
the token straight

@theknightherself / theknightherself.tumblr.com

28 | ♀ | INFJ cis she/her 3ds friend code: 4184 - 4729 - 3323 hey my name is stacy and I'm a giant fuckin nerd from the pnw

happy 2021 I've officially ruined things with my now ex best friend ✌

“Have you ever killed something good for you just to be certain that you’re the reason you can no longer have it?”

Larissa Pham, from “Abject Permanence,” published in Unruly Bodies


the entire produce department and one of my immediate coworkers are out for covid, the governer of my state is bypassing vaccines for retail workers in favor of children and teachers so they can "go back into schools as soon as possible", I'm being forced into a job I don't want and have literally no training for, and after nine years I now don't have a best friend anymore so y'know. merry fucking christmas I guess I'm gonna be alone forever now ✌

Anonymous asked:

I’m sorry if this is an unsolicited opinion, but I think you’re an awesome person! And as someone also currently rocking the single life and has for a long time, I know that it sucks really bad sometimes to feel like you’re always going to be alone. It really helps to look for the non romantic love in other folks around you. Don’t let being single determine your worth. Hope that isn’t too preachy. Just want you to know some random person cares and understands.

I don't really know what to say. I've spent a very very long time feeling like I don't really matter. It seems like a part of me that can't change. I don't know. I have a few friends but it's hard to feel like my being here has made any significant difference in anyone's life. I'll be happy for a moment and then realize "oh right, I'm awful" and we'll be right back to that good old untreated depression life. Hard to be happy when it feels like everyone is only pretending to like you and would leave at a moments notice.

But I appreciate that you cared enough to send this. Thank you.


my best friend trying to tell me I'm worth something when I, in fact, am not. which is why I will be alone my whole life ✌💫


tiktok keeps sending me untagged videos of tarot readings that are like "someone very close to you will tell you their feelings" and the last one had their fucking sign in it and the dichotomy between my deep desire to believe it's true and my equally deep belief that it won't happen and also that I'm not worth loving it's uhhh.....giving me stress and anxiety 💫❤


Satanic Abortions cut through unconstitutional abortion laws

States across the US have enacted cruel, unconstitutional abortion laws that require doctors to sexually assault women seeking abortions and lie to them about the health impacts of abortion. Some laws require funerals for foetal remains. These laws were pushed by ALEC, the corporate-backed “legislative exchange” that pushes “model legislation” through a network of slick lobbyists in state-houses across the country. ALEC purports to be in favor of “liberty” and “small government.” Enter the Satanic Temple, a federally recognized religion whose members do not believe in Satan or supernatural phenomena. They believe “that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition.” The Temple has a fantastic schtick. They go to places where christofascists have gotten laws passed that shove their weird, apostate version of “Christianity” down everyone else’s throats and point out that the First Amendment requires nondiscrimination among faiths. Wanna put a giant stone Ten Commandments in front of your courthouse? Sure. But they’re gonna put a giant statue of Baphomet right next to it. The court challenges they mount aren’t cheap, but they’re slam dunks. The US Constitution is pretty clear on this. Now, in 1993, Chuck Schumer sponsored the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” which lets Americans sue governments over laws that “substantially burdens a person’s exercise of religion.” https://www.congress.gov/bill/103rd-congress/house-bill/1308 Religious maniacs LOVE the RFRA and its progeny, like SCOTUS’s Hobby Lobby decision, which broadened the RFRA’s provisions and allowed corporations to claim exemptions from Rendering Unto Caesar where that interfered with the owners’ faith. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burwell_v._Hobby_Lobby_Stores,_Inc. Guess what you get when you combine the RFRA, ALEC’s restrictive abortion laws, and the Satanic Temple? That’s right…SATANIC ABORTIONS. https://announcement.thesatanictemple.com/rrr-campaign41280784 A Satanic Abortion is a religious ritual that is totally indistinguishable from a normal, medical abortion, except that the participant says a few self-affirming words about her bodily autonomy. Oh, also: the ritual absolutely forbids, as a bedrock matter of religous conviction, any waiting periods, the withholding of medically necessary advice, mandatory counseling, required readings, and unnecessary sonograms. Also forbidden: mandatory fetal heartbeat listening sessions and compulsory fetal burials. If you want an abortion and the doctor tries this bullshit, hand them one of these exemption letters explaining how the law doesn’t apply thanks to the RFRA. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mup4nee1n9wkvqb/Religious%20Abortion%20Exemption%20Letter.pdf Now, the religious right could fight this. But if they win…they overturn the RFRA, and Hobby Lobby has to provide its employees with contraception and all the other theocratic exemptions go poof, too. The Temple is pretty amazing. Here’s some highlights of their previous campaigns: “Publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict women’s reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners in mental health care, organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets.”

Also, gonna throw it out there, unlike The Church of Satan, these dudes ain’t Eugenicists.

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