
@alwaysgoodnight /

24. She/Her. Taurus. Gay as Fuck. French Fry Enthusiast.

the black widow movie gave me maybe a quarter of a second of gross old hoodie beer drinking isolated cabin natasha and it was the coolest and the sexiest she's ever been. why did they ever make her anything other than a complete wreck of a person

I don't even wanna see her pretend to be hyperfeminine sexy as a secret agent undercover thing. she literally grew up in a child soldier arena where she was constantly drugged out of her gourd. she should be a feral beast of a woman who can't hold a single conversation with another human being that isnt her weird sister who bites people. the avengers have such cool and interesting backstories how did they manage to make all of them so fucking boring


it really is insane to me how in the mid 2010s netflix had a reputation of making cool, inclusive series as well as saving tv shows after their networks cancelled them, and now here we are today with every halfway decent netflix original show getting cancelled after 1-2 seasons and a bajillion episodes of bigmouth


I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say

reblog if attacking fascism is really the hill you want to die on

this is literally like one of the most justified and honorable hills you could die on??? lol??

Quick someone reply with the gif™️

Always reblog this if you are cool


reblog for your followers to anonymously tell you what characters you remind them of

I know some of you might say Abigail, but I don’t know if that’s true. Let me know especially if there’s someone else!

Send me an anon with your answer if you’d rather!


reminder that coming up with some fake little dudes and creating intricate storylines in your head is a completely free and fun way to pass the time and the government can't stop you


i learned about Tim Wong who successfully and singlehandedly repopulated the rare California Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly in San Francisco. In the past few years, he’s cultivated more than 200 pipevine plants (their only food source) and gives thousands of caterpillars to his local Botanical Garden (x)


Sometimes, people are really great.

This is also an example of picking One Thing and putting most of your Better The World efforts there. We have so many different important issues to care about and act toward, and it’s tempting to try and do a Little for Many Things - and I’m not saying that little bits of effort don’t add up! They do. But often you’ll make a bigger impact (and possibly have less compassion/activist fatigue) if you direct the majority of your efforts toward one or two things.


it literally drives me insane that so many companies refuse to send rejection emails like it’s disgraceful tbh. you put so much time and effort into putting together an application and they can’t even be bothered tell you via some measly automated message that you didn’t get the job. you’re expected to just infer

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