
Ask Rigby! Oooohhh!!

@askrrigby / askrrigby.tumblr.com

Hey dude! This is a place where you can ask me, Rigby, pretty much anything! I'll draw an answer for you...if you can come up with a a quest-shun that amuses me, that is...so you can see my awesome self in a variety of situations. :B
(Obviously, Regular Show is © JG Quintel. Don't forget it! Well, thanks for reading dude!)
Yo sorry ask is closed for now! Thanks to everyone who participated!
Anonymous asked:


I MISS YOU TOO! Maybe. Whoever you are.

Okay well here’s the thing.. I’m not on as much, yeah, but it doesn’t mean I don’t still love this blog and my followers. I’ll just poof and jump on when I can. I’ll be answering some OLD stuff tonight. Only a few. So yeah I guess keep your eyes peeled for some Rigbone actionnn


Merry Christmas dudes!! And dude-ettes. I promise I’m still here. Been slacking, but isn’t that kinda what I’m best at? No need to answer that, actually. See you guys later in the new year!! -Rigs


I was asked something about GF and Food a loooong time ago and never finished this. Oops. And I have no idea what Bill was saying here.


I'm glad you were able to open up about your depression, Rigby. I've been going through similar crap and reading your post helped out a lot. Thank you so much!!


I don’t get too many chances to have deep moments or whatever, so I’m totally psyched it was able to help out. I thought about my answer for a long time. You hang in there !!



Not really proud of this one, guys.

But you know, I feel like I should answer this. Bro, life is hard. Nothing about it is fair or easy.

I had to learn about most things the hard way ‘cus of my selfish nature. I hated learning about new mistakes I’d made, and I hated figuring out all my bad traits, one by one, as people I knew turned on me. It REALLY hurts, man, when people think you’re worthless, can’t do anything, and all you do is hold ‘em back.

But as I was learning about all my faults and things I’ve ruined, I learned something else too. Life can get better again. And it DOES. It gets better. It’s something that’s kinda inevitable. 

Imagine jumping into a dumpster (yeah I know, me and trash....). So, you’re in this dumpster, right? It smells pretty bad. You crawl and slip on slime and even fall right on your face. Seems like you can’t ever get out. The lid on the dumpster is closed. It’s dark. Then your foot hits something metal. You plunge down into the muck to grab it, the trash filling your eyes and ears. You start to wonder if it was even worth it to grab the metal thing. But then you finally reach it and pull it out. It’s a flashlight.

So now you can see. As you shine the light around, you see some cool stuff, surprisingly. (Woah, who threw away a fresh, hot burrito?)

You start to find some things you like, but you’re still sitting in trash...

You decide you want OUT. So you grab a heap of trash and pile it up, then climb on top of it. Now, you can see the lock at the top. You shatter it, because now you can reach it, and you climb out of the dumpster, finally getting the fresh air you’ve deserved the whole time.

The flashlight represents our hope. You had to go through a whole bunch of bad stuff to get it, but once you got through, you found it.

Climbing on the piled up trash represents us using our faults, mistakes, and misery as a ladder to freedom. We learn so much from bad times. It made us stronger. We used it to our advantage.

So do you get it? Nothing is all bad. It gets better. We live, we learn, and guys.. please laugh. Just do that all the time. Trust me.


Taking some quest-shunsssss

That’s right, I’m actually not dead! And guess what? Coffee for everyone!! -hands out steaming cups of coffee- It’s all on Benson, don’t worry.

So yeah I’m here to get some asks thrown at me as usual, but I’ll mostly be answering things right now that have to do with The Regular Show Movie.

Ask some great stuff, guys. I’ll pick the best ones to post. Later bros!


Sorry that I haven't been here!! Still have too many things to deal with.

Ugh, Life.

When I come back we’ll have a coffee party or something!!

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