

@auideas / auideas.tumblr.com

"Making Inspiration Accessible Since 2012" >>> Prompts, tips, and tricks; here, you'll find anything and everything you may need to shatter your writer's block. So, what are you waiting for? Get to creating!
Anonymous asked:

Hi! Do you guys have anything for 24 hour livestreams? Like the ones you see on Twitch?

That we do!! We weren't sure what type you were looking for specifically, so here's a spread:

  • What was supposed to be a simple 24 hour gaming livestream for charity turns into something completely different at hour six when Character A sees a massive influx of alarmed messages in their chat. Their viewers seemed to be freaking out about something they saw in Character A's webcam, but upon further inspection, they don't see anything...yet. Each hour brings new horrors as Character A attempts to navigate a large charity livestream, their unsettled chat, and a new entity that seems to have found their way into Character A's home.
  • While gaming during a 24-hour livestream, uber-popular gamers Characters A, B, C, & D do their best to complete large event quests in their favorite open-world RPG. This, however, is easier said than done when they realize their viewers are more than capable of stream sniping them and sabotaging their progress.
  • Popular 'Just Chatting' streamer Character A has an amazing idea: they'd do a 24-hour charity livestream where they host their three friends at their apartment for a sleepover simulator. The four prep all the necessary games, food, sleeping bags, etc. for an incredible 24 hour cozy event. They streamed multiple POVs, did prank calls, made sickly sweet snacks, played Truth or Dare, etc. Needless to say, the viewers seemed to like their games of 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' the most.
  • "I wanted to spice up my usual content from the rest during my 24-hour charity livestream, so I decided the best way to do that would be to rent out a barebones storage pod and lock myself in for the 24 hour period while completing dares from my chat. It was going well until something happened...now, I need to follow my untrustworthy chat's advice or I'm going to die." AU
  • Swatting was supposed to be a thing of the past, but Characters A and B realize that their viewers were more immature than they expected when they heard someone rapidly knocking at their door and yelling to be let in. They both swallow thickly before unlocking the latch and see four fully-rigged officers pile into the room. It was easy to explain the misunderstanding, but the animal bones scattered around the apartment from their occult arts and crafts activity from Hour 4? Not so much.
  • "Doing a 24-hour charity livestream was always a dream of mine, so my best friends and I decided to make it a reality. We hooked up a few devices for the stream and took to the streets for a 24-hour city experience livestream where we went to all our favorite places within 24-hours, no stops, no breaks -- in fact, we even locked the devices to continue streaming no matter what. We had an amazing first four hours with our chat, but then upon further inspection, we realized that we were missing our main device, the one that houses the charity accounts and would automatically transfer the funds once the 24 hours were up. Most of us were sobbing uncontrollably because we hadn't just lost a device, but the thousands our viewers had donated too. Upon further investigation, we realized that we had a stroke of luck: the stream was still locked on. With the help of our chat, we set off in the remaining 19 hours to track down the device and save our charity livestream." AU

Dying Embers AU

Firefighters have a series of responsibilities; among those are having long hours, answering distress calls, putting out fires (as they should be), etc. However, one of these responsibilities can slip their minds on occasion.

Because of their long hours and paramedic training, firefighters are one of the first lines of defense in multiple ways. Some fire stations house what's called a Safe Haven Baby Box, an anonymous drop off crate in which parents can surrender their babies if they don't have the means to care for them.

One morning, however, Firefighter Characters A, B, C, D, & E wake up to the sound of rustling from the direction of the baby box. Upon further investigation they find four infants in the safe haven -- in retrospect, they totally understand that the parents who surrendered them likely did so because of the raging blizzard outside, but the firefighters themselves can't leave for the same reason, nor can they transfer the babies to the proper channels until the snow lets up.

Without any other option, Characters A-E must find a way to care for the four infants for the next week while attending to their regular duties. That and, of course, attempting to keep the babies warm while not resorting to the obvious wrong choice (lighting a fire).


AUideas Content Update (Poll Results)

Okay guys, the results are in! Thank you to everyone who pitched in and voted.

Based on the final count, here's the new posting schedule:

  • Monday: Single Prompt Post
  • Tuesday: ---
  • Wednesday: Prompt List
  • Thursday: "How Do I Write ___?"
  • Friday: Prompt List
  • Saturday: <______> Day! (Events / Extra Posts)
  • Sunday: Weekly Reblogs

Quick reminder though: you'll probably notice that some of the items above are italicized, and that's because those are based on requests and asks from you guys in our inbox! For the past few weeks, we've been working off of old asks, but we'd much rather help immediate queries from you guys. Don't hesitate to send in requests, submissions, and questions -- we need them!

Let us know what you think, and see you on Monday for the new schedule!

Happy Friday,

-- the AUideas Admins xx

(P.S. Thank you for the influx of followers! We've been gaining up to ten a day -- it's awesome to see the writing community here on Tumblr still going strong. Can't wait to see what this new schedule brings!)

Anonymous asked:

hi! i don't know if you guys are taking request but i was wondering if you had any ideas for a fantasy, romance, angst idea?

You're hitting so many categories with this one! It may be hard to hone this into a list of prompts, so what we'll recommend is looking through our archive's tagging system to explore the ideas we have.

We have prompts for each of the three categories you requested, and we think it would be pretty easy to combine some of the existing prompts to create something new and unique that you can really wrap your mind around:

If at any point you want to hone your idea into something more niche, feel free to reach out again and we can provide a nice, clean list of new prompts.

Hope that helps, and happy writing!

-- Admin M xx

Anonymous asked:

Hello! So basically I was wondering if you had an idea for a prince/princess x knight with the enemies to lovers trope :)

  • Both Character A and B grew up together as children in the lower class. While Character B had always admired the knights, the palace, and the royal family, Character A hated the entire concept and rejected their existence...that is, until one day where guards burst into Character A's small home and take Character A to the palace. Evidently, their true parentage was realized, and the royal bastard needed to be transported to the palace immediately. Character B is stunned to see a struggling Character A being swept off to the distant castle and make it their life's mission to get to that same palace. Maybe Character B loved the royals at one point, but now they kidnapped their best friend -- it was so on.
  • 'Knights for Hire' is a shady service, but it was all that was available to guard the royal family during the tournament in which their own knights were participating. Needless to say, the knights were less than professional.
  • Rather than allowing their favorite knight (Character B) to die, the prince/princess (Character A) leaves the palace and rides to the next kingdom to meet with their physician; when they get there, though, Character A finds Character B already in the medical bay, seemingly having been taken by Character A's least favorite knight (Character C) who just stared at them with a smirk that said "ha, beat you here."
  • "Rule #1 about saving the prince/princess: don't talk about saving the prince/princess. They would prefer to stay locked up in chains and tortured than admit even for a second that they couldn't get themselves out of their predicament if they really wanted to. And they have. Too many times." AU
  • Long lost prince/princess Character A has been trained to be an assassin during the few years they were kidnapped and brainwashed; now, they purposefully allowed themselves to be "found" in order to infiltrate the palace and kill the king. Their childhood best friend and now Captain of the King's Guard Character B was thrilled to have found Character A, but they don't seem to be acting like themselves.

° AUideas Content Poll °

Hey all!!

Now that we're back making some posts, we wanted to check in with you guys to see what you'd like to see more of. The team is highly reduced, so revamping our focus will help a ton in keeping posting consistent:

We'll be leaving the poll open for a week, so cast your votes!

Happy writing~

-- The Admins of AUideas

"You want to know why I hate you?? You love the idea that the next challenge may be the last; you want to see what you can take, especially if it hurts. Maybe that's human — maybe that's just being stupid — at the end of the day, the fact that you're even standing here proves they're probably the same thing."

The Never Book

Anonymous asked:

Can I use your hanahaki AU???? I promise I'll give you proper credits. I would be grateful if you'll agree.

Of course! Any and all prompts here on AUideas are fair game -- we've posted them with the intent to share and spark new ideas, so asking for permission is unnecessary. What we do ask, though, is that you make sure to credit us with the original concept so others can find us and be equally-excited about starting their own writing.

As a thank you, here's a list of some new and interesting Hanahaki Disease AUs!

Confused about what Hanahaki's is? Here's a link from Fanlore that explains it in more detail, but the TL;DR is that if Character A has an unrequited love / crush on Character B but Character B doesn't feel the same way, Character A's lungs will slowly fill with flowers until the petals expel from their mouth. Needless to say, this is usually deadly...

  • In a world where Hanahaki's Disease was spreading like wildfire, Character A watched the news as the CDC decreed a ban on social media for the safety of the public -- fans had been developing fatal cases of Hanahaki's Disease for celebrities and influencers who could never possibly love them back.
  • Character A has been inflicted with Hanahaki's Disease; they just couldn't control themselves, and when they see their crush (Character B) in public, Character A has an attack. When the petals are finally cleared away by passersby and they can draw in a strained breath, they look up from where they'd fallen and see that they're in the arms of Character B who stares down at them with conflicted eyes. Character B can't help but be concerned for Character A's safety, but the type of flower petal Character A is producing has their favorite scent, and it's taking everything they have to not see if Character A's mouth tastes as good as it smells.
  • As a divergence of the classic Hanahaki's Disease concept, this universe manifests certain flower types based on the quality of the crushee's heart; the worse a person they are, the more pain and torment the afflicted will experience (thorns, thick roots, putrid smells, etc.). This developed as a safety mechanism to help Hanahaki sufferers break off their obsession quickly, but some infatuations are hard to escape.
  • Characters A and B had been in a long, loving relationship with one another for years at this point, and they never thought they could be happier...that is, until Character B has a coughing attack in their bed. Character A rushes to their side and their eyes go wide when they see a single rose petal fall from their best friend's lips and into their palm. The room tenses.
  • As a last resort, some Hanahaki's Disease sufferers choose to sign up for a dating service that aims to specifically pair up Hanahaki's sufferers in the hopes they'll fall in love and be cured. Easier said than done, of course...
  • "Listen, officers, I know it's a CDC emergency, but whenever I fake a Hanahaki's attack in public, I just get so much sympathy from everyone around me. It's like...it's the only time I really feel loved, you know? I was about to fake another attack here on the street when I found them. I don't know if they're still breathing, but I tried to pull out as many petals as I could-- NO, I don't know their name, but LOOK! Their lips are even more blue than the stupid f*ckin' petals on the ground, so HELP THEM!!" AU
  • It was thought that when someone died with Hanahaki's Disease, they were all but cured since their love died with them. After the first few bodies were buried, though, flowers matching the ones that killed them always sprouted from their graves. Character A's job isn't to clean the stones or stop grave robbers -- their job is to monitor the Hanahaki remnants' growth, make observations, and categorize new flora.
  • Obsessed botanist and activist Character A purposefully infected themselves with Hanahaki's Disease, but not for sympathy. They sought out the off-chance that their blood, their body, and their very bones were special enough to warrant the growth of a rare, extinct plant that could save the world. And if they couldn't do it, well, then they'd just have to get creative.
  • Overseas factories were known for their poor conditions, but a whole new meaning was brought to the word when Hanahaki's Disease began spreading like wildfire. For a small paycheck, these factories would house Hanahaki's sufferers and collect their petals to use in perfumes, ceremonies, etc. With the fatality rate of the disease being so high, they have a hard time keeping their stock consistent (without some foul play, that is).

Looking for some more Hanahaki's Disease ideas? We've got you covered! Here, you'll find all our Hanahaki's Disease ideas; if you'd like even more, shoot us an ask.

Hope this helps out, and happy writing!

-- Admin M xx


Do you have any prompts about characters who were genetically modified and stuff under that umbrella?

  • In a society where parents have a choice over what DNA is given to their offspring, a couple who are narcissistic geneticists purposefully choose the worst DNA they could identify just to see if even those genes produced a perfect child. Character A -- their resulting kid -- is anything but.
  • When genetic modification becomes mainstream, everyone changes parts about themselves, but some take it too far -- those who deviate too far from their human DNA are called mutts and are looked down upon, mistreated, and casted out. However, the majority of those who deviated their DNA were left no choice because that deviation saved their life from cancer, organ failure, and other diseases. When Characters A and B meet in the back alley clinic to undergo their own deviations, Character A (a criminal on the run seeking to alter their DNA to escape the police) questions why Character B would be there. They seemed perfect on the surface...what could be going on?
  • Longtime professional gamer Character A enrolls in a special gene splicing program to attain faster reaction times. Although the rates of failure were next to none, Character A has never been anything but exceptional. A miscalculation in the splicing process leads them to become disabled; now, they work with other members of the 'miss-spliced community' to navigate the waters of pro-gaming with immobile wrists.
  • "I never wanted to be perfect, but I wanted to be a different person...the only way to get them to notice me was to change every part of who I am, and that seems like a small price to pay if they can be mine again." AU
  • From what Character A understood, the genetic modification program was supposed to be individualized and curated to each person and their unique needs; but, when Character A realizes that they and Character B (two people across the world from one another) had been modified to be identical, worlds collide.
  • A spy who has undergone over 700 modifications in their espionage career finally hits a wall when they're captured by an enemy agency; here's the thing, though -- this Character A immediately begins to beg their enemy (Character B) to put them out of their misery. They don't even remember who they are anymore, and they can't imagine a life worse than this.
  • In an attempt to balance the world order, the human population slowly but surely undergoes mass genetic modification to ensure there aren't too many people of a certain "type" on Earth at one time (you may choose what these five archetypes are, but examples may include Harmonious, Driven, etc.). Because some types have an easier life than others, parents begin to request that their children are born of a certain type...some rebellious clinics, however, purposefully make their children have no type at all.
  • Genetic modification began as a simple way to avoid medical issues later in life, but soon, it's taken to the -enth degree; small changes become big, unnatural changes, and the richest people in the world are able to pay others to obtain the equivalent of superpowers (super strength, super speed, night vision, incredible processing speed, etc.). The 1% decide that this type of surgery is a right of passage for their community and must be undertaken at the age of 16. When an impoverished child (Character A) is born with the ability to breathe underwater, however, leaders in the genetic modification field take notice, then take immediate action.

A Quick Announcement About the WGA Strike

As most of you know, we here at AUideas function for your benefit; we create, house, and curate a very unique archive of ideas and concepts that you all transform into fully-fledged pieces of writing. We're completely non-profit and have worked purely for the benefit of the writing community we've grown to love for over a decade.

With that being said, we have been watching the news and would like to formally announce (even if it's a bit late) our support for the actors and writers standing up for their rights. They are severely underpaid, undercut, and underappreciated, and as people working in the creative field, we admins share their struggle and stand by them.

How does this affect you all?

Because of our position, we must request that no concepts that are derived from our archive are used in SCAB activities, up to and including selling concepts and stories inspired by AUideas to studios or otherwise profiting from the industry's current halt. We're of course glad that you found an amazing story to make your own, but a few questions in our inbox since we started posting this past week have shown us that we need to announce our position.

Will AUideas change its archive in any way?

Although our posting has been sporadic for the past few years, ideas will continue to be published as interest ebbs and flows. The archive itself will remain public as always so you all can enjoy its contents even during this creative crisis.

What can you do to help?

As mentioned previously, AUideas is purposefully non-profit, but donating directly to the cause is always encouraged. Striking parties have GoFundMe's that help supplement their necessities while they're out of work, and if you're an aspiring creative with extra cash lying around (a rarity, we know), we encourage you to contribute.

Thanks for your continued support, and get back to writing!

-- the AUideas Admins

Anonymous asked:

hello :] just wanted to check, how do we credit for the au prompts you have posted if i were to be inspired by them....? would this be sufficient — Inspiration for this story is from @auideas on tumblr (insert hyperlink to post). thank you so much for this, i have found some really inspiring prompts that i hope can bring me out of the writing block! have a lovely weekend~

Great question! We always love for you guys to credit us with story concepts not because we want people to know it was our idea or anything, but because we want to make sure that more struggling writers know about this amazing concept archive. Because of this, we actually have a great guide on how to give us credit in our desktop blog's FAQ:

“Can we use your ideas in our stories/fanfictions?”

Yes, you may use our ideas, but please give us credit.

“How do we cite you? How do we give you credit?”

For AU posts: Inspiration for this story is from the “White Winter Wonderland AU” (embed a link to the post here) by @auideas on tumblr. For Never Book quotes: “A life wasted is a life that was never worth living.” – The Never Book, @auideas on tumblr (insert link) or: Inspiration for this story is from The Never Book, by @auideas on tumblr. (insert link) (optional quote goes here) You can tailor this to meet your needs on AO3 / Tumblr / Wattpad / Fanfiction.net or whatever you use - just make sure to include a link back to the original post and to credit AUideas.

We hope this answered your question, and happy writing!

-- Admin M x

"...and that's your partner's future: every breath will be agony, and every heartbeat will feel like a punishment from God." Her threat echoed across the hall, wavering the immovable hero's resolve. "Oh, stay right there while I get something. The color draining from your face is the most beautiful shade — I'd love to have it on my nails.”

The Never Book

Anonymous asked:

i'm trying to write a modern setting au, but am having trouble thinking of things they can do for scene ideas. my own life is pretty monotonous - work, grocery shopping, occasionally a club or bar. do you have any ideas for interesting things friends can do in a basic, normal modern setting? or at least, things that may help me come up with ideas? thanks for all of your hard work <3

Love this! It can be hard to think of things to do with friends normally, let alone what to have your characters do when anything is possible. We'd recommend looking online for things to do with friends -- weirdly enough, some of the best things we've been able to find were in short clips on TikTok that detail possible events and experiences. Here are some of our favorites we've been able to find:

  • Go to a bookshop with a group, pair up, then each person selects three books: the first is one that the person would like the other to read because they love it and they feel like it embodies their personality and reading tastes, the second encapsulates the taste of their partner that they think they'll absolutely love, and the third book is the same so the partners can buddy read
  • Create a blended Spotify playlist with the group, press shuffle, then try to guess whose song it is; if you get it wrong, < insert penalty here >
  • Have a rainbow picnic in the park where each person brings an item of each color in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, etc.)
  • Have a fake family dinner wherein everyone is given a character (ones you'd normally find at a family dinner like a nerdy uncle, a rebellious teen, etc.) a month in advance -- they then have to arrive dressed and completely immersed in their randomly assigned character; their backstories can be prepared by a single person in advance or it can be left up to each individual to develop on their own. What's important to remember is to print out a family tree and post it on the wall so everyone can remember one another's relations -- it would be weird if you forgot your own grandfather, right?
  • Go on an annual retreat wherein your group focuses on solely celebrating one another through activities, like talking, cooking, singing, dancing, etc. -- it's a practice of grounding and presence, but it can also be a great exercise to see how your characters would choose to interact in a setting that purposely doesn't have a structure aside from, well, avoiding a structure
  • Host a presentation night wherein each member of the group has to present where they think the group should go on their annual vacation (extra points for locations that seem impossible yet are actually possible, like walking to Mount Doom or standing in the field on the Windows Desktop image)
  • Invite everyone over for a pasta dinner party in which everyone needs to bring a different sauce (the host makes all the pasta) -- the best one wins overall and the worst one has to be the host next time
  • Have a movie night, but make it immersive! Have the group go to one friend's place -- there, a selection of movies on streaming services should be available, a concession stand should have candy and popcorn, and the host can even have a flashlight during the movie to shine in people's faces if they get too rowdy

If you'd like more, send us a message; now, get to writing!

-- Admin M x


Well this is certainly the season for it -- pool love, coming right up!

(P.S. We're going to start including our favorite prompt within lists at the bottom, so make sure you read until the end!)

  • Chronically shy Characters A and B had been playing games with all the neighborhood kids since they were toddlers, but weirdly enough, they'd never actually spoken directly. The only time they'd uttered a word to one another was during games of Marco Polo in which they recognized the other's voice, loved it and its flirtatious tone, but never acted on it -- after all, they had never seen one another and matched the voice in the crowd, so how could they know they felt the same way about one another? Later in life, they wind up on a blind date and start speaking to one another, feeling a strange sense of nostalgia...had they met before?
  • "We had one chance to win the gold medal for either one of our countries; we were supposed to be Olympic champions, but you threw it all away just because of our petty rivalry!? You stupid, selfish --" Character A is cut off as Character B slams them against the locker, pressing their forearm at Character A's throat, then crowding their space until they could see the droplets of chlorine mix with the tears coating Character A's lashes. Character B drank in the sight. "Choose your next words wisely, bargain bin protagonist," they shakily breathed out. "I'm not above putting you in your place." AU
  • "I took a job as a lifeguard for the local pool this summer and there's this incredibly cute person who always brings the kids they're babysitting. I guess they don't like swimming very much, but they always bring a new book every single time; I don't know if they're a speed reader or if they're just showing off, but trying to keep up with their current picks is impossible. I've been trying to visibly read the same book as them for WEEKS now while on my breaks, but they never even look in my direction..." AU
  • Pool cleaners Character A and B had been in the business for a while so they'd seen some shady things, but nothing they'd ever cleaned had come close to their newest client. The black water seemed endless, the smell was putrid, and they could see some sort of steam coming from the surface even though the ambient and water temperature were the same. Their eyes grew wider and wider as they emptied the water and found some...strange objects...at the bottom.
  • "I've never been able to open my eyes under water -- it just seems scary, unsanitary, and unnecessary. What could I possibly want to see in that urine-filled cesspool? My friend, Character B, found this hilarious and made it their mission to help me crush my phobia over summer break. Soon they realized that I didn't want to because I was worried about other people being in the pool when I was opening my eyes, so they break into the pool after hours, dragging me along to practice. After an hour of psyching myself up, we both dipped our heads under. It took a few seconds, but when I opened my eyes, I found Character B pressing their lips against mine. The water around me suddenly felt extra cold as my face flushed deep red. Oh no...it must be pink eye, I have a fever oh no it's too soon how could I let this happen oh geez I'm so screwed--" AU
  • After one thing leads to another, some swimsuit mishaps in the locker room force Character A to borrow the spare swimsuit of Character B and needless to say...they look ridiculously adorable in it.
  • Dungeon master Character A decides that the best thing they could do for the final session of their five year nautical campaign would be to rent out a local pool and host their four players for their most immersive session yet. This was supposed to be some summer fun, but the final battle becomes intense. Characters B and C, party rivals, have a falling out and hold a one on one battle to resolve their differences. As things take a turn, play fighting in the water turns malicious and real. Rhinslow, the barbarian, struggles to breathe as Kaisili, the elf, chokes them beneath the chlorinated ripples in the pool. Character D, their dwarf party member, screams in disbelief and shock when they see Rhinslow -- Character B, their crush -- stop moving. Kaisili -- Character C -- reasoned that their turn would not be over until the Dungeon Master, Character A, said it was over. They'd rolled a natural 20 on their initiative, after all; they deserved this win.
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