
Everyone Gets Tired

@fibroautoimmunecfsdeathmatc-blog / fibroautoimmunecfsdeathmatc-blog.tumblr.com

I'm a 19 year old with fibromyalgia, hashimoto's thyroiditis, and CFS. I can't work, I homeschooled myself through highschool, and I have more doctors than I have friends. Hell, I didn't even have my learner's permit until a month ago. But now I'm trying, really trying, to find some sort of independence again. I'm a first time blogger... So here goes

I don’t want to be normal as in -

  • has a job
  • owns a car
  • had X amount of partners
  • lives in a city
  • follows fashion trend
  • attended college

I want normal as in -

  • able to shower when I like
  • eating various foods without consequence
  • can walk up stairs with ease
  • going to the bathroom near the average amount
  • having skin that functions correctly
  • remembering words like “fruit”
  • going out without imagined pain
  • can be near a light and not throb
  • can move without flinching/cracking/needing a break
  • waking up with energy

I want my health back

Anonymous asked:

Seemingly odd ask but its bugging me. Do any chronic pain spoonies find themselves rocking/shifting a lot while within a flare?


It’s a common defense mechanism our body employs as a way to reduce pain. When our brains are overstimulated by our constant discomfort, our pain receptors are often overloaded. Our brains then translate that message and try to almost distract ourselves with repetitive movement. Not only do people with chronic pain do it, but babies & children, as well as people with autism and dementia.


Ok fuck you if you don’t support physically disabled people who ‘make themselves worse.’ Smoking, wearing heels, drinking or having physically taxing hobbies/interests should not be a privilege of able bodied people. Having personal autonomy to make choices about your own body be they ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’ should not be a privilege of able bodied people.


[Batteries in various stages of power against yellow background. Title text: “Effects of Social Events on Spoonies.” Battery 1 is 3/4 full with caption: “Getting ready.” Battery 2 is 1/2 full with caption: “1-3 hours at event.” Battery 3 is 1/4 full with caption: “1-3 hours at event.” Battery 4 is empty with caption: “Travel home.”]


Living with chronic pain does weird things to you...

Stabbing pain in torso?: No big deal, I GOT THIS!
Back pain so bad you can't walk?: I'll be fine, it's not that bad.
Vomiting from severe stomach cramps?: I will survive!!!
Literally just a small scrape on the knee: IT HURTS SOOO BAD!!!! I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!!!!!
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