
young god

@antivanpariah-blog / antivanpariah-blog.tumblr.com

Dev. 19. INFP

There was once this circus performer who could eat anything, and would do so for his act. His best trick was when he would eat several pillows and pillowcases, a comforter, a fitted sheet, a regular sheet, and a mattress all in one sitting. Unfortunately, he couldn’t preform the stunt often as the immense amount of fiber would block him up for nearly a month. After about three weeks of painful constipation, though, his body would dump everything at once simultaneously, so he would always shit the bed.

“The craziest thing.  Apparently, the pigeon population has taken a nose dive in Ferelden. Weird, huh. What kind of sick individual preys on those innocent things?“

why does 99% of the population like thin mints I don't understand


Why isn’t using sign language more common in society? like??? Not even just communicating within deaf communities but for everybody to use with anybody?

I feel like this should be standard learning material for those working in loud workplaces or with machinery, or maybe idk for talking underwater or when someone else can’t hear you at a concert. Or what about when somebody is having a panic attack and can’t talk, or just isn’t all that comfortable with voicing their feelings?

Why isn’t nonverbal communication more integrated into our society? Cause it should be.


vg meme[1/15] video games ► Dragon Age Inquisition

For almost a thousand years, the world believed it was in the hands of the maker. And now many believe you are the agent of his will. Whatever the truth is, that belief gives you power.

disney’s zootopia has a 99% rotten tomatoes score and 8.1/10 critical average across more than 100 professional reviews, and a 94% audience rating. what the fuck. who the fuck saw this coming. am i really going to have to go see the furry movie now

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