainly far more important than the actors, actresses, and singer’s lives.

Being diverse is more than skin! Being bi-tri-whatever-racial, it’s all diverse and it’s all beautiful. By putting some ridiculous quota on what you call “diversity” isn’t encouraging anyone to apply. You can’t force writers to pick up someone with dark skin. Sure, you can put up bans, but what does a ban accomplish other than encouraging amazing writers to apply to other roleplays. Your plot and biographies may be amazing but you’re treating Tumblr and the roleplaying community as some retail sales department. Your writers aren’t sales reps. They’re not going to hit POC quotas, orientation quotas, or disabled characters quotas. All we as admins/mods can do is encourage and educate. I do that by running an RPH specifically for our roleplay that has helpers on how to write different kinds of characters and we have some of the most amazing characters I’ve had the pleasure of writing and read here. If you want to label diversity as “people with dark skin” that’s your prerogative, not ours.

With that being said 30% of 450 is 135. Below you will find a list of all our posted faceclaims here at SABR that aren’t just “those white people ethnicities” of Australian, English, French, Finnish, Welsh, Irish, German, Scottish, Danish, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Manx, Afrikaner, and Dutch (and probably a couple more, but I think you understand). Note: This list doesn’t include any FC that took longer than a minute to research. Also, it’s subject to change but in the nice growing way.


Putting aside that Spanish, Greek, Irish, Scottish, and Italian white people are not people of color and just going for the obvious thing: Alfred Enoch isn’t remotely African American. He’s an afro-latino englishman. 

If I look up “carrot” in the dictionary, most people will acknowledge I do not know all there is to know about carrots and if I truly want to understand carrots, I should probably pick up a horticultural text book. We know that legal and medical terms are going to be, at best, simplistically represented and know we need to find a lawyer or a doctor if we want to know more. Anyone deciding to base their argument on, say, a philosophical concept or term using the dictionary is going to be laughed at at best, or automatically lose whatever argument they’re trying to make at least. Yet the minute we move into a social justice framework, the ultimate authority changes. We don’t need lived experience, we don’t need experts who have examined centuries of social disparities and discrimination, we don’t need societal context. We don’t need sociology or history – no, we have THE DICTIONARY! That ultimate tome of oracular insight, the last word on any debate! It’s patently ridiculous and you can see that by applying it to any other field of knowledge. But the privileged will continually trot out simplistic, twitter-style dictionary definitions as if they are the last word and the ultimate authority. No-one would drag out the dictionary to debate science with a scientist. But they’re more than willing to trot out a dictionary definition of racism over any sociological analysis. A dictionary is not the ultimate authority - they’re a rough guide for you to discover the simple meaning of words you’ve never heard before – not an ultimate definition of what the word means and all its contexts.

so here for this (via depoetayloco)


Pro-tip [to artfully--reed]: after your ignorance has been addressed in full, telling the people you tried to derail a discussion with that they need to go and kill themselves isn't helpful to your trying to sway anyone. You've been blocked, and so will all of your friends, for being so ridiculously hostile about this. Don't bother returning, thanks. 


James was a tall, thin man with untidy black hair that stuck up at the back. During his Hogwarts years, he had an indefinable air of having been well cared for and even adored. As late as his fifth year, he started wearing glasses, although in his first year he had not.

While at Hogwarts, James became the very best of friends with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew, and the group called themselves “the Marauders”. The four friends enjoyed untold popularity while at school, and particularly liked playing pranks together.

Though more mischievous than diligent, James was a very clever student. At some point, he became Chaser for his house’s Quidditch team, and he was entirely aware of his talent. He was something of an obnoxious youth for the majority of his time at school; he liked to show off and was exceptionally self-confident. He habitually ruffled his hair to make it even untidier, to look as though he’d just got off his broomstick, according to Lily Evans.

By his seventh year, James had lost the less savoury aspects of his personality, and was even appointed Head Boy, despite the fact that he had not been a prefect.



YES THE FUCK IT IS RACISM, get your head out of your fucking asshole. To quote my friend "If people are insulting you based on your race, it's racism." How can you be so goddamn stupid?


And your friend is apparently more legitimate than the entirety of academic and activist based race theory. Alright.

It’s prejudice when a white person is insulted based on their race, or judged on it. You need to understand this, because otherwise you and other people will continue to redefine Discrimination and Prejudice as Racism. Prejudice is an irrational dislike of someone based on a factor like race. This can happen against white people.

Discrimination happens when person acts on their prejudice.  You can discriminate, individually, against any person or group, if you’re in a position of power over another person.  White people can discriminate against black people, and black people can discriminate against white people if that former is in a position of power of the later. So this can happen against white people.

Racism is a separate concept, and it’s cannot be applied to white people. It describes patterns of discrimination that are institutionalized throughout a culture. It’s not one person discriminating at this point, but an entire population operating within a social structure that makes it hard for a person not to discriminate and to realize if they are.

This cannot and has not happened against white people, because white people control the cultures and systems that effect these conventions; black people and other people of color cannot be racist against white people, because there is no overreaching societal convention that protects them and works to justify discrimination and hate acts towards white groups.

In order for groups of color to be racist towards white people, our society as we know it would have to be turned entirely on its head and history would have to be erased. Just because you misunderstand a term and use it to describe something you see doesn’t make your views valid, and you support yourself with nothing but ‘what your friend said’ and random insults. Please do some research before you come into someone’s inbox, because you’re completely ignorant on the concepts we’re discussing.


For the people waiting for fc suggestions and help in our inbox, we'll be back on in a few hours!

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