
My Blog I Guess


Quinn | 16 | gender fluid | she/he/they
This is my blog and I guess I'm trying to make it less trash so expect reposts and aesthetics and life posts and stuff. Cool.

Real Talk

About why cis/straight people think it's ok to take control of LGBT culture in the name of "social justice"? Please let minorities take control of their own culture. It is ok to be an ally but it is not ok to tell people in the LGBT community what they should be fighting for/shouldn't do.

Anonymous asked:

Is it offensive to tell a trans person they pass well?

Ryn says:

So this really depends on the person. The concept of passing is an odd one, but for some people it’s a goal and should be celebrated. But like the thing to remember is that they are no less trans if they don’t pass. Their identity is still valid regardless. If you know your trans friend is putting a lot of effort into passing, and that is something important to them, then by all means tell them they’re passing well. If not, it could be considered rude. 


the 2020s are also going to be called the “roaring 20s” but this time its because everyone will always be in a fursuit the whole time

the rawring twenties ^w^


hillary clinton told a joke at the al smith dinner tonight. it’s a very simple joke. and these two CNN panelists have completely misunderstood it at every turn. it is making me so god damn angry.

the gist of the joke is “when i look at the statue of liberty, i see all the things that make our country great [blah blah blah.] when donald trump looks at the statue of liberty he sees a 4. maybe a 5 if she loses the torch and the tablet.”

and this fucking moron is saying that the joke is funny because the statue of liberty looks like the number 4.

which is not what that joke is saying at ALL.

her follow-up to this joke was:

“you know what i think a good number for a woman is? forty five”

(because if she’s elected, she will be the forty fifth president)

and this dipshit on CNN is chuckling like “yeah, i think forty five is a good age too”


When sexists don’t understand they’re the butt of the joke because they’ve never heard a joke at their expense imo


i just want to confirm that donald trump has not answered one question 

this is the 3rd debate. this is the third time im reblogging this 


hillary clinton, senator, the only member of congress in the entire united states, should have changed all the laws


Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.


When I was a child, from the time I was about four and could understand things, my mom told me and my brother that we should have a secret word. That way, if we were ever in trouble or felt unsafe and we didn’t want the people around us to know we needed her to come get us, we could let her know. So she let us pick the word and my brother and I chose the phrase “peanut butter cups.” (I’m happy to share the phrase now since both my brother and I are adults now). 

I used the phrase twice in my life. Once, I was at a friends house when I eight years old. Her dad got really drunk and was throwing things against the wall. I was really scared and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself on the phone when I called my mom to come get me because I didn’t know if he would get more violent if I asked her to come get me. So I called her and was calm and after a couple minutes I asked “Hey mommy, did you get me those peanut butter cups from the store?” And she said “I’ll be right there.” And she came and got me within minutes. 

Second, I was a teenager spending the night at a friends house. Her brother and dad were drinking and they started talking about things that made me uncomfortable - ie: what they liked to do to women. My friend didn’t seem perturbed and said that was normal for them and that I shouldn’t worry. But I was worried because they were really drunk and I was 15 and the only ‘woman’ around that wasn’t related to them. I went in my friends room, told her I needed to call my mom and say goodnight. Before I hung up with her I asked “Next time we go to the store, can we get some peanut butters cups? I’ve been craving them.” And she came and got me, just like that. 

Two incidents, one as a young child, one years later as a teen. Don’t discredit this stuff, it fucking works. My brother used it a few times too. Let your child pick the word and no never, ever, ever, ever get mad at them for using it no matter what it is. 




i mean. it’s not hard to see. why do you think trump has been practically begging millennials to vote for bernie sanders? he’s tweeted it about fifty times. he brings it up at the debate. you think that’s cause he’s looking out for you?

even bernie sanders is saying please, no, don’t write me in, this is not the time for a protest vote. you gonna listen to trump instead of bernie? you gonna support bernie by ignoring everything he says?

nah, it’s because trump knows it’s his path to victory. don’t fall for it. don’t write-in. don’t vote third-party. vote for hillary clinton


@ young gay girls one of the biggest lies about being gay the media / your surroundings will tell you is that people who are gay are always 100% sure about their identity. In today’s society, being out is still highly dangerous for many people, and so you’ll find that people rarely come out until they are VERY SURE that they are not straight. Gay figures in the media must think intensely for years about what they are willing to sacrifice to be out, and are thus either very sure before they do so, or at least are committed to stand by their label for life because of how hostile society is. 

The truth is: the struggle you feel is natural. It is something many, if not most gay people go through. The fact that you are not sure does not mean you are wrong or you are coming into your identity in a wrong way. The fact that you are not always confident in your chosen label while you find yourself is not wrong or uncommon. The fact that you’re ‘afraid you’re just straight’ at times is not bad or invalidating. Forging an identity for yourself as non-straight is a difficult process and to have all your hard work threatened by feelings of invalidity is scary. 

You probably think that all or at least “the good” gay people are always completely sure of themselves, and always were sure of themselves. This is simply not true. Your experience is not just valid, but something that many gay people go through. You do not feel this way because you are “forcing” or “faking” your identity. Growing up gay is difficult, and you are going through it in the way most of us do and you are in great company.  


can we talk about how amazing cartoon network is and how amazing they feature diversity (race, lgbtq+, and body positivity) in their new shows

Don’t credit Cartoon Network, credit the creators of the shows.

No, do credit CN, they’re the ones allowing it. Plenty of creators have tried to get stuff like this through, only to be met with “can we make it more… white? and less gay?”

The Gravity Falls team tried to sneak in little old lady lesbians, no kissing, not even talking, on-screen for two seconds, but Disney didn’t allow it. It’s absolutely amazing that a network aimed at children is giving its creators elbow room to make their shows inclusive.

Do credit CN. They’re doing what all the other networks should’ve been doing a long time ago.

Someone: why do u always say u feel sick
Me: because, my sweet dude, I literally cannot determine the line between my mental illness and physical unwellness anymore. I am Literally Always Ready To Die I am in a constant state of uncomfort my guy it always makes me feel like I'm gonna be ridin the queasy train to regretville
Me: haha
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