find the damn snitch

@lupineremus /

you used to smother me in lippy, now if we ever get an hour together you act like you miss me var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<script src="' + ref + '&wh=' + w_h + '"><\/script>');

So at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius says to Hermione, “You really are the brightest witch of your age,” with an emphasis on the “are,” implying that someone previously had told him that Hermione was super fucking smart and he was just then affirming it

But like, who told him that? He didn’t really get a chance to talk to Harry or Ron or Lupin between “I didn’t kill your parents” and “oh shit werewolf” and “I’m about to get the dementor’s kiss.”

So I like to think that it was Crookshanks who told him, coz Crookshanks and Padfoot were friends, right? I can imagine Crookshanks just going on and on about Hermione, like “My human is the best human, she’s so smart and lovely and perfect, just wait till you meet her, I love her so much”


Look, the only live action Disney remake I want is the Emperor’s New Groove and I want there to be no CGI, I want Kuzco to be played by two actors in a cheap llama costume


kickstarter for me to keep a baby goat in my apartment and tell management it’s just an ugly cat


that boy with the scruffy hair that you walked by? he’s the boy who lived. that girl whose hair you made fun of? she’s the brightest witch of her age. that dog you yelled at this morning? he’s literally just run away from azkaban and is trying to avenge his bff’s murder

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