
Reign Daily

@reigndaily / reigndaily.tumblr.com

Esq., March 31, 2013 | Welcome to Reign Daily News. We are dedicated to bringing you the latest news and spoilers among other Reign related stuff. Feel free to send an ask with discussion topics, theories and general hellos whenever you want. This blog is not spoiler-free. Don't forget to follow us on TWITTER too: @ReignDaily.

THE ROYAL LEGENDS CONVENTION - The First European Con organized by DragonflyEvents

The Royal Legends will take place in April 22-23-24 2016,  in a location of central Italy: the city will be announced later. The Convention is a LIMITED EVENT. We can’t predict how long the Passes will be available.

The PASSES will be on sale for Early Booking TONIGHT AT 9.30 PM (Italian time) The deadline of Early Booking will be communicated later. At the end of Early Booking, costs of Passes will increase as described.

TYPES OF PASS: BASE: “KNIGHT PASS” € 139 (EARLY BOOKING 119€) - Entry - Access to the panel of Reign - 1 autograph (excluding bonus guest) - Seat in order of reservation behind Silver * * - Possibility to buy extra (while stocks last) - Access to the room merchandising

SILVER: “ROYAL PASS” € 249 (EARLY BOOKING 229€) - Entry - Access to the panel of Reign - 3 autographs (excluding bonus guest) - 1 photo (excluding bonus guest) - Seat in booking order behind * Gold * - Possibility to buy extra (while stocks last) - Access to the room merchandising



send an email to passrl@dragonflyevents.net with the required informations:

-object: Request pass Royal Legends REIGN -the completed following form: Full name: Birth date: Address: Email: Type of pass required: (In case of sold out of the pass chosen, specify if you accept a lower pass) Before requesting a pass, review the Terms & Conditions 

MODALITY OF PAYMENT: bank wire. After receiving your email for booking, we will send you the bank details and you will have 3 days to make payment After the payment, send a new email (same mail address) with -object : Receipt pass Royal Legends REIGN -Attached : receipt of payment

The Convention is NOT open to children under 16 years. Minors between 16 and 18 years must have a delegation completed and signed by a parent or guardian.

The first guest will be announced only when sales will have reached the milestone necessary. We will then notify you.

The website is under construction, the section ‘Royal Legends Con’ will be available soon with all the information already listed.


THE ROYAL LEGENDS CONVENTION - The First European Con organized by DragonflyEvents

The Royal Legends will take place in April 22-23-24 2016,  in a location of central Italy: the city will be announced later. The Convention is a LIMITED EVENT. We can't predict how long the Passes will be available.

The PASSES will be on sale for Early Booking TONIGHT AT 9.30 PM (Italian time) The deadline of Early Booking will be communicated later. At the end of Early Booking, costs of Passes will increase as described.

TYPES OF PASS: BASE: "KNIGHT PASS" € 139 (EARLY BOOKING 119€) - Entry - Access to the panel of Reign - 1 autograph (excluding bonus guest) - Seat in order of reservation behind Silver * * - Possibility to buy extra (while stocks last) - Access to the room merchandising

SILVER: "ROYAL PASS" € 249 (EARLY BOOKING 229€) - Entry - Access to the panel of Reign - 3 autographs (excluding bonus guest) - 1 photo (excluding bonus guest) - Seat in booking order behind * Gold * - Possibility to buy extra (while stocks last) - Access to the room merchandising



send an email to passrl@dragonflyevents.net with the required informations:

-object: Request pass Royal Legends REIGN -the completed following form: Full name: Birth date: Address: Email: Type of pass required: (In case of sold out of the pass chosen, specify if you accept a lower pass) Before requesting a pass, review the Terms & Conditions 

MODALITY OF PAYMENT: bank wire. After receiving your email for booking, we will send you the bank details and you will have 3 days to make payment After the payment, send a new email (same mail address) with -object : Receipt pass Royal Legends REIGN -Attached : receipt of payment

The Convention is NOT open to children under 16 years. Minors between 16 and 18 years must have a delegation completed and signed by a parent or guardian.

The first guest will be announced only when sales will have reached the milestone necessary. We will then notify you.

The website is under construction, the section 'Royal Legends Con' will be available soon with all the information already listed.


We've spoken with the Dragonfly Events, an italian event organiser, and they would love to give us the chance to meet our favorite cast during an European Reign Convention who supposed to take place in Italy. But we need to reach 300 signatures, at least. The staff will follow us and will tell us their decision about this Convention. So, if you're really interested, help us to reach our goal and we will be able to meet our lovely cast! Thank you!

Anonymous asked:

During Reign time periods I wonder if girls straights heir hair.

I wonder that too lol

Anonymous asked:

I feel like everyone has forgotten that Mary way almost raped TWICE in the first season and the first time was ordered by Katherine and now everyone loves her for helping Mary through this. It would have been a way different story if Katherine was responsible for it, do you think she'd even have helped her if it happened in those first few episodes of the season?

No idea what are you talking about since I didn't see the episode.

Anonymous asked:

You're clever to not watch the episode.. I watched it and the rape scene, ended up having a panic attack, even though im not a victim of rape. but rape is one of my biggest fears and the episode should've had a warning.

I'm sorry. That's why yesterda I thought my co-mod and I should post post about it. I hope the attack passed and you feel better now.

Anonymous asked:

Why do you refuse watching the episode?

There's a triggering scene in the episode, one I don't wish to watch.

Anonymous asked:

I cried during that scene. I feel so bad for Mary.

I refuse to watch the episode but I share the sentiment.

Anonymous asked:

will the scene show any explicit sexual content? do you know?

I don't CW will do anything too graphic but better safe than sorry.

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