
your world dies

@anomalous-one / anomalous-one.tumblr.com

Vegan. Polyamorous. Childfree. I find the right and the left equally intolerable these days. Misanthropic, but I still want everyone to be treated fairly. California. I laugh at everything.

Every close person in your life, besides family, was at one point a stranger you were meeting for the first time. Every single favorite hobby or past time was something new you were trying for the very first time.

We all have a responsibility, even an ethical obligation to know where our food comes from, and what impact its production has on the environment and public health, before we take it home and fry it up in a pan.

Animal Factory by David Kirby (via vegan-veins)


Tumblr discourse be like.

The sad thing is that this isn’t even an exaggeration.


Is it bad I was was like “this is the most honest portrayal of tumblr discourse I’ve ever seen”

I’m still not sure if this was meant to be funny or enlightening.. 

Anonymous asked:

imagine MRAs not being the whiny pathetic pissbabies they constantly make fun of feminists and women for supposedly being.


There’s a bike lock that’s designed to make would-be thieves puke their brains out. When someone cuts 30% of the way into a SkunkLock, it releases a pressurized gas that immediately induces vomiting and causes difficulty breathing, symptoms similar to the effects of pepper spray. Source


how sad is it that the human race has bred animals for our own purposes to the point where they can’t survive without human intervention and then uses their helplessness as justification to keep exploiting them


At funerals, people say beautiful things that they never said in person. They should take place while we’re still alive.


California passed a law that lets you rescue dogs from hot cars. The ‘Right to Rescue Act’ requires passersby to notify police if a dog is in danger- but, if the threat is immediate, you can break into a car to rescue the dog without fear of punishment– as long as you stick around to give the police a statement. Source


I'm still waiting for the day

where an egalitarian/anti feminist/mra will bring up awareness of male victims of rape because they genuinely care about them without trying to instrumentalize them to try and make a point about feminism.

Ignoring the fact the fact you just used rape victims as a club to beat MRAs…

Would the multiple talks and conferences that the MRM has hosted over the last few years where they focused on issues that face men, like lack of rape resources, the education gap, etc qualify? The only real involvement feminism had at those was the desperate and violent attempts by feminists to silence people talking about these issues.

How about if they opened a shelter for abused, raped, and at risk men and boys? Would that qualify as “the day” they raise awareness of male victims without making a point about feminism? It’s a small step, but they serve about 40 clients weekly.

How about the Honey Badgers? Who annually host open call in lines during the holidays for men to call in and have someone to talk to about their issues? Does that count as “the day” anti-feminists advocate and raise awareness of male victims without making it a point about feminism? Is that even possible in your eyes if they wear the label anti-feminist?

How about Earl Silverman? Who dedicated his entire life  to raising awareness of male victims of abuse and rape. Who ran a shelter for men out of his own pocket for two decades until it bankrupted him and forced him to sell his home. He was found the day after the sale of his home, and being forced to shut down his shelter hanging in his garage. With a letter explaining why. A man who quite literally gave his life to raise awareness of abused and raped men, and his own abuse from a female partner.

Any of that shit count as “the day” an MRA/ Anti-Feminist/ Egalitarian advocated for male victims without it being about feminism? Because that day would be more than 20 fucking years ago at this point.


#atheist #atheists #atheism #atheistsofinstagram #atheistcommunity #antitheist #religionpoisonseverything #freedomfromreligion #heathens #nonbeliever #militantatheist #godless #nogod #agnostic #freethinker #noreligion #goodwithoutgod #secular #secularism #humanist #antireligion #religionfree #religionkills #skeptic #science #logic #reason #evolution


If a woman has preference for tall men, that’s OK. If a man has a preference for Asian women, he has a “fetish.”

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