
Every Day I'm Tumblin'

@seriousbrukie / seriousbrukie.tumblr.com

I'm 29 years old. I reblog what I want, when I want.

You’ve got to understand that this was 2014. I’ve seen some younger lesbian, bi, and queer folks today going, “So what? They held hands. They didn’t even kiss.” Or people watching it for the first time, saying, “I don’t see what the big deal is. There wasn’t any build-up!” 

But the landscape of children’s TV was very different six years ago. Like, that moment when they looked into each other’s eyes in a beam of golden light was revolutionary. I was living in a house with other queer people and we ALL screamed and cried, just like this.

Korrasami paved the way for Steven Universe and She-Ra to do what they did in the following years. And, yes, those were leaps forward whereas this was a step. But I saw it on another post, and I’ll echo the sentiment: Korrasami walked so Catradora could sprint.


Same-sex marriage wasn’t legal in the US in 2014.

Not until 2016. Before that, the marriage was only recognized in a few states.

It might not seem like much now, but HOLY FUCK this moment in the finale was huge in 2014.

The first norm-penetrating precedent rarely looks like some great achievement or change. It looks like a small violation of an established norm, radical only in how public it is. Sometimes you use tameness to buy the publicity needed to make progress.

Yo. I was born in 1988.

My canon queer couple?


Cloverway gave one of them an offscreen boyfriend and, any time an uncuttable kissy scene came up, they started calling each other “cuz.” Another queer couple from the same show suffered the fate of being heterocized by one of them literally being genderswapped.

(Guess who became the girl. Go on, guess. At least it’s not as bad as France, where they became … brothers.)

That was my mainstream queer rep.

Oh. Until this came out.

… . yeah.

I’m not even in Avatar fandom and when those first gifs popped up on my dash, I started crying. I was 24 years old and crying over a show I had never watched because a pair of women held hands.

You can’t possibly understand what it was like before that.

You don’t want to understand what it was like before that.

I don’t want you to understand what it was like before that.

But there’s a reason we reacted like this.

I pray you never have cause to learn it yourselves.

I do actually want y'all to know and understand what it was like before that because some of the hot takes coming out of younger community members make it staggeringly obvious you know nothing about our history.

Like, I don’t want you to experience it, but I really am going to need y'all to move into Formal Operational Cognitive Development and start considering that yours isn’t the only perspective and that things have changed drastically for queer people WITHIN MY LIFETIME and I am a relatively young queer who was born AFTER like ¾ of our population died of AIDS and we lost nearly an entire generation along with all their history.


Box of Space⭐✨🌟

I would bring the whole box home, consequences be damned.


it was called ninteno 64 because there were only 64 of them

it was called nintendo 64 because when you see it you turn 360 degrees and walk away

it was called the n64 because it was made in 1964

It was called the Nintendo 64 because it’s Nintendo’s 64th console

It was called the N64 because of its 64 bit processor, which was capable processing 3 dimensional graphics, which was the main selling point of the console, due to the rarity of 3D systems at the time

It was called th N64 because the souls of the original 64 Nintendo employees are trapped inside it.

it was called ninteno 64 because you can install up to 64 games into it

it was called ninteno 64 because it took 64 people to hold the controller


it was called ninteno 64 because it was to honor the 64 employees that died making it


it was called ninteno 64 because you could only play it from the hours of 6am-4pm

It was called Nintendo 64 because you could only play it for​ 64 hours before it self-destructed.

It was called Nintendo 64 because it’s 64 calories

It was called Nintendo 64 because it weighed in at 64 metric tons

It was called Nintendo 64 because it was 64 pages long

it’s called the nintendo 64 because you turn 64 degrees and walk away

It’s called the nintendo 64 because Miyamoto is 64 years old

This is like the most ridiculous multiple choice test ever

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