
anyways hello taylor i love u & take a deep breath if u read this & have a nice snack & tuck yourself in a warm blanket, pspspsps your cat(s) & rest.... it is bedtime..... u have done enough for us


I want to write. I have ideas. I open document. I type four of the worst sentences ever created in the english language. I daydream the rest of the scene. I close document.


please do not force an lgbt label onto anne frank. she died before she had the chance to explore her sexuality and if you need to think of her as lgbt to have empathy for her you need to reconsider how you think of holocaust victims. please do not vilify her father, a man who lost his entire family in the holocaust, for censoring the parts in anne’s diary where she expresses attraction for women. it was 1947. jewish girls were already seen as hypersexual. he was protecting her legacy as best he could, and you have no right to call him a villain for wanting what was period-typical best for his late daughter.

Non-Jews, please read and reblog.


the fact that “abolish the police” went from a fringe, radical stance that no one took seriously to a national talking point after just 7 days of protests is itself a massive victory. keep pushing.


remember when you were 12 and the internet seemed like an endless source of fun and now you just scroll through tumblr and check instagram?

or is that just me


thought i was the only that felt this way lol


The internet when you were 12 in 2007: Most of your friends didn't use it and neither did your parents. Corporations didn't fully understand it yet, commercialization consisted almost exclusively of banner ads. The most popular social media was MySpace, of which you could personalize almost every aspect and nobody's parents used. Instead of having one Nerd Website that everyone uses, you had accounts on a bunch of different forums related to your interests and each had its own unique environment. YouTube was an uncharted terrain of kids just like you uploading whatever they wanted, unpolished and unedited with no ad partnerships.

The internet in 2020: Literally everyone is online, every member of your family has an account on each of the most popular websites. Instead of being a place you can enter on your own terms when you're ready, the internet now comes to you, giving you a little spike of anxiety with every new notification. Ad spam is everywhere and it's becoming increasingly harder to differentiate between real people and marketing schemes. The most popular social media websites have streamlined, neutral colored UIs that cannot be personalized at all beyond a singular photo and username. Instead of being a haven for fellow weirdos, everyone is a denizen of the internet now. 90% of online activity for your interests takes place on a single website, the community is going to be devastated if it ever goes down but what can be done? YouTube is just mainstream television but on the internet now, YouTubers are rich celebrities who live in Hollywood mansions.

Im so glad people are talking about this cuz Ive been scared it was mainly my depression sapping the joy out of everything again


White people: if you want to help long term: get used to being told your opinion is wrong, irrelevant, or unwanted. Tell your friends to get used to it. Work on getting used to it and do this work with other white people. Because white supremacy has all of y’all very used  to being right and being an inherently valued voice and if we’re going to fight white supremacy you’re going to have to be comfortable surrendering that expectation and also white people will need to learn how to handle being rejected or disagreed with. It’s an extension of racism and racial trauma for black people to try and educate or speak up about our issues only to expose ourselves to your white fragility which  makes you defensive– this defensiveness can look like shutting down, silencing us, painting all corrections or disagreements as ‘fighs’ (extending the idea that black people are aggressive) etc.

White resilience is the opposite of white fragility and black people are VERY good at resilience, unfortunately. Listen to us we know how to combat this.

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