

@ivyeyed / ivyeyed.tumblr.com

Geek. Actress. Convention goer. Sci-fi watcher. LA/Chicago. Feminism, Skyrim, Guild Wars, Marvel, Supernatural, Orphan Black, Game of Thrones, Science, Social justice, Shakespeare, and more.

ugh how the fuck do you cover letter

Greetings, Exalted One. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and friend to Captain Solo.

I know that you are powerful, mighty Jabba, and that your anger with Solo must be equally powerful. I seek an audience with Your Greatness to bargain for Solo’s life.

With your wisdom, I’m sure that we can work out an arrangement which will be mutually beneficial and enable us to avoid any unpleasant confrontation.

As a token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift: these two droids. Both are hardworking and will serve you well.


one of the most important things to me about harry potter is its portrayal of happiness. in the harry potter world, happiness isn’t just a feeling—it’s a weapon. look at how harry and his friends fight: with riddikulus, laughter stymies a creature made of fear; with expecto patronum, the very memory of happiness beats back the grim forces of depression.

the weaponization of positivity stretches beyond that. fred and george weasley’s inventions, meant for laughter, turn into arms against umbridge’s regime. and after their departure from hogwarts, their joke shop becomes not only the single bright spot in diagon alley (literally & figuratively) but a hub of defensive magic. the whole weasleys’ wizard wheezes narrative serves as maybe the clearest example in the series that happiness can act as both shield and sword.

there is something deeply empowering in a depiction of happiness as something so tangible and usable. as a profoundly depressed person, i often feel myself scrounging for happy memories and clutching them close; i find myself grasping for laughter in the dark. the physicalization of expecto patronum is not a quantum leap from reality. the boggart’s laughter as combat fuel, the weasleys’ levity as not just a choice but a difficult and defiant one—it’s all familiar.

the series has its share of darkness, but it revels most in the light. it lets us believe that the act of joy is not small, trivial, or inconsequential. happiness is something not just to be lived—it is to be wielded, on your own behalf and the behalves of the people around you, to battle against the world’s heavier elements. harry potter teaches us this.



Your server is a human!

Your server is a human!

Your server is a human!

Your server is a fucking human!

I thought this was about like a computer server and I was understandably frightened for a moment


Harry Potter Book Quotes (1/?): Philosopher’s Stone p.49

“Did yeh never wonder where yer parents learned it all?”
“All what?” asked Harry.
“ALL WHAT?” Hagrid thundered. “Now wait jus’ one second!” He had leapt to his feet. In his anger he seemed to fill the whole hut. The Dursleys were cowering against the wall. “Do you mean ter tell me,” he growled at the Dursleys, “that this boy — this boy! — knows nothin’ abou’ — about ANYTHING?”
Harry thought this was going a bit far. He had been to school, after all, and his marks weren’t bad. “I know some things,” he said. “I can, you know, do math and stuff.”

i was drinking with people yesterday and one of them said “hitler was a good leader aside from the holocaust” and everyone agreed with him and i fuckin went off lol. like i am so sick of dispelling this ridiculous myth. can i just rattle off a few quick points:

  • he rose to power through manipulation, fear-mongering, sabotage, and murder
  • once in power he pulled germany out of depression through massive arms production, literally stealing citizens’ wealth, and executing hostile takeovers of land and industry
  • he launched into all-out war 6 years after rising to power, picking fights with the most powerful militaries on the planet (allied forces sent german cities back to the stone age. never before or since has any country been so thoroughly destroyed)
  • he broke his own treaty with Stalin and invaded Russia, which has never, ever worked and decimated German troops
  • even not considering the holocaust, he started a war that killed tens of millions of people around the globe
  • after the war, his country literally ceased to exist. Germany was split into parts, administered by allied forces, and wouldn’t reunify for decades
  • Germany still doesn’t have a real national military force – all its forces are part of a multinational coalition and over 50,000 US troops remain on German soil 
  • and most important: you can’t fucking discount the holocaust???? honestly, what the fuck??? you’re gonna say “well, aside from the worst criminal act in human history….” ??? no. he enslaved, tortured, and murdered his own people. he tried to exterminate an entire race. he executed homosexuals and the disabled. that is such a massive part of his domestic and foreign policy you cannot possible exclude it from any discussion of the man

Look to your left. The first thing you see is what you would hoard as a dragon.


Blankets are nice

A huge box filled with milky ways. The hoarding has already begun.



It’s what I hoard already: Magic cards.

Trash cans.






life could probably be worse. milk could have pulp. that’s a pretty shitty thing we don’t have to live with


​I could have gone my whole life without imagining that sensation


According to Know Your Meme, on August 18th, 2005, Erwin Beekveld brought forth this work into the world. HAPPY TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY, THEY’RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD.


My Two Favorite Things:

1. Cats with everyday objects as names

“Pants broke into the catnip again.”

2. Cats with unexpectedly normal names

“How did Kenneth get on top of the fridge?”

3. cats with historical names

Robespierre get of The goddamn table

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