
@faetheist / faetheist.tumblr.com

Paganism, witchcraft, religion, science, space, philosophy, and existence in general.

Recreational Witchcraft’s Luck & Money Powder

This powder is ideal for drawing luck, money, and job opportunities. Sprinkle some of it into a burning candle, dust some over your body before going out or add some of it to a hot bath. 

Grind & Combine:

  • Green or white Eggshells for prosperity and fortune
  • Basil for wealth and success
  • Green mint for money and abundance
  • Fennel for luck

I’ve used this powder spell for almost a year now and it never fails me. Hope it can help you all too!



I’ve been looking into spells and sigils and such, and part of me wants to believe they work but the other part of me is stuck in the ways of “magic isn’t real and it won’t ever be real” I’m stuck


So my niece said to me very kindly “Aunt Tea, you know that a lot of people don’t believe witchcraft is real.” 

And I said “Yes, but they make the best witches.”

We’re raised in cultures that place focus on belief but witchcraft isn’t about believing. It’s about doing. The best witches I’ve known haven’t necessarily been those who’ve sat around and told me, misty eyed, how they love the goddess or enthused about fairies. 

No, the best have been those who pragmatically set up altars and did rituals, not because they believed, but because it worked. Sometimes they were trying to prove it wouldn’t work. That this witchcraft stuff would have no affect on reality. Except it did. So they kept doing…because it worked. 

They often become very knowledgeable witches because they get caught up in research. Witchcraft becomes and experiment as they work to find the best techniques. They look into Ceremonial Magic, Hermetic Quabalah, Thelema and other systems the same way a scientist pursues research. 

Sometimes I think magic works for them because it knows it has to. If it stops, then they’ll stop. And the magic wants to keep itself going. 

Some of my biggest magic has been at the times in my life where I was holding my hands over my ears and screaming NOPE NOPE NOPE.

I also had an in between period of “hahah, well, it only appears to work because something something the subconscious, nothing mysterious about it a all, its just psychology!”

And then you do some kind of really externally focused spell, because, hahah, it’s not like it will WORK anyway, so–

And then things work a lot of the time and you’re like, 

WELP. maybe i should just stop talking shit.


Subtle Witch Tips - Samhain

The witches’ new year is almost upon us~

Once again I’ve created a list of subtle witch tips for folks who are looking to celebrate the holiday in a more low-key manner. 

🎃 Jack-o’-Lantern Spells - There are a whole bunch of them all over witchblr these days, but here are a couple you can do with herbs found around your house: add rosemary to your candle to protect your home, add allspice to attract money and good luck in the new year, use cilantro for a peaceful home, and mint can be used to promote positive energy. Mix and match to create custom blends / spells - but be sure not to burn anything toxic - especially if you’ll be keeping your jack-o’-lanterns inside. Alternatively you can carve sigils into the candles instead of (or in addition to) using herbs to the same end.

🎃 Cook a deceased family member / friend’s recipe or favorite meal. If you’re unable to do a full dumb supper, this can be a great way to connect with those who have passed on. Light your hearth candle, get cooking, and who knows - you might even have a few unseen visitors stopping by to see what’s cooking.

🎃 Put a little extra TLC into the mementos / photos of the deceased around your home. Maybe this means dusting grandma’s wedding photo, or bringing your great aunt’s embroidered throw pillows out for a night on the couch. Either way you can subtly surround yourself with these items without having to formally set up an ancestor altar or give explicit offerings. 

🎃 Make a playlist of songs that remind you of those you’ve lost. Take time to dance and remember all the wonderful moments you got to share. Pay attention and you just might notice that you have a captive audience beyond the veil. To everyone else it’ll look like you’re just jamming out to some of your favorite tunes, but you’ll know that on this special day it’s something more.

🎃 Take time out of your busy schedule to have a quiet meditation session. Perhaps you can spend the time trying to connect with your ancestors, or you could use it as a time to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new year.

Wishing you all a safe & happy Samhain! 


🎃Samhain 👻

Ancestors Prayer:

Blessings to those who have gone before.

I call to the ancestors who lived and died before I took breath,

to all the mothers and fathers who created life,

who created life,

who created me.

Walk with me tonight.

  I call to the ancestors who lived and died in my lifetime,

my beloved dead, my family, my friends.

Those who made me laugh and shared in my tears,

who shared this journey with me,

who shared their journey with me.

Visit with me again.

  My breath is your breath.

My bones are your bones.

We are all relations.

I drink water for you.

I take in food for you.

  Together we light the beacon…

Together we stand in the doorway…

  We call to the recently dead.

We offer your names to the air.

We offer your names in prayer.

All of my ancestors,

all of our relations,

wait to greet you.

Safest passage to each of you.

You are loved,

you are remembered.

  Be at peace.

(Sarah Lyn, 2014)

Samhain Foods:

Pork, potatoes, corn, pumpkin, turnips, gourds, nuts, mulled wine, cider, cheese, colcannon (bubble & squeak), cakes, mushrooms, rice, pasta, grains, spices, curry, soups, stews, pies, ham, beetroot, apples, toffee, oranges

Samhain Colours:

Black, orange, brown, red, yellow, gold

Ways to Celebrate:

  • Carve some pumpkins, or if you’d prefer to be more traditional, turnips
  • Light a candle in honour of your ancestors and say a prayer for them, or leave them a food offering
  • Have a bonfire
  • Prepare a Samhain feast
  • Bake Samhain cookies, cakes, bread or pies
  • Go on a nature walk and appreciate the beauty of the season
  • Decorate your home with Samhain inspired decorations and seasonal symbols
  • Create an ancestors alter, gather images of your deceased family/friends and light candles for them, speak to them and tell them how much you love and value them
  • Learn about family history, reminisce about old times with family and friends
  • Visit a grave site of a loved one and leave and offering of flowers or food
  • Use tarot, runes or oracle cards to give guidance on the year ahead
  • Make a toast for your ancestors, use cider, mulled wine or punch
  • Hold a séance to commune with the spirits of your ancestors – be sure to do so safely
  • Find ways of using seasonal herbs and spices in your home and in your cooking

Blessed Samhain to all!


Fruit and Vegetable Associations In Witchcraft


Associations: Samhain, the deceased, immortality, love

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Uses: Heals love-related matters and brings prosperity.


Associations: Love, relaxation

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Uses: Love rituals, soothing anxiety and tension


Associations: Beauty, love, lust

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Uses: Beauty glamours and spells, increases lustful feelings


Associations: Fertility, potency, prosperity

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Uses: Fertility spells, spells relating to marriage, money spells, employment spells.


Associations: Protection, reconciliations, and potency

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Uses: Charms/spells to banish negativity and unwanted spirits, natural wort cure


Associations: Love

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Uses: Spells pertaining to love, beet juice can be used as a substitute for blood.


Associations: Healing, love, protection, death, prosperity

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Uses: Offerings to certain Gods and Goddesses, protection of the home, wealth spells, healing burns


Associations: Protection, psychic strength

Uses: Ward against psychic attacks, protection of the home


2 Card Tarot Ideas

  • Do / Don't 
  • Life / Death
  • Problem / Solution
  • Now / Later
  • Logical / Emotional
  • Yes / No
  • Internal / External 
  • Past / Future
  • Growth / Stagnation
  • Love / Hate
  • Apathy / Empathy
  • Find / Lose
  • Flaws / Strengths
  • Day / Night
  • Physical / Abstract
  • Stay / Leave 
  • Creation / Destruction 
  • Give / Take

Anti-Valentine’s Day Magic

So Valentine’s day might not be your cup of tea. Or, maybe it usually is, but things are different this year. Whatever your reason, and whatever your situation, we’ve got you covered.

Unwanted feelings blooming in your heart recently? Use this simple spell to put those feelings on ice.

This this invisibility glamour to avoid creeps, smalltalk and or people who keep asking you why you’re still single. You don’t need any of that.

Got an ex who won’t go away? Maybe a fan club of creeps and you’re just not interested? Use this banishing powder to send them off.

Does Valentine’s day just make you think of all great friendships you have instead? To give your girly celebrations a magical boost, try these witchy cocktails out.

Need a reminder that you’re happy on your own? Place this sigil somewhere to remind you that you’re just great.

Still want to do something involving love this Vday? How bout love yourself? 


How To Write Spells & Improve Your Witchcraft

Many experienced witches find themselves constantly running up against the confines of other peoples spells. Perhaps you’re never able to find the spell that’s just right, that feels tailored to your purpose. Or maybe you’ve become very comfortable working with your personal set of tools and ingredients but spells regularly call for things that you don’t have (and don’t care to have!) while underutilizing those items that you’ve so carefully curated for your craft. For witches in this situation, writing your own spells might be the only plausible solution to reviving the fluidity and enjoyment of your craft.

For some newer witches the process of writing your own spells may seem a bit intimidating. When you haven’t got much experience under your belt sticking with spells written by other people just feels safer. And that’s OK! As with any art, you must first copy other peoples work until you simply cannot stand it anymore to really master the techniques and build a firm foundational knowledge. Only then do you start to compose and explore your own voice in your craft.

Even for those who are new to the craft however, playful experimentation can hold merit. If you feel confident and ready to explore a little more freely please do not hold yourself back regardless of whether you consider yourself a beginner or a more advanced witch.

A few Pros of writing your own spells:

  • You’re never missing materials
  • You can tailor every spell for the spirits and energies you work with
  • Spells can be as involved or simple as you like
  • Experimentation! (I count this as a pro because it’s fun)
  • You get complete creative license with your magic
  • You learn and develop a personal style in your craft

A few Cons:

  • You may not really get a good idea of what works until you’ve been writing for a while
  • Sometimes it’s too time consuming to write your own spell
  • Some people can’t write well (although if you’re not attached to your spells being beautifully worded don’t let this stop you!


The first thing you must do is clearly define the purpose of the spell or your intention. A good beginners rule is to start with the guidelines below when outlining the objective of your spell.

  • Phrase it as though what you want to happen is presently true
  • Make it absolute
  • Make sure it’s descriptive and phrased in such a way that doesn’t leave a lot of loopholes for mishaps (i.e. “I am ten pounds lighter” could lead to you getting food poisoning and dropping ten pounds, not so fun)

Though similar, these rules aren’t so hard and fast for spell writing as they are for creating sigils. Play around with these guidelines and find what works for you! I prefer working more abstractly, working with the natural flow of events instead of shaping them overly much. If you work with a deity or particular spirit then phrasing it as a request instead of an absolute may work a bit better for you.

As an example, lets say our objective is to attract more abundance. Now, we don’t have anything specific in mind, we simply want to open up the channels that can allow abundance in a variety of ways into our lives. The objective could be phrased a number of ways, “I am open to abundance and draw prosperity into my life” would work, as would “Abundance enters my life freely”.

Next it’s time to figure out what kind of spell you’d like to use. This is largely going to depend on what materials you have available to you and what kind of magic you’re comfortable working with. If you can’t cook you probably don’t want to be making food-based spells and if you don’t have jars then that curse jar isn’t going to get very far. This is a fun place to get creative though. Have you ever wondered if you could use something in a spell? Now is the time to try it! (In all likelihood the answer is yes)

Our abundance spell could be set up any number of ways, for example you could use:

  • An abundance attracting knotted bracelet
  • A candle spell
  • A charged object that you keep near your bed
  • A bowl of enchanted pennies that you throw your change into every day
  • Or even some combination of techniques

This is just a fraction of the ways you could do this one spell, this is the time to really let your individual preferences and strengths shine through. What sort of spells do you love doing? What have you always wanted to try? What feels truly powerful to you?

From this point on it’s all tweaking, you have your bases covered, you just need to assemble the pieces. This includes your “standards” like any kind of sacred space that you cast for working, calling deities and other entities, invoking elements, etc. This would also be a good time to figure out if you like working with words. Most of my spells are wordless but I know there are many witches who like to supplement their power with incantations, rhymes and sometimes songs or chants. Writing these yourself is an excellent way to just funnel that much more energy into your spell.

If we continue with our abundance spell, say we’ve decided to enchant an object. There are many objects that we could choose but I prefer one that I’ll come into contact with frequently, something like a wallet would serve perfectly in this context.

To assemble the pieces of the spell we would begin with cleansing and calling up a sacred space. After that we might write the intention on a slip of paper and tuck it under a green or gold candle that has been dressed with a basil infused oil. You might choose to say an incantation as you light the candle or you might prefer to quietly focus on your intention as the candle burns down. When the candle has burned itself out the slip of paper simply needs to be placed in the wallet and then we can end the spell by closing our sacred space.

There are an endless number of ways that you can combine types of spells and tools and ingredients, let your imagination run wild and see what you can come up with. What sounds ridiculous in theory may turn out to be the best spell you’ve ever tried. Be creative, have fun and don’t hold back!

If you try a new spell that you’ve written and it doesn’t work, tweak it and try it again. Writing spells is like any kind of creative process, you’re likely to find a dozen methods that don’t work for you before you find even one that does.

Hey everyone! I’ve moved all of my best witchcraft resources to my new blog, many of my old posts now have downloadable upgrades and new information added. I’ll be posting new witchy material over there weekly, if any of you have topics that you’re particularly interested in learning about let me know!

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