
Write Wendy's Musings

@writewendy-blog / writewendy-blog.tumblr.com

(Curious. Confused. A Wee-Bit Crazy.) My store is wendysextrastuff.com My blog is writewendy.org. My twitter is @writewendy. My pug is Molson.
Deciding whether or not to trust a person is like deciding whether or not to climb a tree because you might get a wonderful view from the highest branch or you might simply get covered in sap and for this reason many people choose to spend their time alone and indoors where it is harder to get a splinter.

Lemony Snicket (via amandaonwriting)


Critic on a Plane

So, I just got back from Florida, and I've been working on finishing "Atlas Shrugged" for the past 2 months. The two relate  because I've travelled back and forth 3x in the past 2 months and each of those 3 hours is devoted to the same task. I call it a task because the book is long and somewhat hard to read. (Mostly because I find myself relating to far too many characters I'd probably prefer I didn't.)

That being said, today on the plane, a guy asked me if I was reading Ayn Rand's novel for a class. (Which I must admit, as a thirty-something is sort of flattering, but I digress!) After I replied "no," he quickly proceeded to give me his personal opinion ("Worst book ever!") And his critique ("Far too black and white!") And of course, his very original thought on her character ("You know she's a huge hypocrite, right?") When I responded blankly, he tossed his head back in such a righteous, holier-than-thou way, it made me want to defend Ayn Rand's philosophy to the Nth, and then stab him in the fucking face. (Instead, I simply put my headphones on.) Funny how someone so openly critical is so quick to label black and white thinking. 

Now, here's the thing, I'm a private reader. I don't share my viewpoints in book clubs. And, I prefer to finish a book before I attempt to discuss it. So, I guess what I'm trying to say  is if you see a person reading a book, and you're  trying to impress her with your brilliance, just remember Wikipedia is the same one-click away for everyone! 


Wearing the best gift I ever received! 3 people have already asked me what it means. And, when I explained, they were absolutely horrified! 

When the army doesn’t come for you, when no one chooses to fight for you, when no one dives in after you with fairy tales and promises, you write a different story. You write a tale of adventure and chaos, of survival and fortitude, and instead of wishing to be saved, you save yourself.

Kelton Wright (via itsnevertoolatefornow)



So, a few months ago, I went on a women's motivational retreat. I did it primarily because every now & then, I enjoy buying bullshit. And, not just bullshit. But bullshit at the highest level! Quite frankly, part of me envies the people who can sell it! Another part is optimistic that someone will provide that ever evasive magic-bullet that will change my life for-fucking-ever. And a third part  is simply uncomfortable taking any sort of vacation without at least trying to find purpose. In terms of the precise breakdown, I have no idea. 

So, what did I learn? I learned that I love having plans that do not fall through! I love packing and preparing and having somewhere to be. I love watching pointless youtube videos about how other girls pack, and I love planning my outfits accordingly. I also learned, I still suck at group activities. I'm much better one on one, and my ability to socialize sans alcohol remains limited. (I'm really working hard on that last one.)

For the purposes of this blog, the actual findings of my personal experience are insignificant. What is important is this: I made 2013 count because I decided to get off my ass and participate in something! This retreat? The 2012 Wendy would never have had the confidence to touch that enrollment pack with so much as a fingertip. Mind you, not out of lack of resources, but simply out of fear. What can I say? I guess this is the year I finally got tired of letting sheer terror control me! 

So, here's to 2014! And finding new adventures, new risks and continuing to discover new ways to live life both consciously and purposely.  


I learned not to trust people; I learned not to believe what they say but to watch what they do; I learned to suspect that anyone and everyone is capable of ‘living a lie’. I came to believe that other people - even when you think you know them well - are ultimately unknowable.

Lynn Barber, An Education (via christmaspiza)

People are like bicycles. They can keep their balance only as long as they keep moving.

Albert Einstein

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