
My advice to any and all of you would be:

  1. Don’t tell your religious parents you’re an atheist/have joined another religion until after you move out.
  2. Don’t tell your homophobic parents you’re gay until after you move out.
  3. Don’t tell your transphobic parents you’re trans until after you move out.

Don’t feel invalidated in your identity because you have not told you parents. Sometimes your family are the last people that should be informed. Your safety is so much more important.

My advice is that if you have shitty but not quite abusive parents, gray rock them until you move out. Keep interactions as pleasant and short and surface-level as you can manage.


Even if you really want to keep them in your life, having an equal relationship as adults is so much easier when you have the added security of your own roof over your head, and you aren’t in each others’ faces seven nights a week. If you have any doubt at all, it is entirely moral to lie your ass off and collect that free rent, 10/10 highly recommend.


here is a sweet story for you all:

the first time I saw my grandmother after coming out and starting HRT she said “here he comes” as I stepped out of the car and then started jumping up and down saying “he! he!! I’m going to remember!!” I started to say hello and she goes “oh! your voice!! wait, let me hear you say something” I say “hi grandmother” and she smiles really big and says “oh… that is a miracle :-)”

the moral of the story is that sometimes coming out is awesome and my grandmother rules. happy pride ✨


Minä talvella: Vittu ku vituttaa tää kylmä ja loska ja pouta ja lumi ja vesi ja pimeä ja-

Minä nyt, kesällä, ulkona +30 C°: (kiipeää pakastimeen)


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