🍑Just Peachy🍑

@deadsexual / deadsexual.tumblr.com

Peach/Nico | ♈ | 21 | Florida | They/Them"Human Passing"

Olivier Theyskens- Fall 1998 Ready-to-Wear


People need to stop beating around the bush and saying shit like "All cops are bad because they allow the bad cops" There are no good cops because it is in their job description to be evil. That's it. If Jesus Christ himself was a cop and just fulfilled his daily duties he too would be a bad cop by doing that. People need to stop acting like the job itself is somehow a neutral thing.

Abusing people in prison for doing or selling drugs, doing sex work, breaking meaningless laws or stealing objects is wrong. Dispersing homeless camps is wrong. Criminalizing poverty at every turn is wrong. How they're supposed to treat arrestees is wrong. Putting trans people in isolation "for their safety" is wrong. Packing people into jails where you have to lay down like sardines to sleep is wrong. Serving them spoiled food is wrong. Putting them into debt for being in prison and putting a mark on their record that prevents them from getting a job is wrong. There is nothing good about the police and no way to be a part of that and be a "good cop."

ㅤsabrina spellman icons ;; chilling adventures of sabrina ㅤ↳ please like or reblog if u use

hmm. almost like we’re all discovering that systems of isolation are actually deeply traumatic and difficult to maintain & while i absolutely think it’s imperative we follow the rules in this time im also like. 

maybe it’s about time we start looking at all the ways society forces individuals into isolation, particularly the most vulnerable among us. including but not limited to: corporations that encourage “family” narratives of loyalty to the corporation while strongly discouraging the lowest-wage members from contact with each other or with the outside world; the abandonment and complete mistreatment of indigenous populations; a prison system that uses solitary confinement as a punishment; the ableist framework which alienates and literally traps disabled individuals …. hmmmmmm……………..

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