
so these were some segments of conversations we’d had where he exhibited rude, emotionally manipulative, and perverted behavior

i might have more on my old cell phone

i deleted my facebook messages between the both of us a while ago because i just couldn’t keep reading them. 

and because i knew some people were gonna call bullshit on my messages between the both of us, I included his exact contact information. 

these conversations don’t even document the beginning of the emotional manipulation and abuse that I suffered, but you can definitely tell that he wanted me to be involved in some twisted stuff.



Didn’t realize this awful human was still active online after everything, ignoring the fact that this stuff is coming to light.

Most of the people I’ve seen reblogging those original posts about his terribleness are folks who have either 1) never been viewers of his or 2) knew who he was a few years ago and avoided interacting with him because his videos are hacky, boring, and annoying. Maybe it’s just me who fits into that second category. Idk.

Anyway, at this point I get the feeling he thinks most of his [ 20,000 :( ] viewers will never hear about this if he just ignores it and carries on. I really don’t want that to happen.

^^ This


Made a video for the first time in two years. It’s about how to make consent a habit in your daily life so you won’t feel so confused about consent in your sex life. It’s also a bit less obviously about how I believe Carson over Travis because of the way Travis failed to seek consent from me, or disregarded my “no"s and “please don’t"s in less violating situations.


Made a video for the first time in two years. It’s about how to make consent a habit in your daily life so you won’t feel so confused about consent in your sex life. It’s also a bit less obviously about how I believe Carson over Travis because of the way Travis failed to seek consent from me, or disregarded my “no"s and “please don’t"s in less violating situations.


Rumors were started here on Tumblr about a youtuber named Travis of WhatTravisSays. They were bad rumors that made Travis seem like a really bad person, and these...

“What if people were telling you that someone you enjoy and care for is bad? Would you believe them or stick with your own beliefs?” As someone who knew Travis extremely well, dated him, was his best friend for a long time ass time, talked to him nightly for years, was that person who cared for him a great deal, I can tell you with certainty that he IS lying. he IS who these people are saying he is and you’re exactly the kind of girl he likes. Young, adorable and faithful. And while there is NOTHING at all wrong with who you are as a person, it is wrong when the person receiving that faith uses it to their personal gain. Clearly we can’t convince you despite the fact that every person on this thread knew Travis first hand. I do hope IF he happens to reach out to you. Or you fan girl so hard over him he finds a way to get in contact with you (because he likely will, he usually does), BE CAREFUL. Think critically, if something seems off, fishy, if stories don’t add up, if you’re catching him in lies, if he uses the “I do don’t do this with just any fan/girl” run. Run as far as you possibly can and do not add that toxicity to your life. This goes for any guy in general. Be smart. Online personas are not knowing at all. They are spliced together bright spot moments. 


found an old email we exchanged when we first began this awful relationship. this was the beginning, and as i read through the emails, I realized how much of a red flag this shit was. He immediately made it a point that he hardly ever reaches out to his fans (which, if you saw my Skype screenshots, you’d know he lets me know the same thing over and over). I fangirled over this, of course, and I was so deep in my depression that I honestly didn’t give a fuck that this relationship was extremely toxic. I had my age right on my tumblr page, and he asked me anyway, and once I emailed saying that I told him that if he was uncomfortable talking to someone under 18 he could stop talking, but as you can see, he didn’t give a fuck, either. I have some old texts, too, and I’ll take some screenshots and post them here, too. Once we’d both essentially said “Fuck it, let’s just do this thing,” he let me know how hot it was that I was 16 & underage, we exchanged numbers, and that’s when it all started going downhill.



apparently he didn’t claim that handle when he joined tumblr and someone else has taken it to reblog all of the posts about his abuse and that makes me SO VERY HAPPY

check them out here


I knew Travis of WhatTravisSays -another account to add to the books...

I’ve stayed silent for long enough. This is extremely emotional for me to write as i have sat on this for a year (almost to the day). I’m not even sure i should come forward still, but I am anyways, as you can read. 

I knew Travis of WhatTravisSays. I dated Travis, I had an online and very brief physical sexual relationship with him, he was one of my best friends for a long time. I knew him for approx. 10 years off and on and while I was of age when I met him, he has done much of the emotional manipulation to me as he had done to many other young women who have come forward. 

I’ll be honest, when I first heard about the Carson accusation (he called me a couple weeks after it was posted, basically as soon as it became known to him), I didn’t want to believe it. In fact I did everything in my power to assure him it would blow over. Here I was a woman who truly thought I loved this man. He was my world for a long time. But as I did my own investigating, my own inquiring (sometimes almost interrogation like) things didn’t add up. Dates that he had conversations with girls fell around the time he had trips to come see me, names were coming out with details that started to make sense of past lies he had told and convinced me of. The more questions I asked, the more I started to doubt him and his story. In turn this made him more irritated and angry with me. He did confess to me that he had an online sexual relationship with her. That he knew she was underage for awhile and did not stop or even want to stop, that he had pictures and conversations that he was deleting (which I witness him delete) for whatever reason. We went to a consultation with a lawyer and he lied to the lawyer.  When I inquired why he did that he said (I’m paraphrasing this is not verbatim), “If I tell him I knew and had pictures then he knows I’m guilty of this and will get in trouble for something that was consensual”. 

Now people here are going to ask “what a stupid girl! why did she stay!? see she must be making this up, why would you stay if you knew he was lying”. My answer to skeptics is this: I wanted to know every piece of details i could get my hands on before i moved for good away from him. I wanted to try to piece together all the years of lies and manipulation I was finally waking up to. It was hard, I was depressed,  I was lonely. I was going against everything I believed in, compromising my values on so many issues just to get to the bottom of what had happened. I was disgusted with myself for giving him the time of day still, but for my own piece of mind, I wanted to know and TRY to understand why. 

I spent 4 months waking up. Coming to terms with what my friends and family have been telling me for years. I didn’t believe them for years when they told me of course i said “You don’t know him like I do!” or some stupid shit like that is common lingo for emotional abuse victims. I learned as much as I could in the time i had and to this day i am STILL piecing together the timeline of our relationships (friendship and romantic). It breaks my heart that so many young women have been suckered into his game. I now have to seek psychological help for the emotional abuse he put me through. I hate that can I crack open a book on emotional abusers/sociopaths and it’s like reading an autobiography of his. 

I get this won’t change people’s minds. In fact it may piss off a lot of his loyal fans, but just understand that I was one of his original loyal fans, I helped fund a couple of his projects. I was the sounding board for a lot of his ideas, I believed in him just as so many of his fans do now. But let me tell you, his YouTube persona is NOT who he is. You cannot know who anyone is based off of some video clips that they choose to splice together to make their best side shine. Be careful, be skeptical and do NOT get charmed by him if he makes you feel special. He likes coming of age girls, who are vulnerable and desperately want to be seen as special and unique and to be told “you’re the only one”. If you’re one of the few who say “he didn’t do it to me!” Good! Be grateful. But just because he did not do it to you, doesn’t mean he wasn’t seeing other women on the side and lying to you about it. He knows he has to save face with the majority of people and he does it well. Manipulators know and play the game well to gain the trust of people who they interact with. So the few people they choose to get their claws into, if they come forward they seem absolutely crazy. Why? Because he knows you’ll say something like: “that’s not the Travis I know! He’s charming and nice, so understanding and fights for human rights like gay rights and women’s rights!” 

I will share my personal experiences at a later date, but for now this is all I have. I wanted to throw this in the pot of experiences and tumblr seemed like the place to do it for now. I want to sincerely apologize to any women who have been emotionally and/or physically hurt by Travis. I hope all of you get the help you deserve and please even if his viewership keeps going up, DO NOT give up the fight for justice and to have a normal life again. Come forward and say your story to the authorities if you were underage. The statute of limitations is not over and technology can retrieve a lot of the digital evidence to build a case against him. If you were of age but he still manipulated you, reach out to any of the women, who has come forward and say your truth.

Thank you. 

Note: I want to explicitly add, I DO NOT support anyone dishing out death threats or cyber bullying whether they are guilty or not. It’s wrong for someone to wish death or harm upon someone as much as we may hate them. Those individuals have family and friends who would sincerely miss them so wishing harm on people you may or may not know (Carson included) is pathetic. Those words do real damage and time and time again we have seen people cyber bullied to the point of suicide. 


why are ppl saying my “story” has changed? it’s literally exactly the same. i hit on all the same points. and i forgot some of them but here i’ll jog everyone’s memories:

1) He wanted me to be sexual with my sisters, would get mad if I said no and that it repulsed me, and instead used their...

The fact that she has to keep justifying her story is infuriating. This is why survivors don’t come forward. The spend their entire energy/time/thoughts into telling other people why they aren’t lying and fending off assholes who think they are crying out for attention for making a low level YouTuber lose his sad small youtube career...if we can even call it that. 


tw: child pornography, pedophilia, abuse, manipulation, coercion

Originally I wasn’t going to get myself involved in this.

But for the sake of proof and for the sake of supporting my best friend (Carson) in this situation, I am uploading these screenshots.

Let the record show that I am a minor. That this man approached me, and was having a conversation with me, before interrupting it to ask me to take pictures with my friend who he was, at the time, involved with.

He made both her and I feel bad for refusing, on multiple occasions.

This man has done horrible things to multiple people, the more proof that is shown the more that people can realize that this type of behavior cannot, and should not, be excused.

Thank you all for supporting my friend in this. She is one of the most amazing and strong people I know.

Thank you to everyone who has come out with their stories, you are all very brave.


Please let me know if I left any trigger warning tags out, I will add others upon request. The last thing I want to do is insult/disturb anyone.


I don’t have time for people who talk along the lines of “travis would never do that because he didn’t do it to me”

Like? that’s one of the primary signs of abusers? they can act nice in front of other people because it isolates and silences the victim because no one will believe them anyway?

YES. So much YES. 

Anonymous asked:

About a year ago you wrote about how Travis (from WhatTravisSays) abused a fellow user by the name stevebusexual. And yes, i'm aware this happened a while ago but still. This user could have been lying, how do you know she was telling the truth? I'm not sure if Travis is telling the truth either (about how he didn't do any of these things) but my question is. How are you so sure that these aren't just terrible rumors to defame someone?

No. It’s true. Also, the fact that he vanished from the face of the internet as soon as he was made aware that the story broke? I’m aware that he uploaded a video trying to explain. Okay, dude. I’m not going to bother watching after he basically shifted the blame outright.

A year of silence for a 12 minute denial. 

Like, fuck off anon. There are plenty of other boring white guys who like Doctor Who.




Here I go. I want to write this because I don’t know what to think about all this. About all those things that people tell about Travis. I’m not a vlogger, so I won’t make a video. And english is not my native language, but I will write this in english anyway, so that the most people can read it....

*Sigh* So many things I can dismantle in this post. i won’t because it’s pointless. However, what I would like to say is he and many  people on the internet who have clearly never been abused or have any experience handling someone who has been abused that’s close to them. Just like depression you don’t just “move on” after someone violated your body and emotional well being. You won’t just wake up and say “Oh well, that was stupid for me to be emotional that someone with over 20,000 subscribers has now called me a liar over what HE did to ME”. Survivors of abuse (physical and emotional) already know what they are feeling is a vicious cycle. It haunts them day and night. imagine that you had something awful to you, let’s say your mother was murdered, and you KNEW it happened, you SAW it happened, but because of a hiccup in the law they were never brought to justice. Wouldn’t you be obsessed, would you just wake up sunshine and flowers?  They know some of their behaviors are obsessive, because their entire life has been flipped upside down when someone they TRUST violated that trust and took absolute advantage of them.  We have a hard time believe some guy on the internet with a cute hair cut and nice blue eyes can be evil. it goes against everything we believe. He’s not scary looking, he’s charming and just seems like a good guy. If we believe that a guy like Travis can do something so awful and evil, who can we trust? But we’ve seen it more often than not on the news things are said like: “This never happens in our quiet neighborhood” or “He was such a nice guy!” or “Everyone loved him he would never hurt a fly” and then come to find out he beats his wife and kids on a regular basis. 

He’s a fucking liar, he’s a manipulator and he’s good at it. Be careful if you’re a young cute woman (or girl) who fan girls hard for him. He feeds off the fame and feeling important and the more you give him that, the more likely he will sweet talk you into being his next young woman to groom. I know first hand the slow and steady manipulation he does. He is the definition of an abuser. Just go and do a simple Google search for “signs of emotional abuse”, if you’ve known him, compare notes. Compare how many times he’s disappeared on you, ignored you for days even weeks after an argument and had some crazy story as to why. Then somehow makes YOU feel bad for being critical of his disappearance, or gets upset with YOU because you don’t want to be friends anymore. Convinces you that you’re the source of his stress and when you try to end the friendship/relationship he calls/texts, constantly. Sending texts like “I miss you” or appealing to a common interest. How many fights/blame games he’s done with you. If you ended up having an online sexual relationship with him under the premise that he loved you and you’ve convinced yourself you have also fallen for him, only to be met with his demands of “love” to be sexually explicit pictures that never seemed to be enough for him and rarely anything back from him. If your relationship (physical or emotional) never felt like you were doing enough for him and felt one sided. Even though you did everything you possibly could to be who he projected what you wanted to be for him. 

I realize a few words on the internet doesn’t do anything for this. In fact, maybe it makes it worse, but the fact that Travis could not admit to what he’s admitted to other people and STILL making MONEY off of his channel for people under the premise that he’s a good guy and we should feel bad for him, is pathetic and pisses me the hell off. He’s not a good guy. It may take years for his fame to crumble for good when the cops get involved, but one of these days we’ll see he isn’t on the internet because he’s paying for what he did. When that happens we’ll hear the same “He seemed like such a good guy” comment again. 


ok hi so i deleted my blog bc of some irl people but i am the person who came out about the abuse about Travis. All of my posts are gone, and I feel really bad about it. I was really trying to spread the word and warn people before they got too close. I don’t have the energy or strength to relay...


this is me. raw, uncut footage of me actually speaking about this subject. i am hurting right now. a lot of people hate me. a lot of people think i am crazy. i am in need of support now more than i have ever before. to those of you who have supported me, thank you. i love and appreciate you all more than you will ever know. this was extremely hard for me to film, and when I calm down a bit more, i will post a more eloquent video. this is the best i can do for now.

If nothing else did, this video makes the truth so absolutely clear. Anyone who thinks Travis’s denial and “this is ruining my life” BS has any merit, WATCH THIS and TRY to tell me that he’s the victim here.

And to everyone else, support Carson because nobody - NOBODY - deserves what she’s going through.

I don’t even know what else to say.

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