
Born In The Wrong Geological Era

@sauropodhell / sauropodhell.tumblr.com

Henry, 19, he/him/his, audio engineer-in-training, dino fanboy, unironically listens to Barenaked Ladies

“Money can’t buy you happiness” is propaganda from rich people to convince the poor to be satisfied with less.

Delicious, finally some good fucking food.


they’ve actually studied this, and there is a measurable point up to which money basically does buy happiness, and then past that point it stops

a billionaire is not guaranteed to be any happier than a millionaire, but both those people are almost guaranteed to be happier than someone living in poverty

(the “point” turns out to be “the time at which you have enough money that all your needs can be met without anxiety and you have some amount of money left over to do things like pursue passions, give back to the community, and do other emotionally fulfilling things.” what a shocker!)

Source: reddit.com

i think the next silent hill game should not be scary because i don’t like scary

its a walking simulator where you just explore the town when its normal, populated, and a nice friendly resort town

and pyramid head is there but he offers me a tourist brochure


when guys are like “girls over [relatively low weight] shouldn’t wear [revealing article of clothing]” a lot of the time they are trying to get women above that weight to say “OH REALLY?” and post a picture of themselves looking good in that article of clothing. It’s a creepy power play designed to prey on both women’s confidence and their insecurities and trick them into posting revealing pictures of themselves for the sexual gratification of men who they otherwise wouldn’t have given the time of day. It’s a sleazy pick-up artist tactic. It’s negging. When you see an all-too-common post that’s like “bigger girls shouldn’t wear bikinis” and the response is him getting “owned” because a woman replied with pictures of herself looking beautiful, he’s not getting owned at all, he’s getting exactly the result he was hoping for. They’re basically saying “You sure showed me by sending me, a huge sexist creep, a picture of yourself in a bikini! PLEASE don’t send me nudes, I don’t know if I could take the humiliation!”

The scary thing is that I’ve had a guy admit this to me. He said something about “fat girls always have ugly tits”. I am fat and a girl. I said “no, they don’t.” He said “prove it”. When I made it clear that a) I had nothing to prove, b) why the fuck am I gonna care about some beanpole-in-a-meme-shirt’s opinion?, and c) I wasn’t EVER gonna send him shit, he went crazy. Straight up admitted that the technique always worked blah blah, I must have been a dude pretending to be a girl blah blah, and basically had a temper tantrum till I blocked him.

So 100% guys that do this are garbage and even if they’re not, remember that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.



I honestly never thought about it this way. Mainly because it would never occur to me to do something like this, but now that it’s been pointed out to me, it makes complete and perfect sense.

Passing this on so others know what to watch for.


If you look at the world and say “Yes, there are enough homes for people, yes, there is enough food for people, but if we give it away for free they won’t have earned it and the economy will collapse.” Then you have chosen money (a constructed medium of exchange) over living beings who only want to continue living in peace and safety.

And I have no qualms telling you, that is the wrong choice, and you have been brainwashed by this destructive, exploitative system.


good thing i listen to exactly one song with explicit lyrics every day

I’ve been saying this for a while but Startup Bro is the new and terrifying lovechild of the brogrammer and the business major and he is somehow even more self-centered and bigoted than either of them

No, no, guys, look closely.

This house is looking for extremely physically fit young men (No drugs, no makeup, no special diet, exercise 15 hrs a week) who are passive and docile (no protests, no music lyrics with swears) who, most of all, will not be missed if they disappear (very little social media presence, not rich enough to own expensive luxury items, no need to constantly be in contact with their parents over bills/gifts, few identifying markings like tattoos)

This is obviously an organ harvesting operation.


Without a doubt, whiteness is a bigger enemy of “white culture” than anything else.

As for me, if I had to name my ethnicity, I guess I’m German-American; and once upon a time, that used to really *mean* something, used to be something deeper and more meaningful than Lutheran church and polka music and pretending to give a shit about soccer. There used to be extended families, schools, Sprachenbund, festivals, distinct communities, all that good stuff, but that’s all gone now. “Now it is just another someplace where automobiles live,” as Herr Vonnegut once said. And it’s the same story with Irish, Hungarian, Swedish, Italian, Norwegian, Russian, et cetera and so forth immigrants to this brokedick country; there used to be rich, vibrant communities of European immigrants and the children of European immigrants that kept alive art, music, folklore, language, all that good stuff, that said loudly and proudly, “We are here, and this is who we are.”

That’s all gone now. Nowadays, ethnicity within whiteness is just an excuse to drink expensive beer at a folk festival once a year. And people of color didn’t do that, naw, the dominant WASP society did that, and we were complicit in going along with it, because we benefited materially from it, nevermind what we had to give up along the way. They’ll try to sell you a bill of goods about how integration did this; it’s actually the opposite.

White pride is not cultural pride because whiteness is not a culture; whiteness is the Borg. The truth is that white-identitarianism is how come I never got the opportunity to learn Diets on my Oma’s knee.


It’s stuffy and takes a long time to set up and is more reading than anyone feels like doing but Rudolf Rocker’s Nationalism and Culture is a huge-ass take on basically this by other means.


i dont understand how you could not want nazis dead!

like, you know what they are right? you know what they want to do, right? YOU KNOW HOW THEY THINK? RIGHT?


I don’t understand how you could NOT want all blacks dead!

Like, you know what they are, right? You know what they want to do, right? YOU KNOW HOW THEY THINK, RIGHT?

you racist mother fucker oh my fucking god.



how nazis think: i am a concieted piece of shit and need to be the best and most powerful therefore i will kill millions of innocent people to feel special

how black people think: shit man i just wanna live my life in peace and be happy and have basic human rights

but yeah its totally the same thing A+ argument right there @dr-darkwood

Yay generalizations. You didn’t read anything of the articles I posted, did you?

I see no articles. I also don’t see why you would assume i care enough about what a racist nazi fuck like you has to say nearly enough to bother checking your blog or even the notes.

All nazis are inherently evil. ALL NAZIS. ARE INHERENTLY EVIL. i mean did you not learn about fucking WWII. This isnt about “people who disagree with me.” Im not calling for the death of people like my father who kiss Fox News’ metaphorical ass and view things differently than i do. Im calling for the death of people who looked at the rhetoric of a group who believed in and attempted complete genocide and thought it sounded like a good idea.

Nazis are evil. Nazis are inherently violent and dangerous.. That’s what makes you crosd the line from “everyday casual conservative racist” to “evil nazi scum.” Anyone spewing genocidal propaganda deserves to die before they have the chance to kill an innocent human who just wants to live their life and be left alone. And anyone who supports them to be safe and be sure no one ever starts this shit ever again.

Anonymous asked:

My friends and I decided that the final test for whether or not someone was “hip” was to text them the first four lines of the merry Chrysler vine and see if they can finish it without being told to

the non christmas version is saying “and they were roommates” and seeing who responds with “oh my god they were roommates”

Anonymous asked:

CEOs and large corporations are the real welfare queens 👑.

Working off of the labor of others, only there because of being born into capital and pre-existing familial or business relations? Yep


And people still try to defend this shit with ‘Well they MUST work REALLY HARD to earn THAT kind of money!!!’

I assure you they don’t. I assure you the people earning the least money are working the most. I don’t see CEO’s doing 60 hour weeks just to keep food on the table. They don’t do that, because they don’t have to, because they get paid so much they aren’t desperate enough to have to.


This infuriates me. You’re lumping a whole group of people into this, pushing a whole category into a neat little box. And it’s just not true. There are definitely CEO’s who don’t do much but there are a lot of them who do work very hard. Do they have to work that hard just to keep food on the table? No. But does that make what they do any less good? No. So take a fucking seat.

And no, not every CEO has some familial tie or got it because they were well off. That’s just not true. So stop.

Fucking disgusting. The whole system needs fixed

Had to repost to show how stupid people are to believe these things.


CEOs don’t work hundreds of times harder than a minimum wage employee.


White supremacy is a hell of a drug to white people. As long as you promise to keep us colored folks in our place beneath them you can get away with damn near anything against and they’ll be like “Well sacrifices have to be made.”

Look at Roy Moore and how many White Women voted for him. He literally said that if all the amendments after the 10th weren’t around America would be a better place. We only know of a few women he molested and sexually assaulted as children decades ago, how many more are there we don’t know about?

Look at all the white LGBTQ people who ran around screaming “gays for Trump” and saying he’s the most LGBTQ friendly candidate when he was running. And look at all the homophobic and transphobic shit he’s done since taking office. Same with poor white people who voted for him.

And these are only two examples of white people going against their own safety and self interest to keep blatant white supremacy in charge. So no I don’t feel sorry for them when karma comes back and sucker punches them.

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