
For Bitter or Better

@confusedpulse / confusedpulse.tumblr.com

Brandon. 26. Gay as hell. I'm an artist, musician, actor, and what have you. This is a blog of my interests, art, music, musings, rants, and anything that amuses me. GIF credit @cartoonhangover



It’s all about control, sexism, racism, it’s not about babies or lives or the Bible

Okay, but I've seen this argument thrown around for years, and I never believed it because it's been pushed into my brain since I was a child by my extremely Christian parents that abortion is fundamentally evil because it goes against the Bible. But I'm taking a 2nd Wave Feminism course and I finally found out that this is actually 100% true? Until the Reagan campaign and associated Republican politicians tried to find another social issue to sway Southerners, especially Southern women, in their favor, abortion was not a primary issue for churches. It was only when feminists started mobilizing and, as a result, many institutions such as the Catholic church tried to mobilize against them that churches started advocating against abortion. Abortion did not become an issue of morality for the right until the 70s. Before then, abortion was simply not discussed because most things relating to sex weren't publicly discussed. So no, according to popular belief, the argument that abortions are killing babies did not always exist, it was just an argument crafted when the Republican party needed another social group to oppress for political points


“We cant raise minimum wage bc rent will increase”

Stop using the passive voice. Say what will actually happen. Landlords will increase rent — a voluntary action, not a natural result. The fun thing about voluntary actions is that they can be legislated against. What IS a natural result is that when landlords raise rent, their tenants’ wages automatically devalue. Again, the solution here is to stop the voluntary choice from being a choice at all.

Landlords choosing to increase rent is the problem, not a natural result of the solution.

Reasonable rent control would solve a lot of problems.


Rent control currently makes so many other problems, I think you’d need to entirely re-think it.

Like. Right now the way rent control works is you can’t raise the rent until the tenant leaves. So this causes landlords to jack up the rent to ridiculous degrees because they don’t know when they’re gonna be able to raise it again. That’s not what we want.

Rent should be indexed to inflation. You can raise the rent every year to a degree that is consistent with the actual rise in the cost of living. It cannot be greater than that. Property tax also cant be greater than that. People on “fixed incomes” should actually get cost of living increases. (The logic is that they paid X into the system, therefore divide it over their expected lifespan and that’s all they get… but in fact poor people have a shorter expected lifespan and often don’t get their full payout before they die, so goddamn it, give people on fixed incomes cost of living increases.) If your mortgage goes up because you refinanced, that’s on you.

So if minimum wage going up caused inflation to rise (which history suggests it does not), then the rent could go up, but rent would not increase if inflation does not cause it to.

It should have nothing to do with what tenant is in there and everything to do with a formula that is fair to landlords and tenants and does not disincent renting but does not penalize tenants.

Also you should not be allowed to keep a building empty for longer than a certain amount of time. At some point, maybe after 6 months, you start getting hit with an empty building fee that steadily rises. So you have an incentive to drop rent if you can’t get renters, and if you’re a wealthy foreigner who bought up a block of high rises just so you can speculate on them, no. You will pay a heavier and heavier penalty for that building being unrented and unsold and no one living or working in it. This allows for downward pressure on rents and prevents the phenomenon of homeless people being all over the place while room for twice as many people as are homeless exists but isn’t being lived in. You want a sexy vacation house, you need to take your vacations there frequently. (This doesn’t apply in the countryside; rent control is a phenomenon of cities.)

Yeah that’s um. The ideal rent control model. We don’t mean rent-controlled in the current sense, usually, because the current sense is ridiculous.


This is what the US means when they say “Israel has the right to self-defense” 


I checked the rest of the thread:

The ages of these children was from 5 to 15 years old and all of them were killed inside their own homes.

The US plans on giving Israel an extra 750 millions in weapons (all from US citizens tax money) for even more self-defense this month, if you’re American then please contact as many representatives as you can and keep sharing what’s going on to put even more pressure on them.


PLEASE do not stop talking about Palestine and spreading information, especially from Palestinians, whether it's here or on other social medias you use more often. Palestinians themselves have said over and over again that spreading this on social media helps, I've seen some people say that it feels different this time now that the world is starting to hear their voices. and please donate if you are able to


my favourite instagram account is "wheredoesthepeecomeout" and it's run by a girl who asks men on tinder where cis women pee from and then documents their answers

some highlights:

everybody sit down we have a winner

Anonymous asked:

Dude, there’s literal CIA documents on shifting. Seriously, it’s real. I can’t make you believe anything but telling someone to seek mental help over something they put their heart into is wrong. They’re not crazy. They just have their own dreams to follow. And I’d bet you seriously know nothing about it. I had really liked you before and your account but i’m just disappointed of you now. To some people, what you said would be like if someone told you to seek mental help or to go to a psych ward for being autistic. Again, you’re completely entitled to your own opinion, but you didn’t have to say it in a rude and ignorant way.

Dude, I never told anyone to go to a psych ward. Reality shifting is a lie created by internet influencers to take advantage of the mentally ill. And CIA documents? Show them to me and maybe I’ll believe you, but I know you won’t come off anon. Idgaf if you don’t like me anymore. I’m not going to believe in reality shifting and I stand by what I said for reality shifters to seek therapy. It’s not bad to tell someone to seek therapy. I’m in therapy. And it works. I know enough about it to make my own damn opinion. And my opinion is that it is preying on people’s mental health in a great time of trouble and need for escapism. I’ve seen people get incredibly distressed over things they’ve done in these alternate realities. Some people want to stay there. None of that is healthy.


“It shouldn’t be treated as scientific.” Also, y’all know what pseudoscience is, right?

Yeah, it’s fake.

The CIA was throwing money at all sorts of BS back in the 60s and 70s, including psychics, remote viewing, mental “reprogramming” (which, incidentally, created the Unabomber as a byproduct), and an attempted assassination of Fidel Castro via exploding cigar. Just saying that the CIA funded it 50 years ago is not an endorsement of something’s credibility–and, at least IMO, should be taken as a strike against it.


honestly the scariest thing for me about this is that this is literally step by step how to start a cult. i got really carried away writing this so i’m gonna say sorry in advance; this reply is going to be long as hell, but please if you have the time i beg you to read it ESPECIALLY if you’re a young person. with the current climate of social media and the rise of propaganda it is absolutely necessary to know the signs of high-control groups / cults and how to get away from them. i’ve included a fuckton of sources, so even if you skim i recommend at least checking those out!

social media has completely changed the landscape of cult recruitment. influencers are in positions of power over large numbers of vulnerable young people, across multiple platforms where parasocial relationships are the norm. once they’ve gained trust it’s shockingly easy to introduce their audience to concepts that alter their state of mind, and in this case make them believe they have literal powers; in the process they pull members away from anyone who says it’s fake. imo they follow the mormon cycle nearly identically: they go out and talk about their beliefs, defend them against the (predictable) backlash, and when they are repeatedly rejected they return to the group to commiserate on all the perceived attacks against them. they will receive praise, love bombing, support, and validation from those around them; they are now emotionally reliant on the group, and collectively reinforce these beliefs which only deepens their delusions. it’s interesting to me that they use these CIA documents as proof because they overlook what the documents were researching in the first place, which was literal mind control. the army also attempted astral projection / remote viewing in the 90s, and the project was discontinued because it never has and never will be real.

manufacturing a trance or hallucinatory state of mind allows for immense control over a large number of people with relatively minimal effort. contrary to popular belief, hallucinations and delusions can absolutely be induced, especially in groups where loyalty is built on 1. placing trust in the leader(s) and 2. bonding with other members who reinforce their doctrine.

many people (particularly vulnerable people) want to feel special. they want to feel included, like they’re a part of something important, something the general population doesn’t know about; they also desperately want to be told exactly what they want to hear. they’re more likely to be drawn to groups that induce heightened emotional states and foster abnormally strong bonds based on those shared experiences. it doesn’t matter that the experiences aren’t real, because as a collective they will convince themselves of anything to make it feel real, and a charismatic leader feeds this even further. being taught something ‘special’ by someone they idolize, a person they are convinced they are personally and emotionally close to (someone whose job is literally called an influencer!!) can be a powerful, powerful drug.

a quick way to assess the likelihood of a group being a cult (or at least dangerously controlling) is by using the BITE model. examples include:

∆ Behaviour Control ∆
- major time spent with group indoctrination, rituals, and/or self indoctrination including over the internet
- financial exploitation, manipulation or dependence (parasocial relationships make people willing to spend significant amounts of money on the leader, and it’s already normalized to donate/subscribe to an influencer)
- instill dependency and obedience
- discourage individualism, encourage group-think (many claim to preach individuality, but the deeper someone falls into the cult the more rigid group mentality becomes. they are told they’re an independent thinker because their beliefs differ from non-cult members, but within the cult they follow the same rules and thought patterns)
∆ Information Control ∆
- deliberately withhold information
- distort information to make it more acceptable
- systematically lie to the cult member
- minimize or discourage access to non-cult sources of information including internet, TV, books, media, and critical information
- compartmentalize information into outsider vs. insider doctrines
- extensive use of cult-generated information and propaganda including audio, video, youtube, movies, and other media
- manipulation of memory, possible false memories- misquoting statements or using them out of context from non-cult sources (the CIA documents are a perfect example)
∆ Thought Control ∆
- require members to internalize the group’s doctrine as truth and/or adopt the group’s ‘map of reality’ as reality
- hypnotic techniques are used to alter mental states, undermine critical thinking and even to age regress the member
- memories are manipulated and false memories are created
- teaching thought-stopping techniques which shut down reality testing by stopping negative thoughts and allowing only positive thoughts, including denial, rationalization, justification, wishful thinking
- rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism
- forbid critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy allowed / label alternative belief systems as illegitimate, evil, or not useful
∆ Emotional Control ∆
- Promote feelings of guilt or unworthiness such as identity guilt, not living up to your potential, unwise affiliations, and social guilt; thoughts, feelings, and actions are irrelevant or selfish
- extremes of emotional highs and lows
- instill fear, such as fear of thinking independently, the outside world, enemies, or being shunned by the group
- there is never a legitimate reason to leave; those who leave are weak, undisciplined, unspiritual, or brainwashed by outsiders

Irish politician talking to an Israeli ambassador.

I love Ireland’s support and care for Palestine. Their struggles are invariably linked against imperialism.

Everyone who is committed to anti imperialism and anti capitalism should be staunchly against the white supremacist imperialist Zionist project.

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