
professional kink shamer

@scorpdaddy-blog / scorpdaddy-blog.tumblr.com

annie//i have no mouth but i must scream this is a (hopefully) trigger free blog, if you need me to tag something please tell me

reblog if you actually know what these stand for: ptv bvb sws mcr 5sos fob atl p!atd


purple tangy vaginas bush visited burgerking swimming with seahorses mikeyway can rideme 5 seasonings on sausages flavorful old buns attack the llamas priests! ate the declarationofindependence


It makes me sad how misunderstood and misrepresented Aphrodite is. She’s more than just the Goddess of love. She’s the beauty in the world around us, the passion that drives you through each day. And at the same time She’s also that rage you feel after being mistreated. The raw power of anger that surges through you. She’s not always soft pinks and roses. She’s multifaceted and complex, something far greater than we could ever begin to comprehend.


my friend showed me this video of his pet donkey greeting him when he returned home from college after a few months and you just have to watch it RIGHT NOW

Oh my god I thought this was going to be cute and heart warming and yeah it is but holy shit please turn the sound on I’m fucking dying

Donkeys have ZERO CHILL.

*distant screaming* *excited screeching, coming closer* *deep breath in* *SCREAM*


Imagine this: You’re sitting in your animation history class. Your professor says that your classmate who sits two empty seats away from you is going to show his animation. Joy!

Then, projected ten feet tall in glorious HD, is an autobiographical piece about his life problems and his manic pixie dream girl purple skunk girlfriend. Complete with fade to black sex. And masturbation scene.

Imagine that and you will know a fraction of my pain.


holy piss

it’s real. it is real.

Christmas has come early

Deviantart the movie

the link doesnt work so here i am to the rescue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85V7aqcwJ3Y



I will, until I am blue in the face, defend any adult’s right to enjoy whatever silly, all-ages thing they like without being hassled for it.

But there’s a flip side to that right: As adult fans it is absolutely our responsibility to make sure our enjoyment of that thing does not interfere with a minor’s ability to enjoy the same thing in a safe space.

That means putting warnings on fics that have adult themes, that means not posting porn in the main tags, and it absolutely positively means not having any inappropriate interactions with minors you meet on this website, even if it’s their idea.

This is the basic price of admission every adult has to pay for entry into an all-ages fandom.


Reblog this post if you’re comfortable with transgender people using the bathroom that best matches their gender identity.

As long as they flush. 

And wash their hands 

And goddamn I don’t care who you are just put the toilet seat down when you’re done

shrek's kid: dad... i'm... i'm gay
shrek: well, better out than in, i always say, eh? heheheheh someBODY ONCE

It’s funny to me that Marvel tried to give Stucky as little screen time as possible in cacw but it still turned out ultra gay in the end. The whole Captain America story is Stucky af and no one gave a shit about the no homo romance subplot. Like they got this one tiny scene in an elevator together and everyone totally lost their cool over the sexual tension.


Do….do they not know about Deadpool?


Do they not know about how Bucky is basically the older brother Steve never bad?  Or about how having a gay relationship just to have a gay relationship is just as stupid as not having one to not have one?  Or about how including homoerotic subtext in Bucky and Cap’s interactions would’ve unnecessarily fucked with what was actually going on there (two cool bros being cool bros)?

Izandi I praise you and preach. There’s no problem with having gay relationship, but Buck and Steve’s is built on brotherly love and being there for each other, not romance (like a lot of Stucky people seem to think).

i don’t recall asking any of you to speak lol

Deadpool isn’t a Marvel Studios film (and it plays pretty safe with Deadpool’s sexuality, actually, only taking things so far so that het folks can choose to be in denial about his pansexuality).

No one complains when close long-term het friendships get turned into romance but as soon as queer folks see ourselves and our love between two same-gender characters people want to claim siblinghood to make us seem like perverts for shipping it.

Straights can fuck off.

Funny how I’m constantly seeing the “there’s no problem with having a gay relationship, just not this gay relationship” argument about every queer relationship on screen. Funny how if you say that about every queer relationship, suddenly you’re left with no queer relationships that you’re okay with. This whole “okay with it in theory but not reality,” thing is just a way to try to mask folks’ homophobia.

Also love the whole “including homoerotic subtext…would have fucked with what was actually going on…” Y’all, there already is homoerotic subtext in their relationship. No getting around that. Shoehorning in Steve and Sharon’s kiss was such an obvious attempt to clamp down on the homoerotic subtext that was already there.

This is Castiel-gets-a-wife levels of queerbait and switch.

No one complains when close long-term het friendships get turned into romance but as soon as queer folks see ourselves and our love between two same-gender characters people want to claim siblinghood to make us seem like perverts for shipping it.



concept:  me, but with a really cool x-men mutation and better eyebrows

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