
A personal blog.

@aka-glassclosetcastiel / aka-glassclosetcastiel.tumblr.com


Hey @TheCWSPN—we want Wayward Sisters! We will watch & recommend to friends. Inclusion is important! #SaveWaywardSisters thndr.me/Ex0BrQ http://thndr.me/Ex0BrQ


To Myself at 17: Ten Years Later

Dear Riley,

Happy birthday! I know you won’t read this until later—right now you’re having an amazingly fun party with all of your friends. At this very moment, you guys are probably painting rainbows and stuff all over your Thunderbird (man, I miss that car).

You’re about to start your senior year of high school; can you believe it? I know, it’s both exciting and terrifying. Trust me, kid. Things are gonna work out. But first, there are a few things I need you to know.

I don’t have four words for you.


Concept: Donald Trump is turned into a flea, a harmless little flea. And then I put that flea in a box, and then I put that box inside of another box, and then I mail that box to myself, and when it arrives, AH HA HA HA, I SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!!! It’s brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT, I tell you! Genius, I say! 


there’s no such thing as a stupid reason not to kill yourself.

your school sells cookies on thursdays? your favorite band is coming out with a new album? you’re still saving up for that tattoo? there’s still five sodas in your fridge and it’d be a shame to let them go to waste? you want to see the season finale of that show you love? keep living.

your reasons don’t have to be big, if they mean anything to you then they’re good reasons.


Yes! Just make something to look forward to

Okay but this is honestly true.

One of the closest times I came to committing suicide was when I was home alone for the weekend a few years ago. The reason I didn’t?

No one else was there to feed the cat until Monday. 

That’s it. That’s all that saved me. 


See, this is such good advice, because it can put you in the frame of mind that you need to be in to combat depression. Even things that seem little, like, “My plant will die if I don’t water it,” or “I’m the only one that takes out the trash, anyways” are examples of how you’re needed and valuable, even appreciated.

There are people out there that need you and love you. Stay alive friend, because it is so worth it.


Map of the World by Natural Skin Color

i’m really dumbfounded that i never realized skin colour is literally just caused by being closer to or farther from the equator and the resulting sun exposure and skin darkening

actually, its an adaptation. natural selection. people with darker skin are selected for in areas near the equator, where the melanin that causes the darker color protects them from radiation and protects them from skin cancer and other health defects, and because they are healthier they can pass on that trait more. people near the poles have lighter skin because it allows them absorb more of the limited sunlight to convert to vitamin d. 

THIS IS THE THING SOME PEOPLE HATE OTHER PEOPLE OVER. Evolution of melanin levels based on geographical location. 

Me in elementary school: boys eww
Me in Middle School: I'm not really interested in dating. I'm too young for kissing anyway
Me in high school: I want to date but I can't shake this feeling that I can't give what's expected of me so I'm just gonna focus on my studies. I don't really understand all the hype anyway
*reads about asexuality*
Me: shit

i’ve always scoffed at those “oh my god europe is tiny”-posts but we just took the wrong exit driving back to our cabin and we literally ended up in norway and decided to just stay for dinner so yeah

this just happened AGAIN jesus fucking christ there isn’t even a sign that says welcome to fucking norway you’re just there all of a sudden

I could miss an exit and still stay in my state for another 8 hours.



As an introvert, the best thing is finding someone who it isn’t draining to spend time with

My fiance is literally the only person in my whole entire life from whom I've never felt the need to "escape," and it is an incredible feeling. (Note for extroverts: escaping is a coping mechanism used by introverts so that we may recharge our batteries in a safe, solitary location. It does not mean that we hate you. It does not mean that we don't enjoy your company. It just means that we're mentally or emotionally drained by human interaction and need some time to ourselves. Don't be offended.)


My fiance found all of these awesome postcards of my hometown (St. Augustine, Florida) in an antique shop in Ohio, so we decided to go downtown and recreate them.

St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S., and all of these landmarks still stand, even though some of the postcards are over 100 years old. [Concept/photography/editing by The Shared Wits Project]


Being asexual is like being born without a sense of smell but everywhere you go people are spraying perfume in your face and when you ask them to stop and tell them it’s irritating and you can’t smell the perfume anyway they get huffy and respond with “Don’t lie to me; I can clearly see you have a nose. Everybody has a nose therefore everybody smells things and besides maybe you just haven’t found the right scent yet.” and then you want to scream


gUYS GUYS guys HEY remember when i drew this and kim and briana had they said it was almost like i was there–i JUST realized i never posted the redrawn version–AND WHAT A GOOD TIME TO

i’m in love

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