
Scowl's Moving Castle

@scowlofjustice / scowlofjustice.tumblr.com

read words, kids

"average superhero rescues 8 people a year" factoid is actually just a statistical error. the average superhero rescues 257.3 people per year. Music Man, who lives in an underground bunker and rescues 0 people a year, is an outlier and should not have been counted


Megamind fic recs Part 2: AUs

Alternate Universe, aka Canon Divergent. These range from the ever-popular "Roxanne gets her villain while he's still a villain" variant to extreme AUs that put the familiar characters into completely different settings.

Part 2: AU completed fics


If you are hesitant to comment on AO3 because it's just fanfic and it probably doesn't matter to the writers, know that I got a one word comment ("Beautiful") on a fic nobody ever has bothered reading before and it made my night. Merry Christmas to me! Seriously, though, comments feel so good to writers! Please feed us! We're hungry!


It makes my day!! I love it, no matter how old the fic is comments are welcome and appreciated! 💛💛💛


if you’re ever in doubt about what pov to write a scene from, a good rule of thumb is to pick the person who knows the least about what’s going on. lots of pros!

  1. you automatically have some level of tension in the scene, as they either struggle to figure out what’s happening or completely fail to notice it
  2. if they know as much or barely more than the reader, the reader is learning things alongside them, which will help make exposition feel more natural
  3. if they know less than the reader you now have dramatic irony! great for humor and/or agonizing tension
  4. helps you keep secrets from the reader longer, since your pov character doesn’t know them either. (I mean you could also just carefully omit major info and pretend you thought it was obvious. see the Queen’s Thief series for several examples that span a whole novel!)
  5. helps add a fun little mystery for the reader as they try to figure out those secrets (fun little mysteries are great attention hooks!)

“what’s going on” can mean anything btw, it could be the plot or the worldbuilding or another character’s motivation or the location of the buried treasure.

for best results, think about what each character in the scene wants to get out of this scene, and then pick the pov of the person who has least control over/knowledge of whether they get what they want. failing that, figure out which character has the most important secret that’s affecting the course of the scene, and write from the pov of someone who doesn’t know the secret. (the secret can be stuff like “I’m in love with you,” “I’m a spy for the spider queen,” “I’m the one who stole the muffins,” just whatever’s adding an undercurrent of tension to the conversation.)

this rule won’t be right for every occasion and you should trust your gut, but it’s served me well for years, so I encourage all you writers to consider it when figuring out how to approach a scene :)


how what???

I’m not good with the science of this or anything (someone who knows more feel free to add) but fish can play??? Fish can play like any other animal?? People saying it couldn’t breathe, do human kids not hold their breaths to go under water for fun? It’s just the opposite. Air is water, water is air. In the same vein as a kid being thrown up and into the pool and enjoying it, the fish is playing.


okay… as someone who studies marine biology I need to clarify something:

fish are unable to hold their breaths. They literally cannot take a deep breath like mammals do.

We have lungs that can take in a specific volume of air, fish have gills that work when they are ventilated enough. There are different kinds of gills, yes. Some fish have something called ‘operculum’ which is like a cap on top of the gills, helping to protect them and increasing the water circulation through the gills. Some fish DONT have this structure and need to swim in order to be able to breathe.

But the fact that they cannot hold their breaths doesnt mean that they cannot survive without water for a while - in fact, fish can (usually) survive being without water WAY LONGER than we could survive being without air.

I cannot tell if this fish does this for fun, but it sure looks like it. But I am not a behavioural biologist, so I can’t tell for sure.

It is abundantly clear the fish is a willing participant. It’s sort of arrogant to assume animals other than humans don’t play like humans.


Im not a behavior biologist either, but I have spent a lot of time around fish and ive spent a lot of time talking to and helping people that care for fish. (Former petstore fish guy that took his job too seriously)

That fish is having fun, and fish absolutely DO have fun!

There was a regular who came into the store I worked at a lot, and he kept several varieties of chichlids, a very smart, aggressive type of fish.

He would come in and talk to me about all the drama his fish get into. The different territorial disputes they were having, who had paired off with who, who broke up (yes chichlids are like this)

But he had a jack dempsey in particular that LOVED to chase his hand around the tank, not his wife’s hand, not his friend’s hand, it HAD to be him. He said that as soon as he entered the room where this fish’s tank was kept, the fish would TEAR UP the tank decor, knocking things over and acting a fool off his shits until this dude stuck his hand in there and let the fish chase it around back and forth.

He theorized that his fish learned that if he knocked the tank decor around, his owner would obviously have to stick his hand in to fix it. So when he wants to play “chase dad’s hand” thats naturally how he knows he can get the hand to appear. He wont do this behavior for anybody but this one guy and he won’t tear up the tank anymore after he had received sufficient “play time”, usually once a day when the guy got home from work. He likened it to having a dog that wont leave you alone till you play tug o war for a bit.

I had a betta that would spend twenty minutes at a time just swimming up to the waterfall of the filter, letting it push him down to the bottom of the tank, only to swim back up and do it again, like it was a fucking slide.

Bettas are weak swimmers, and they dislike strong currents, but this guy was using the filter current like a slide. Kinda like how we don’t really like getting thrown around, but we still enjoy rollercoasters.

I also have countless stories about goldfish trying to “give hugs” (re: shove themselves into their owners hands during tank maintenance)

My betta knows how to lie and he will only beg for food in front of those he knows have not fed him yet.

There is so much evidence I’ve seen that fish are waaaay smarter and affectionate than we think. They absolutely have fun and I honestly don’t think enough studies have been done on fish brains and fish behavior in general.

And honestly, having worked in a pet store, fish are generally treated like they don’t have brains by even the fish care brands that claim expert knowledge.

Its definitely worth noting that hard scientific evidence presenting that the very opposite is true would probably lead to more robust animal welfare laws that would definitely upset the aquatics industry. Food for thought.

I think you’re absolutely right on that last point. The misconception that fish are too thoughtless to have feelings facilitates the abhorrent conditions in which they are kept and ways they are treated by the industry.

I used to have a lovely tank, I think it was 50 gallons, and among other things I kept glass catfish. All the research at the time said they were hard to keep in captivity and prone to refusing to eat and starving themselves, and that they did not live long in captivity. But I was fascinated and had to try it. It took me about three days to realize none of the literature said a word about them being nocturnal. I started feeding them at night right before bed, and had zero problems getting them to eat, saw they were incredibly active as soon as the lights went off (I have exceptional night vision) and I kept them in excellent health for years. Exponentially beyond their captive life expectancy.

I think the commercial pet fish trade is abysmal in terms of actual working knowledge of fish.


imagine your OTP in an elegant ballroom slowdancing to Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich


'eyyyyyyyy! you sent me love to my Music Man blog. i remember you! sadly i deactivated it since it's an old blog i made back in 2014 to goof around with some other Megamind fandom blogs at the time


HI AHH i was so psyched when you followed me thank you for letting me know this is ur new blog


this blog is actually older than that one lol

i’ve been on this website for 9 years


Please, never let this meme die.

This is the best one I’ve seen so far


What kind of quantum fucking memeing from 2056 are you people beaming to us


It’s fucking back

shooting star. i can’t believe i’m hearing shooting star again in the year 2020

The fates have ordained that this cross my timeline again and you better fucking believe i’m reblogging it.

This is the only good meme, don’t @ me


Let’s Have Another Bullet Point Story, Courtesy of a Friend

  • So I have a friend that used to be in the tumblers troupe at the renfaire as a contortionist
  • We were chatting online and she told me to tell you all this story.
  • I love Kat dearly
  • but she forgets that she’s stupid strong and hypermobile
  • so one day she throws her back out
  • bad enough that she needed painkillers and couldn’t stand upright
  • “But also I needed Tampons and like.  A Burrito, real bad.”
  • she’s flat on her back in her apartment when she decides this
  • and, in an
  • impeccable
  • leap of reasoning, decides
  • “I can’t roll my back forward to sit/stand up like normal.
  • But I can ARCH my back just fine.
  • SO 
  • I’m going to do that and get on my hands and feet in a stomach-in-the-air this-shit-belongs-in-a-horror-movie-type pose,
  • And amble on down to the 7-11”
  • “And get me that Burrito”
  • It is, 
  • for context, 
  • after midnight in July during a wildfire so it’s hot as satan’s own asshole and the moon is red and shit’s already generally cursed.
  • Imagineyou are some poor sap working nights at the world’s deadest 7-11, and you hear the door jangle but you don’t see anyone’s head over the counters.
  • Whatever.
  • Except you keep hearing noises like there’s someone in the next aisle over.  
  • Fucking around in the burrito section
  • It’s also worth mentioning that Kat
  • 1. sings whatever earworm is currently running through her head when she’s not paying attention
  • 2. sounds EXACTLY like some kind of creepy child from a horror movie when doing so
  • tonight’s song is something from veggietales.
  • and/or is really fucking high and isn’t sure if he’s tripping balls or notanyway
  • Kat goes up to pay for her burrito and tampons
  • She realizes the counter presents something of a challenge, and then demonstrates for me on her kitchen table at 4AM during a different july wildfire, 
  • exactly 
  • how she used the shelves to climb up the counter 
  • like one of the boston robotics beasties
  • dude stares at her for like, five minutes and says.
  • “Register’s broke.”
  • “Oh No!” Says Kat. “Just Take ‘em.” “Really?  I can leave cash-you don’t have to give me change I don’t want you to get in trouble with your manager.” “…Nah.” “Oh!  OK!  Thank you!” “Yeah ok bye.”
  • Shortly after she arrived back at the apartment, she got a text on her phone from the campus security about  "A Suspicious Individual” at tle 7-11. 
  • It took her 
  • FOUR
  •  to realize she was the suspicious individual

tumblr is, if anything, the Appalachia of social media...easy to get lost, sparsely populated, out of the loop with fast-moving modern trends. Attached to tradition. Close-knit communities. Believe in "talk shit, get hit." Everyone is doing their own thing in their own obscure little holler. Prone to pulling the most inventive turns of phrase you've ever heard out of nowhere. Somebody's always starting a racket. We sometimes repel outsiders with much aggression. Lots of talk about hell and damnation to be found. Everybody tends to forget about us for some reason

What is pirating media but the moonshining of the internet


The best thing I’ve learned this week is that some alcohol has a pear inside the bottle

How did it get in there? Like this of course

Bottles are slid over young fruits and tied to the trunk for stability. This makes them very difficult to care for and frankly the goofiest looking pear tree I’ve ever seen but am I going to buy a bottle of this just to stare at it? Probably.

of course, this is exactly the same method that’s used for ships in bottles too

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