♔— ʜɪs β ᴇ ᴛ ᴀ.

@ofblueisms-blog / ofblueisms-blog.tumblr.com


alpha of the beta. okay so i feel bad about this and i like rping on blue, but it’s come to a point where i don’t know if i want to keep her blog going. i have other blogs that i’ve had for awhile and i need to get them more active. so for now i will be putting blue on a indefinite semi-hiatus, because i will be coming on occasionally. i just need to focus on other blogs, but you can find me on mechrcmancer or paleobrotanist.

owen stood his ground. he knew that the slightest mistake could result in his imminent death. she was hungry, but she wouldn’t eat her alpha—not as long as she still perceived him as just that.
he wasn’t going to back down, no, he was going to show her that HE was still in charge, that HE was still HER alpha.
the thirty-seven-year-old kept his arm out in front of him towards her as he turned with her. he knew better than to turn his back on a velociraptor—especially a hungry one.
stand DOWN, blue. stand down.
the second she let out a noise, he spoke up again.
HEY. listen to me, blue. i said STAND down. i really don’t taste that well and i’m not going to let you even try to get a taste.
luckily, owen was smart. he knew that showing her it was him with the actual food and that she ate when HE wanted enforced his position. so he slowly reached into a pack he had with him and took a dead rat out of it. he clicked his clicker the same amount of times when he got their attention for a rewarding snack.
“ back up. back up. ”

she tilted her head at the others words. she knew her alphas voice. it was like the rush of pure freedom she got, when she was out in the paddock. it was the rush of adrenaline she got, as she ran towards the fake alpha. the feeling as she sunk her claws into her flesh. 

but it was also the bitter feeling. the feeling of  her teeth, sinking into the most prime piece of beef, only to find it rotten. the feeling of her alpha leaving her. leaving her to starve and die.

it was the clicking that made her take notice. the undeniable clicking that signaled food. a sound that blue knew well. as she saw the dead flesh in his hand she chirped excitedly, wanting to just tear into the food. but her sisters needed food.

blue hadn’t seen them, since the fight with the fake alpha, and she knew that her pack would be hungry.  the beta let out a series  of loud communication chirps, trying to signal her sisters.  but she knew, they weren’t coming


alpha of the beta. so i’ve made the decision to remake gaige’s blog, this is so i can be more active on all of my blogs really, not just a few. because i’m doing this, activity is gonna be a bit weird for the next two days or so, i hope you can understand that <3

send me a ✍ to see a glimpse of a muse i might want to play.



ever since we landed on this shit hole that is the ground, EVERYTHING has been out to kill us. the grounders, the mountain men, every fucking one. even our OWN people. 

murphy stared, gritting his teeth. he never spoke to the 100, why would they listen to a fuck up likehim? but it was too much, toomuch that they actually did need some one as messed up as johnmurphy to get them to listen.


and you know what? that’s what happens to bad people. bad people, like us. because we kill, EVERY ONE of us has killed in some way. and you say it for what? survival? no. it’s not for survival. it’s because we are all KILLERS. and nothing can ever change that. 

send me a ✍ to see a glimpse of a muse i might want to play.



ever since we landed on this shit hole that is the ground, EVERYTHING has been out to kill us. the grounders, the mountain men, every fucking one. even our OWN people. 

murphy stared, gritting his teeth. he never spoke to the 100, why would they listen to a fuck up likehim? but it was too much, toomuch that they actually did need some one as messed up as johnmurphy to get them to listen.


and you know what? that’s what happens to bad people. bad people, like us. because we kill, EVERY ONE of us has killed in some way. and you say it for what? survival? no. it’s not for survival. it’s because we are all KILLERS. and nothing can ever change that. 

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