
Stick Figure Gods

@stickfiguregods / stickfiguregods.tumblr.com

This is a blog of Classical nerdery, Greek myths in stick figures with Latin captions, and Latin teaching resources. Much of this is original content. Enjoy!

🏳️‍🌈 Ruth Ellis (1899 - 2000) was the daughter of former slaves. She came out as a lesbian when she was 16-years-old to the complete acceptance of her family. In 1937, Ruth and her longtime partner moved to Detroit from their hometown of Springfield, Illinois for the promise of higher wages. There, she became the first woman in Michigan to run her own printing business. She printed fliers, posters, and stationary in the front room of her home, which also quickly became a hotspot for Black LGBTQ social life. Before long, Ruth was helping those who came around in any way she could, including by paying for college tuitions. After the Stonewall uprising, 70-year-old Ruth began giving speeches in support of gay and lesbian rights all across the country. She remained an activist for the rest of her long life and even spent her 100th birthday leading the San Francisco Dyke March. At the time of her death at 101, she was recognized as the oldest out lesbian in the US. She is the subject of the documentary "Living With Pride: Ruth C. Ellis @ 100" and is the namesake of the Ruth Ellis Center, a shelter for homeless and at-risk LGBTQ youth in Detroit.

Celebrate Ruth Ellis.


#Pride #BlackLivesMatter

Journalist and artist Shirin Barghi has created a gripping, thought-provoking series of graphics that not only examines racial prejudice in today’s America, but also captures the sense of humanity that often gets lost in news coverage. Titled “Last Words,” the graphics illustrate the last recorded words by Brown and other young black people — Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant and others — who have been killed by police and vigilantes in recent years.
Let us not forget their voices

Third Amendment

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

There are some quibbles. But motels and hotels have owners. The point is, they are not military assets.

It may be a risky proposition to let the trump/Roberts Supreme Conservatives’ Court opine that trump can have his military takeover.

But the argument is worthwhile. Our capital city, overrun with our military stationed to threaten and attack us, is untenable.


“scythes are impractical battle weapons” you say but i can’t hear you over the swish swish of my huge fucking scythe, which is cool

Oh! Ive actually done a bit of research on this! I found some scythe like weapon alternatives that work well as weapons while still maintaining the aesthetic!


First, let’s start with war picks, also known as horsemans picks, or nadziaks. they look like this to start:

these weapons were fucking INCREDIBLE at piercing through steel plate armor, and was highly used by calvary in the 17th century with origins in the middle east and europe, not only were these functional weapons, but they were good, your armor wouldn’t protect you from a swing of this, and its not like not wearing armor would do you any good.

Next we have kamas, which look like this,

kamas are essentially the daggers of scythes, even being used for farming asian crops, they don’t have any real downside, and are even heavily used in martial arts

next, would be zaghals, or for long, indian zaghal axes, which look like this 


these were made for a similar use as the war pick, but it’s structured to be a sharper edge with a reinforced point, which allowed it to pierce through armor, like the war pick, but kept the sides sharper, allowing it to cut more effectively, and the handles on them are short and long depending on preference.

Next we have indo persian war hammers, which look like this:

These ones come closest to the scythe in visual terms in my opinion, and are also my favourite, these ones are still armor evicerating, but have a counterweight hammer on the other side, which helps stabilise the swing, and adds more momentum, along with being a hammer on the other side. 

And finally, we have the war scythe, which looks like this.

i know what you’re thinking, and yeah! i agree! its not a scythe like weapon, its a bad looking spear! these were made when farmers found out that their farming scythes were pretty sucky weapons and did like shit, so they repositioned the blade on the pole to be more usable! I hate this and i didn’t want to include this, but i have to because one of you fucks will do a 3 second google search and ask “what about war scythes” because you think you know more than me! i hate this weapon! 

Also, if giant sickles are more you’re speed, there’s the Ethiopian shotel

Or, the more popular Egyptian khopesh


O Fontes Vitii et Periuri, I finished reading Plautus’s extant complete plays and in the process constructed this database of the better Plautine insults. Enjoy! And let me know if I missed any!

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