
Rambles and Fandoms

@ace-and-ranty / ace-and-ranty.tumblr.com

Hi everyone! My name's Laura, or just Lau. This blog has no theme except for stuff I like. Expect WLWs, social justice and random rants when I Must Express My Feelings ;) 30yo | ace lesbian | white | cis

Saw a post going around about Legend & Lattes, talking about its genre of origin and how skill progression is a staple of it, but then L&L swaps out "You gained the Extra Cool Murder Skill!" with "You gained scones!" and that's why it's so "painfully boring"

No hate to that post, they're having fun nagging and God knows I have fun nagging, which is why I'm doing this on my own post rather than pooping on their fun, LOL

But I gotta say. I think they're underestimating the existence of a crowd that genuinely prefers scones to the Extra Cool Murder Skill. Have they ever heard of Stardew Valley?.


I mean, of course everyone was gonna go florals. But you could really go balls to the walls with "the garden of time".

Granted, I haven't read the short story for further context. But like. Mushrooms, decay, death? Or sea creatures, the primordial soup of life, sea sponges that are technically immortal? Something something deep time, space, galaxies? You could get really funky with it!! It didn't have to be flowers!!!


No, I gotta say, I do see what the Gay Eddie Truthers are saying.

Married straight off high school. Ran away to the army to avoid being home as much as possible. Asked his sorta-ex-sorta-wife to marry him the minute he thinks she's pregnant. Dates the first pretty adjacent mom figure he finds following that wife's death, even though he is not actually into her. Is avoiding his Christian guilt.

It is giving Comp Het, for sure.


Coloring Book?

I've always wanted to make a coloring book with my chibi art, and after some studying up on how exactly to publish one, I think I've got that option! Now I've just got to narrow down which book to illustrate first (because if I make one, I'll likely make more.)


You see ghosts, Cole? They want me to do things for them. They- They talk to you? They tell you to do things? They’re the ones that used to hurt me.


the thing about Murderbot's """relationship""" with Gurathin is that the first time it vocally expressed its dislike for Gurathin was the very first time it was ever able to vocally express its dislike for anyone.

And it was not punished! Nothing bad happened to it because of this! The PreservationAux team was just like, fine, your opinion is noted and valid, we still all have to work together to not die though.

for someone who was never allowed to let anyone else know it even had opinions, this is a big fucking deal.

its actions toward Gurathin later on (especially obvious in Fugitive Telemetry) show that it considers Gurathin a trusted and valued teammate. And maybe it will never remove the "I don't like him" tag from Gurathin's internal profile but that is not a sign of their friendship needing repair, it is a sign that Murderbot feels safe and free enough to be a little bitchy hater. and i say, good for it!


There’s no reason you can’t eat pie at every meal. They make fruit pies, vegetable pies, meat pies, meat substitute pies, I mean pies easily cover 100% of your necessary nutrient groups. They even make cake pies. The only reason not to switch over to pie entirely is pie sucks.

you were so close to a revolutionary thesis and then you betrayed me and every citizen of good standing


one of the chocolate guys videos appears on your dash. you pause your scrolling to watch it, trying to guess what he’s making because this doesn’t seem to be one you’ve seen before. as the video goes on you get more unnerved and impressed — he seems to be making a whole human being this time, and it’s uncannily realistic. it’s even filled with candied fruit and sweet pastries in place of organs, red velvet cake and a cherry reduction making up flesh and blood beneath the chocolate. but something feels off. the person he’s making seems strangely familiar. upon the final reveal, you know why. amaury guichon has created a perfect replica of you


sobbing and crying at the woman who stole a meth addicted kitten from her dealer and then she and the kitten got clean together

thats love baby!!


let’s remove the question if it’s livable and just focus on the max you can do in terms of comfortability. So you’re not too tired/burnt out at the end of the day.

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