there are twice as many stars as usual

@vampyrvirgos /

they/them 19

1980: dolly parton writes 9 to 5 as a condemnation of working culture and specifically of the gender pay gap

2021: dolly parton gets paid by a private company to rewrite 9 to 5 to be about overworking yourself past even what is asked of you by your job and commodifying your free time into a "side hustle", all for the purpose of a fucking superbowl commercial

comrade jpc said it best (coincidentally this tweet is also how i found out about it)


Snail nestled in the eye socket of a skull on a headstone in Olsany Cemetery, Prague. 

Photo by Owen Phillips

goth snail…………evanescent


my fave thing about being alive is that there is nothing that cannot be learned. tapestry weaving, astrophysics, swimming. music, theremin, singing. cutting your own hair, dancing, quantum mathematics. sewing, philosophy, social skills. knowledge is divine, but sharing it is human !!!


hey yall I didn’t want to have to do work for my online classes so i made a uquiz instead. answer some questions and i’ll tell u what aspect of your personality annoys me the most

So far, people who get the same answer rb and tag this in VERY SIMILAR WAYS. Which is so cool!!! You know what really kills me though? People who get “you don’t like being held accountable” NEVER reblog it. BUT YOU GUYS ARE THE MOST POPULAR RESULT. I KNOW YOU’RE THERE. which tells me that you don’t like being held accountable SO MUCH that you will boycott a whole ass uquiz bc of it. And that, my friends, that is beautiful.


This is my favorite form of entertainment.




Geek gatekeeping is a deadly occupation, and NOBODY has to do it.

Learn from the examples of the fallen, fellow nerds. Don’t be that guy.

oh shit mr gaiman straight up murdered the person

This still makes me giggle 😂

This is right up there with those screenshots of a person mansplaning comic books to Gail Simmone,


Sometimes you murder people on the internet.

Sometimes they run into your knife six times.

Oh God I keep finding more

Oh this thread…. This thread… So good…


boss dropped out of the zoom meeting cause his cat has learned how to unplug the desktop computer when he’s hungry

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