
There once was a Stag with no antlers

@antlerlessstag / antlerlessstag.tumblr.com


One of the most common questions I get about my games is "can I play as this? can I play as that?", and I'll level with you: basically every game I write is about a narrowly focused experience, so if you're the sort of player who's afflicted with the contrarian urge to insist on playing a character who's the exact opposite of whatever type of character a game is notionally about, regardless of what type of character that is, you're probably not gonna have a good time.

Like, if you look at a game called Tiny Frog Wizards, which is about playing as tiny frog wizards, and whose mechanics are exclusively concerned with being tiny frog wizards, to the extent that there are literally no rules for solving a problem without casting spells at it, and you have a problem with the fact that this game does not make any effort to accommodate your wish to play as an ordinary, non-magic-using human man, I genuinely don't know what to tell you.


you guys have got to try living . its ugly but theres no other option


don't wanna

didnt ask dont care surrender to the tide of life and allow it to wash over you in all its imperfect and profound beauty


The queer community is full of hurt people.

This can lead to a knee-jerk reaction when we hear someone else say "I am hurt". We look at them and say "shut up, you're not as hurt as me because you have X privilege".

This leads to femme afab queers being told "you can pass and hide as cishet, you're not as hurt as queer women who look queer, you're just complying with the patriarchy's ideals for beauty, you're hurting the queer community, you're anti feminist."

It leads to masc afab people, whether trans men or nonbinary or genderqueer etc, being told everything from "you're not as hurt, you can pass as a cis man" to "you have no desire to transition, you still look like a girl, shut up".

It leads to trans amab people who are nonbinary or genderqueer or agender etc, who still dress or look "masculine", being told that they are "unsafe" for queer spaces, that they don't belong at a "women and nonbinary meeting", that they are "basically just cis men trying to escape accountability".

It leads to asexuals being told "you don't even feel sexual attraction, the thing we're ostracized for! how could you possibly be oppressed? You're just straight and a prude" and aromantics being told "you're just straight and like casual sex, get over yourself" and both being told "you're just a cishet who wants to steal resources".

I have heard every single kind of queer person say "I have been harmed and ostracized by the queer community". Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and mspec people, trans people, aroace people - every single one of us has expressed feeling ostracized by our own community.

On the plus side, this means you're not alone. Your group isn't the only one facing this. You have allies!! Other queer people who have gone through what you've gone through!

We need queer unity. We need to stop attacking each other. If you feel the urge to say "shut up, my group has been hurt MORE", go take a walk. Remember that every single one of us has been hurt.


caving as an extreme sport is sooo unfathomable to me why are u as a creature of the daylight doing that. were u born without the dread in ur bones or something

come 9 year olds let us sleep in the hell fissures where time goes to suffocate

Remember kids! the first step to not dying in a cave is not going into a fucking cave.


rabbits know and resent their place on the food chain

mice and rats also know they're prey animals, they just have such joy of living that it cancels out. guinea pigs have no concept of death but understand contextless fear. hamsters however do know the food chain, but they also know that attachment to the earth is the root of suffering and they wisely deny the faults of the ego


if cis gay men can use she/her pronouns then trans gay men can too. cis gay people are not the only people who are gender non-conforming and trans gay men are more than allowed to use she/her. trans gay men are allowed to have a complex connection between their sexuality and their gender. trans gay men are allowed to be gnc too


Honestly being disabled affects so many LGBT+ people.

In my town there is only 1 bar that has wheelchair access and guess what?! It’s not the gay bar!

Gay bars are also not accessible (the vast majority of the time) to those who are sensitive to bright lights and loud sounds. Example; some people with epilepsy, autism, PTSD, Tourettes, social anxiety, ect.

The pride march I went to last year would not be accessible (reasonably) for someone in a wheelchair or let’s be real, anyone who can’t walk for an hour +. 

The local LGBT+ group I meet up at tries to be accessible but often forgets that if a location has to be changed then the same level of access will almost certainly not apply to the new location.

The LGBT+ friendly bookshop I visited while overseas had a tiny door which barely fit my small wheelchair. There was also a step halfway through the store which meant I only got to view half of the books that were aimed at me. 

A lot of LGBT+ resources online are not set out in a way that people with visual or learning disabilities can easily read, or read at all. 

The LGBT+ community as a whole (not just the disabled members)  need to make a conscious effort to include disabled people where-ever and whenever possible. 

We are just as much a part of the community as abled body/minded people. 

This is 100% okay for able body/minded people to reblog too. 


American middle school: okay for gym class today we're going to learn how to square dance like a bunch of cowboys. The cookie monster pajama pants white trash girl and the most suicidal autistic boy will be going first


Jane Austen really said ‘I respect the “I can fix him” movement but that’s just not me. He’ll fix himself if knows what’s good for him’ and that’s why her works are still calling the shots today.


Meanwhile Emily Brönte just said “We can make each other worse.” 

Mary Shelley said, "I can make him


oh you’re a communist? cool, cool. have you read any news article to completion in the last month

oh you’ve read a lot of theory? cool, cool. do you care about people

this isn’t an anti-communist post it is an anti-white-guy-redditor-whose-philosophy-actually-flirts-with-fascism post

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