
Twinkle Twinkle Productions

@zephra85 / zephra85.tumblr.com

Musings of a star-gazer and eternal dreamer

“an estranged relationship with pleasure” he would do numbers on here

I'm often struck by the thought that even if Hozier hadn't made it in music, the likelihood of him becoming famous as a dril-level internet cryptid comedian was still extremely high


During my first staff lunch at the library, everyone got pickle spears with their sandwiches. One of the children’s librarians didn’t want hers, so I took it. And then someone else said “I don’t want mine either” and I said “gimme.” I ended up eating the equivalent of three whole pickles that day and every staff lunch after that, everyone saved me their pickles.

I am pickle queen.


What I love about this is that the results are almost 50/50. The pickle takers (of which I am also one) are matched by the pickle givers. A truly balanced social dynamic.


"I don't want to read this" is totally valid.

"This is disgusting to me" is totally valid.

"I don't want to read this because it is disgusting to me" is totally valid.

"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.

"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.


Bro, blocking someone and then using their tag like this is, all offence, weak as fuck. Like all you had to say was, na bro I don't promote pedo protags on this here blog, because I wholly agree with the premise of your argument given contexts (i.e., writing abusive relationships to show the evils, great; writing abusive relationships to show the romance, yikes).

This response is so, so comically shitty within the context of that tag, oh my god.

"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.

"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.

"Censorship of some topics in fiction and art is good and I would be happy if it were to be enacted in a way I approved of"


"some things should be banned from ever being written or read about in fiction"

are both authoritarian viewpoints to hold and express, even if you don't have the power to enact them.

If you hold these viewpoints you are holding authoritarian viewpoints.


Let me explain this to you in simple terms.

Something being nasty is not a good reason to ban fiction about it.

If we accept that "something being nasty is a good reason to bad fiction about it" then we give a foot in the door for all the people who truly, genuinely believe that queer people are nasty to ban all queer literature.

This is not about defending bad people this is about defending the freedom of good people from tyranny, you moron.

I think if you take it to its logical extreme. Say, banning people from writing stories of sexual abuse. That could then be said "well ANY talk about sexual abuse is bad."

And from that, you could ban books that talk about it irl. Or books like how to recover after being abuse. If its not something to be discussed AT ALL.

The fact that I’ve seen this post in some form on my dash like 100x and each time there’s new idiots who do not get that you can’t have *some* censorship.

Either you’re for it or you aren’t.

The moment you agree that something should never, ever exist in fiction is the moment that anything can be banned.

Remember a while back how Tumblr banned a bunch of tags, including many popular innocuous ones that even people who are for censorship used and were upset about?

When censorship happens, stuff YOU like can and will be banned. That’s how it works.

Remember how a bunch of people had their accounts terminated here only last year for writing about their own sexual abuse?

When you ban “pedo” topics, say, any talk of child sexual abuse in any form, that means people can no longer write about their own experiences. It means people cannot educate others so they can learn how to protect themselves or get help from these situations.

Censorship is authoritarian. Full stop.

Even if “everyone” agrees something is “gross” and “shouldn’t exist,” that does not fucking matter.

Do you know who generally believes queer people are gross and shouldn’t exist??

The same people who are banning books left and right solely because they have queer characters or relationships.

The same people who attack and kill queer folk for simply exisiting.

This is not just some fandom matter or a case of being chronically online.

Protecting freedom of expression is essential, and if you do not get that, I don’t know what to say to you.


And the people who keep bringing up child sex abuse as a reason for censorship are doing it very specifically because everyone feels like then they HAVE to agree with the person in favor of censorship.

It’s not that there isn’t widespread societal agreement on this. It’s that they want you backed into a rhetorical corner where you feel compelled to agree with them.

Also, like, we KNOW how this shit shakes out in fandom because it's happened before.

In 2007, Livejournal capitulated to the "pedophilia and sex crimes!" cries of (hate group) Warriors 4 Innocence, and you know what communities got shut down? Slashfic communities. Sexual assault survivor support communities. Authors who'd written non-smut m/m fic even got caught up in it. It was DEVASTATING to fandom spaces. I think pretty much everyone knew at least one person whose account was literally DELETED, or were a member of a community that was wiped off the map because they were considerate enough to include topics like "sexual assault" or "BDSM" in the profiles under the badly-named category of "interests" to indicate that posts on said blogs or communities may include discussion of things like that. Even if it was for a SUPPORT group. And it was because a group of religious bigots came to LJ and said essentially "EVERYONE thinks it's gross and that it's promoting CSA, we should ban it."

Like, strikethrough and boldthrough were a large part of what propelled AO3 out of a more unfocused conversation on one person's blog about hosting a site INTENDED for fandom content, into being an actual archive and nonprofit. And it's a large part of why you won't find AO3 banning topics that you find "gross".

Censorship is authoritarian and it will ALWAYS have more collateral damage than you can imagine.


The first half of this quote chain was like watching a sociology professor attempt to teach a classroom of alligators.

“Censorship is bad.”

“But then people will read bad things.”

“Yes, that’s what ‘censorship is bad’ means.”

“But surely you don’t want people to read bad things?”

“Censorship is bad.”



The other thing that baffles me about lines of thought like this is… okay, so these pro censorship people think pedo fics are nasty.

What happens to them when they chance across a pedo fic?

They’re saying they think it’s nasty, so I’d assume they can stop reading and move on…

…but they’re also asserting that being exposed to pedo fics makes you think real csa is okay.

Is… that what’s happening to them? Does the mere fact of fic existing make them start to doubt that csa is bad?

Is that what they think is happening to the rest of us?

…Guys, if basic morality is that bendy for you you really should mention it to your therapist.


As a young boy in school, Masaki Sashima would be dragged out of his classroom and beaten by his fellow students.

Masaki, now 72, was different to the other kids. 

He was Ainu, an Indigenous people from the country's northern regions, most notably the large island of Hokkaido.

"During recess, the hallway door would open, and several guys would yell at me to come out," he said.

"I clung to my desk in the classroom and kept quiet.

"Everyone would surround me and beat me."

Japan has long portrayed itself as culturally and ethnically homogenous, something that some have even argued is a key to its success as a nation.

More than 98 per cent of Japanese people are descendants of the Yamato people. 

But the Ainu are distinct, with their own history, languages, and culture.

But, as the victims of colonialism, assimilation, and discrimination, much of that identity has been lost. 


An Ainu woman named Chiri Yukie wrote down some of her people's oral traditions into Japanese because, as a child, her people were being displaced by Japanese settlers in Hokkaido. Her language was disappearing, so she (ironically) saw translating the stories into Japanese as a way to preserve them. She died at age 19.

Community Label: Mature

The Night Walker

Inspired by Princess Mononoke's Night-Walker/Forest God. That movie holds a special place in my heart.

Friday night I, like everyone else, set out with the hopes of capturing the northern lights. My hopes weren't high, this is the 3rd time I can remember where the news said they'd be visible but every other time there hadn't even been a hint of green. I was driving around aimlessly, hoping the lights would show before I committed to hiking in the dark (I'm a little scared of the dark if you can believe that, also this is the road that gave me a flat tire last week)

I quickly drove to the spot I'd been saving. It's this ugly clear cut that must have had beautiful trees before it was logged (the stump I'm on is pretty big for a tree farm). The only nice thing about this spot is the view of the Olympics + the solitude. There were other people on the main dirt road but once I walked down the gated one, all I could hear was the sounds of frogs, owls, and coyotes. I did several landscape shots then an idea for this formed in my mind and luckily my deer skull has been living in my car lately. I needed light but I don't own a flash and my camera doesn't have one built in. Using a combo of my flashlight on my phone, carefully propped up on my camera, and lots of trial and error (getting the focus right manually when you can't see is hard! I used Juniper to get the focus fine tuned since her wait/up trick is getting good) I got a sufficiently lit shot. Normally for self portraits I use an app on my phone that connects to my camera and allows me to see the photo and take it from a distance but with my phone delegated to flash duty I had to bust out the remote shutter release.

Community Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.


Today is fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis awareness day. I was diagnosed with both 10 years ago. They're just two of my many comorbid conditions that take constant research, $$$, and resilience to endure, manage, and recover from. They call these illnesses "invisible", but if you pay attention, you'll see them. You'll see how many bags of symptom management I have to pack for an easy 8 hour day at work or to a hang out with friends. How I can't sit up for long, how I always have a heating pad on, how I rest on the floor every chance I get. How I get nauseous and shaky, how I struggle with each weather change, with overstimulation, how my brain fog makes me forgetful and spacey. How the constant pain wears me down and makes me lose hope. How the grief of what I've lost drowns me, how the medical trauma makes me cancel appointments because I just can't do it anymore. How I've tried my best to make the most of life anyway, to find new dreams to cling to, no matter how mundane or small. Because it's all I have. If you know someone with FMS/ME, it's impossible to understand what it's like to live this way. But rather than being dismissive because disability makes you uncomfortable, tap into your empathy. Research your loved one's condition. Help them get groceries or clean up around the house when they're flaring. Little things that might be easy for you can be near impossible for spoonies who often have to choose between eating and bathing. Just being there, really being there, can possibly save them.

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