
get spooky

@skeletorwrites-blog / skeletorwrites-blog.tumblr.com

rob. 23. entp. here to escape from my real life problems and mistakes. i occasionally write and have several indie rp blogs.


I see this a lot, no one has actual names, or any reference for names, that are legit Native American, varying among the tribes, for their characters.

Babynames.com and shit like that will give you names made up by white people.

However, I’ve got your solution.

Native-Languages  is a good website to turn to for knowledge on a lot of native things, including native names. If you’re unsure about the names you’ve picked, they even have a list of made up names here!

Please don’t trust names like babynames.com for native names, they’re made up and often quite offensive to the cultures themselves.


nothing pisses me off more than the fact that 90% of women’s jeans have non-functioning pockets but baby clothes have proper pockets? what are babies carrying around that i’m not? baby wallets? fuck off

when i was a small child i carried around a little tiny pumpkin in my pockets for months

i retract my original statement. that is fair and important


Didn’t even know people are not allowed to give blood if they are gay

That’s been the thing for years. The HIV scare of the ‘80s prohibited us from donating blood. And they still hold that against us despite the fact that that claim has been debunked over and over again.

the wording on the paperwork is “Are you a man who has had sexual intercourse with a man after 1980” or “Are you a woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man who has had sexual intercourse with another man since 1980” (this was a blood drive at my college where majority of the students werent Alive in 1980.) I donated all the time back when I was a virgin, because o- , but now I’m not allowed to. So a better question for this article is “Why won’t baby boomers let queer people donate blood, even though all the blood gets screened for HIV and aids anyway?” though, theres a lot of room for loopholes in the wording of it

This fucking matters. Bias in medicine is bias that should not exist. Fucking fix it.


This is disgusting

hey trans people can’t give blood either. was banned from a plasma place for having the nerve to show up and be trans. “we don’t serve you people”.

This is one of the reasons why it was painful for a LOT of Queer people after the Pulse shooting. We kept seeing messages calling for blood donations but so many of us can’t donate. We couldn’t even help our own community. 


Game Show

ENTP: Will YOU *dramatically whips head to stare into camera* risk it??? *pew pew pew fancy light show explosions fire lasers weeooo weeeooooo chaos* for *kicks the air* the biscuit?



In the gif pack below, you’ll find roughly 76 gifs of the beautiful Cleopatra Coleman as Erica Dundee from The Last Man on Earth season 3 episode 16 and part of 17. This gif pack was requested by @onethousandfireflies . Coleman is an Australian actress known for her roles in The Last Man on Earth, White Famous, and Step Up Revolution. Ethnically, she is of Jamaican and White (Scottish) descent, so please cast her accordingly. The gifs are all small/medium, textless, and as hq as I could get. There should be no repeats, any were completely accidental. I made all of these gifs so credit to me and please if you decide to steal them or edit them in some way, although I’d like to say don’t do it (but some of y’all won’t listen) at least please give me some sort of credit. Please like or reblog if you plan on using. I’ve added some weirdly colored ones at the bottom. Thank you! 1/?

A kid at work has decided that they don’t want to play with the kitchen set, and don’t want to play Barbies, but would instead rather take the them-sized stove and the Barbie-sized stove and pretend that they’re mommy and baby stoves.

The baby stove is currently at stove school, which is for stoves.

The mommy stove is at work, and apparently makes soup for a living, which I know because this kid is has been chanting, “I MAKE SOUP AND I DO IT ALL DAY / EVERY SINGLE SOUP SECOND, EVERY SINGLE SOUP WAY,” louder and louder and higher and higher to the point where it’s now either being sung by the world’s loudest mouse or the world’s most out-of-breath six-year-old.


my students react to greek mythology

  • “no offense but why would you follow dionysus if that means you have to party in the woods” “why wouldn’t you?”
  • *after learning about the chimera*“dude what you can’t be a lion AND a goat AND a dragon that’s too many”
  • “in fairness, if apollo wanted to date me, i’d turn into a tree too”
  • “she can’t be his wife, she’s his sister” “that didn’t stop zeus
  • *after learning medusa gave birth to pegasus” “OUCH????”
  • “is there anybody zeus didn’t get pregnant”
  • “like seriously i had to make a mythology family tree for english class and it’s literally all zeus”
  • “hera’s kind of a jerk” “dude she literally threw her kid off a mountain because he was too ugly what did you expect
  • “why is everything about horses”
  • “oh, he starts eating people! typical”
  • “so basically you shouldn’t ever interact with a bull in ancient greece ever”
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