
Comic book artist/Dibujante

@lisandrodipasquale / lisandrodipasquale.tumblr.com

Mercenary Penciller. Always looking for work. If you find my art interesting please don´t hesitate in contacting me. I´m serious and I always make my deadlines.For contact write to lisandro0512@yahoo.com.ar

Ilustraciones realizadas para un libro en 2020 de publicación en 2021. Lápiz y tinta sobre papel con color digital/Some illustrations for a book made in 2020 soon to be released in 2021. Pencil and ink on paper with digital color.


Historieta para Hadron Colliderscope. Lápiz y tinta sobre papel, con color digital.


Una historieta realizada para la difunta antología norteamericana Hadron Colliderscope. Lapiz, tinta e inkwash sobre papel.


Historieta autoconclusiva realizada en 2010 para el concurso de la revista Argentina FIERRO. Seleccionada como finalista.


Algunas páginas al azar de HTSWR, publicadas en USA por el sello Three Guys Making Comics/Some random pages of HTSWR publised in the US by the Three Guys Making Comics Imprint.


Algunas portadas de HTSWR en versión regular y sketch varian exclusivas de la New York Comic-Con/Some covers from HTSWR both on regular version and in sketch exclusive from NYCC.


Mis dos colaboraciones para los grupos de Facebook “Desafío Koji” y “Desafío Seiya”. En ambos casos se publica una lista con prácticamente todos los personajes de las series, en estos casos Mazinger Z y Saint Seiya, y luego, artistas independientes o simples entusiastas del dibujo van eligiendo qué personaje dibujar. La premisa es simple, se eligen por órden de llegada, así que siempre, los primeros en ver las listas se llevan los mejores personajes. Yo no me puedo quejar, En el caso de Mazinger me elegí al villano de turno GREYDER-F3, un robot medio feo con el que pelea en un parque de diversiones, así que le busqué la vuelta para hacerlo más agresivo, una mayor amenaza. Y en el caso de Saint Seiya, ya que no pude elegir a uno de los caballeros de plata, decidí optar por “the next best thing” una de las versiones malvadas de los mismos. En este caso El cisne negro, que es la versión malvada de Hyoga, el caballero de Cygnus. Ambas piezas forman parte de un grupo de dibujos que fueron y serán expuestos en las jornadas de Manga y Animé en el Jardín Japonés de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Gracias a Carlos Aón y a Paula Andrade por gestionar los grupos y permitirme ser parte de esta hermosa experiencia colectiva.


This is for me a dream come true. A friend of mine asked me if I was interested in inking him a cover for one of the magazines he publishes, and one in which I happened to have a short story written by him, so I said yes. Imagine my surprise when I receive the file to ink over, an original cover made by comic book legend José Luis García-Lopez himself! I went nuts. I tried to do my very best to do justice to the legend, so what I´m doing here is just posting the Inks, the pencils and the finished cover collored by Federico Taibo Bassano, because it´s up to you to decide whether I did a good job or not. I´m just happy I had the chance to do this.


Above are 10 rejection letters to various creative individuals who kept at it to achieve their dreams:

1. Madonna

2. Tim Burton 3. Andy Warhhol

4. U2 5. Kurt Vonnegut

6. Silvia Plath

7. Gertrude Stein 8. Jim Lee

9. Stieg Larsson 10. Edgar Rice Burroughs

11. Others didn’t save their letters, but they’ll never forget the words that fueled their success…

Walt Disney - Fired from the Kansas City Star in 1919 because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.”

JK Rowling - Rejected by dozens, including HarperCollins, when a small publisher in London took a chance on Harry Potter.

Oprah Winfey - Fired as an evening news reporter of Baltimore’s WJZ-TV because she couldn’t separate her emotions from her stories.

George Orwell - A publisher turned down his legendary novel, Animal Farm, with the words “It is impossible to sell animal stories in the USA”.

Jerry Seinfeld - Didn’t find out he was cut from a minor role on a sitcom until he read the script and discovered his part missing.

Elvis Presley - After a performance in Nashville early in his career, he was told by a manager that he was better off driving trucks in Memphis (his previous job).

Steve Jobs - Fired from the company he started, Apple, but was desperately brought back in 1997 to save it. Apple is now the most valuable company in the world.

Stephen King - His first book, Carrie, was rejected thirty times. He nearly threw the book out when his wife saved it from the trash and encouraged him to keep trying.

Marilyn Monroe - At the start of her storied modeling and acting career, she was told she should consider becoming a secretary.

Abraham Lincoln - Demoted from Captain to Private during war, failed as a businessman, and lost several times as a political candidate before becoming President.

The list would never end because no one has ever won without first experiencing many failures and rejections.  We can choose to learn from these lessons, or let them destroy our spirit. The ones who ultimately succeed are those who never, ever stop trying. Share this list and inspire others to keep chasing their dreams!


My submission for the Harley Quinn #0 contest, before DC decided to change the last panel and what not. Needless to say, I didn´t win.


Conqueror´s Tongue. Script by Geoffrey D. Wessel. Pencil, inks and inkwash by me. Published by Hadron Colliderscope.


Double Bluff. Script by Chris Cronin, art and lettering by me. Made for an anthology book to be published in the UK. All proceeds were to be donated to charity and institutions that fight against cancer. (c) Cronin/Di pasquale 2011/2014

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