
Music Is My Muse

@inhimthereisnoshadowofturning / inhimthereisnoshadowofturning.tumblr.com

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord."Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."-Jeremiah 29:11 I'm Blanca AKA Bobbi. I live in South Texas where we have two seasons: Hot and Hotter. I'm a new Lutheran and am striving to know and love God more and more. I just got Confirmed on January 20th! I don't have tons of friends but am fiercely loyal to the ones I do have. Some of the closest ones, I have never met in real life. I love to laugh and often think of funny things to say but am not always brave enough to say them. You probably wouldn't know from my tumblr ;) but I love music! I would die if I lost my voice. I also love kids.I hope to be a music teacher one day. Oh yeah,forgot to mention, I'm attending a mid size public university majoring in music. :) I'm student teaching this semester and living at home with my mom, dad, grandma, brother, a sis and assorted animals. I graduate in May, what what. I'm somewhat scatterbrained, clumsy,messy, a recovering perfectionist and a hopeless romantic. Also very stubborn,lol. Well, I'm tired of writing about myself. If you want to know anything more,just ask! I promise I'll answer!

Shout out to all your internet friends who are gone.

Those messenger screen names that haven’t logged on in ages, some before detailed profiles were a thing on those services.

Those emails that are long since abandoned, some with domains that no longer exist.

Those online friends you knew years ago and who then helped shaped you in some way, who you just can’t FIND anymore.

Those people who once were, and hopefully still exist IRL, that seem to have no known internet life anymore.

And those who have actually passed on, and their online lives are now a memorial to them.

I miss you all. I hope life is/was kind to you, and maybe one day, we’ll somehow connect again.


my host mom in Japan referred to her Roomba as “Roomba-san” and when it would get stuck she would just look over it and softly say “ganbatte, Roomba-san…ganbatte” as it made distressed beeping noises at her


my host mom in Japan referred to her Roomba as “Roomba-san” and when it would get stuck she would just look over it and softly say “ganbatte, Roomba-san…ganbatte” as it made distressed beeping noises at her

Ganbatte: Cheer up, Be courageous, Do your best”

This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read on this site.

I will ALWAYS reblog Roomba-San <3



[From Daily Life of the Ancient Romans by David Matz]

*rolls up to the window* yeah gimme a number V combo


“I’ll have two number IXs, a number IX large, a number VI with extra ambrosia, a number VIII, two number XLVs, one with cheese, and a large goblet of wine.”


hail, I am Gaius Furius, welcome to Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives



wine machine broke


From The White Cat and the Monk, by Jo Ellen Bogart and Sydney Smith. A retelling of a ninth-century poem written by an unnamed Irish Benedictine monk comparing his scholarly pursuits to the hunting activities of his cat, Pangur Bán. 

“In Irish, the word bán means white. Pangur has been said to refer to the word fuller, a person who fluffed and whitened cloth. We might think, then, that Pangur Bán was a cat with brilliantly white fur.” - Jo Ellen Bogart

This poem was turned into an art song by Ralph Vaughn Williams!

German Court rules that attempt to set fire to Synagogue amounts to criticism of Israel
A Court in the German city Wuppertall upheld a previous decision that the attempt to burn a Synagogue was merely an act of protest against Israel’s actions in the 2014 Gaza War.
The attempted arson was committed by three German Palestinians during the 2014 War. They hurled Molotov cocktails through the windows of the Shul.
The court of first instance said that the acts were an attempt to bring “attention to the Gaza conflict”, and did not constitute antisemitism.
31-year-old Mohamad E., the 26 year-old Ismail A. and the 20-year-old Mohammad A. were given suspended sentences.
Wuppertal’s Synagogue was destroyed during the 1939 Nazi pogrom Kristallnacht, and the new building suffered 800 Euros of damage from the attack.
Thankfully, nobody was hurt in this arson attack, and the alert was raised by a boy who saw the flames from his house.
Volker Beck said that the judgment was in error, saying the “attack on the synagogue was motivated by antisemitism”, asking “what do Jews in Germany have to do with the Middle East conflict? Every bit as much as Christians, non-religious people or Muslims in Germany, namely, absolutely nothing. The ignorance of the judiciary toward antisemitism is for many Jews in Germany especially alarming”
Mr Beck is entirely correct in his analysis. The International Definition of Antisemitism states that “holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel”. It is beyond belief that an attempt to set fire to a Synagogue has been minimised as merely “criticism of Israel” by a Court of Law. If even arson attacks against Jewish communal buildings can be passed off as just a case of political protest taken too far, then almost all antisemitism can be minimised as related to Israel in some way. This incident thus shows the urgent need for Western Governments and their institutions to adopt the International Definition of Antisemitism, which we have been pressuring for for a long time, and to ensure that it is understood and applied consistently.
You can read the International Definition of Antisemitism here.

I want everyone who is not Jewish to read this and understand how utterly terrifying this is. It is setting a precedent that attacking Jews, our communities, our places of worship, and our schools is okay and is not antisemitic at all if you say it is about Israel. This is deplorable and unjustifiable. If you claim to be “anti-israel” and are ok with this then you are really just an antisemite only.

This is disgusting.


We had a great discussion about having every Sunday Communion in Adult Bible Study this morning! Most of the class was in favor of it! My pastor said he is in favor of it but we need to vote on it as a congregation and we need to talk to the elders and get them to put it on the agenda for the next voters meeting! One of the elders was in attendance and one of the ladies playfully hit him and said “See to it! This is very exciting because we have had twice a month communion but not for that long,because people remember voting to change from once a month! Please pray that this does become a reality. Also, any resources on why Communion should be more frequent would be appreciated. I want to be able to give a good defense at the meeting.

How could it be an idol, @vouxcroux

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