
Delaina Ashley Yaun, 33 years old

Xiaojie Tan, 49 years old

Daoyou Feng, 44 years old

There are still three unnamed victims that pigs are withholding from the public, but will gladly tell you everything about the piece of shit terrorist who killed them.

BLM doesn't care about us.

Update: Four days after giving amazing excuses on why local police thought it was okay for this terrorist to do what he did, they finally released the last of the names of the victims.

Hyun Jung Grant, 51 years old

Soon C. Park, 74 years old

Suncha Kim, 69 years old

Yong A. Yue, 63 years old

Reminder, the American Board of Psychology DOES NOT recognize “sex addiction” as a real addiction.

We know this piece of garbage will walk free. 


To the randoms who have me blocked but are consistently on my page, could you not be a creep?

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