
Kajira Raven

@raealexxander / raealexxander.tumblr.com

"From childhood’s hour I have not been As others were—I have not seen As others saw—I could not bring My passions from a common spring— From the same source I have not taken My sorrow—I could not awaken My heart to joy at the same tone—"

them: why are you always so tired

me: I take medicine that makes me tired

them: god you sleep so much

me: I take medicine that makes me tired

them: you need to get it together, we took bets on when you would wake up

me: I take MEDICINE *slams pill bottle on table* that makes me TIRED *slams another pill bottle on table*


Guys I’m in desperate need of help. Joe @masterofbirds is in critical care with his heart failing due to a tumor on this adrenal gland. We were in the middle of a move and have to be out in the next couple of weeks. On top of it all my job cut me from the schedule as punishment for missing work. I desperately need help. Please consider donating and sharing.

So good news I got a great new job. Bad news, it doesn’t start for two weeks and I have to be moved in a couple weeks. We only need help getting over this hump. After that I’ll be able to handle things even with Joe’s illness. Please donate or share.

Alright guys! I’ve done the math and to finish moving we need about $500. Once we are moved my new job can handle everything. I just won’t have pay from that job in time. My current job left me off the schedule once again so please please share and donate if you can. We have to be moved soon and I’m running out of time.

$500 more will get us moved. My new job will pay next month. I’m also willing to pay people back if that is a better option for you. Please help if you can.


Guys I’m in desperate need of help. Joe @masterofbirds is in critical care with his heart failing due to a tumor on this adrenal gland. We were in the middle of a move and have to be out in the next couple of weeks. On top of it all my job cut me from the schedule as punishment for missing work. I desperately need help. Please consider donating and sharing.

So good news I got a great new job. Bad news, it doesn’t start for two weeks and I have to be moved in a couple weeks. We only need help getting over this hump. After that I’ll be able to handle things even with Joe’s illness. Please donate or share.

Alright guys! I’ve done the math and to finish moving we need about $500. Once we are moved my new job can handle everything. I just won’t have pay from that job in time. My current job left me off the schedule once again so please please share and donate if you can. We have to be moved soon and I’m running out of time.

$500 more will get us moved. My new job will pay next month. I’m also willing to pay people back if that is a better option for you. Please help if you can.


urban legends  (◠‿◠✿)

scary stories (◕ω◕✿)

creepy things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧

paranormal and supernatural things ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* \(◕ヮ◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

hearing a noise in the middle of the night  *: ・゚✧ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

That terrified sparkle emoji describes at least half my life



Guys I’m in desperate need of help. Joe @masterofbirds is in critical care with his heart failing due to a tumor on this adrenal gland. We were in the middle of a move and have to be out in the next couple of weeks. On top of it all my job cut me from the schedule as punishment for missing work. I desperately need help. Please consider donating and sharing.

So good news I got a great new job. Bad news, it doesn’t start for two weeks and I have to be moved in a couple weeks. We only need help getting over this hump. After that I’ll be able to handle things even with Joe’s illness. Please donate or share.

Alright guys! I’ve done the math and to finish moving we need about $500. Once we are moved my new job can handle everything. I just won’t have pay from that job in time. My current job left me off the schedule once again so please please share and donate if you can. We have to be moved soon and I’m running out of time.

$500 more will get us moved. My new job will pay next month. I’m also willing to pay people back if that is a better option for you. Please help if you can.


Guys I’m in desperate need of help. Joe @masterofbirds is in critical care with his heart failing due to a tumor on this adrenal gland. We were in the middle of a move and have to be out in the next couple of weeks. On top of it all my job cut me from the schedule as punishment for missing work. I desperately need help. Please consider donating and sharing.

So good news I got a great new job. Bad news, it doesn’t start for two weeks and I have to be moved in a couple weeks. We only need help getting over this hump. After that I’ll be able to handle things even with Joe’s illness. Please donate or share.

Alright guys! I’ve done the math and to finish moving we need about $500. Once we are moved my new job can handle everything. I just won’t have pay from that job in time. My current job left me off the schedule once again so please please share and donate if you can. We have to be moved soon and I’m running out of time.

$500 more will get us moved. My new job will pay next month. I'm also willing to pay people back if that is a better option for you. Please help if you can.



some people who are ill and/or disabled CANNOT DO WHATEVER THEY SET THEIR MIND ON! some people are LIMITED by their bodies and their health and they are UNABLE to “"just choose”“ to do something! you can’t STOP being disabled by DECIDING to have a ”“good attitude”“! I am PREVENTED from doing whatever I want because I am D I S A B L E D!! 

I would super appreciate it if healthy/abled people reblogged this post, because when people say these things it is so harmful to disabled, chronically ill, and mentally ill people

also! saying “I can’t do this because im disabled” is NOT “negative self-talk” or a “bad attitude”!!

Acknowledging my limits isn’t me being negative. Convincing me otherwise is convincing me to ignore my boundaries. It’s teaching me to ignore my body’s natural alarms that functions to warn me to stop doing things that exacerbate my conditions before they cause even MORE damage.

I’ve done that before. As a result, I have a repetitive strain injury, complete with chronic pain and mobility issues – Which is another disability. It’s not worth it.


I remember the time someone on here said they hate spoon theory because “it makes people lazy” because “recovery is possible if you work hard”.

Because yeah positive thinking and bootstraps is going to make someone’s legs grow back, their cancer disappear, fix their chronic pain, and unravel their schizophrenia just fine on its own.


Guys I’m in desperate need of help. Joe @masterofbirds is in critical care with his heart failing due to a tumor on this adrenal gland. We were in the middle of a move and have to be out in the next couple of weeks. On top of it all my job cut me from the schedule as punishment for missing work. I desperately need help. Please consider donating and sharing.

So good news I got a great new job. Bad news, it doesn’t start for two weeks and I have to be moved in a couple weeks. We only need help getting over this hump. After that I’ll be able to handle things even with Joe’s illness. Please donate or share.


a short PSA on titties!!!

@groseilleetframboise she talks like u, its cute af

Needed to see this

Or you could go to the gym, work out your chest area, and convert the fat into muscle… If you’re fine with having saggy tits, that’s fine, you do you, but to act like big tits have to be saggy no matter what unless they’re implants is incorrect. Tits are the same as legs or any other part on your body. The fat can be converted into muscle through excersize. Fat is jiggly and saggy, muscle is firm and perky. Simple concept really.

Buddy, pal, friendo. People have muscle cells and people have fat cells. You can change the size of them, but muscle cannot turn into fat, and fat cannot turn into muscle

Why do people still think that muscle can be converted to fat? They’re two different tissues. Even smooth muscle cannot be converted to skeletal, so how will fat convert to muscle?

Or we could just acknowledge that boobs are solely meant for feeding infants and literally nothing else and that they don’t need to look a certain way in order to be socially “acceptable”

And that the shithead above knows nothing about female anatomy.

Lmao i work my chest out (to be strong ) and obviously it has in no way influenced my boobs or how nature runs its course on them

lol like do people not understand that we can’t “work out” our boobs? 😂


you can make the pectorals UNDER your boobs stronger, which can have a slight “lifting” effect on the breasts, but you can’t…. convert your boobs… into muscle omfg 😭😭😭 can you imagine…. having ripped breasts of steal… boob six packs….


I don’t know what y'all are talking about, I once punched a shark in the face with my muscley boobs, lol.

It’s true, i was there clapping.



Reblog to punch a shark in the face with your muscle boob.





@thebibliosphere with my apologies…

the things I get tagged in I swear to Christ.


What can’t be improved by jetpacks? Everything is better with them!

I mean, for example:

  • Jetpack judo
  • Ribbon dancing with jetpacks (with colourful fuel to enhance the spectacle) 
  • trapeze artistry, with jetpacks
  • midair fencing
  • musical theatre with jetpacks
  • commuting to work with a jetpack
  • war crimes with jetpacks
  • jetpack racing as a sport
  • midair kissing, thanks to jetpacks
  • spinning
  • that’s a good trick
  • ejecting from damaged aircraft is safer when you’ve got a jetpack
  • going dancing with jetpacks
  • formal or informal, dancing with more verticality could be interesting
  • Mandalorian teens going clubbing, in armour their parents would disapprove of, with rude jetpack designs! 
  • special effects jetpacks - that burn in all sorts of colours, can make smoke screens or the like
  • The floor is lava, with jetpacks!

Guys I’m in desperate need of help. Joe @masterofbirds is in critical care with his heart failing due to a tumor on this adrenal gland. We were in the middle of a move and have to be out in the next couple of weeks. On top of it all my job cut me from the schedule as punishment for missing work. I desperately need help. Please consider donating and sharing.


Um, wow. This may be the single best pop star remix of a Disney song ever.

Jaunty, jazzy, and silky smooth.


So I know this is a lot to ask but please take the time to read this and consider donating or sharing. This is a huge opportunity to finally have a safe place for my family.


Reblog and you’ll find money soon!



Also weird I reblobbed the other money one last night and a freelance check I invoiced for a month ago came in.


seriously have nothing to lose

Did it once might as well let it stack. At least I’m not buying loto tickets

You guys, I reblogged this 2 days ago out of desperation. Today I was looking through my old wallet for coins to go to the vending machine because that’s all I can fucking afford. I haven’t touched this thing since July/ August. When I found a disappointing 15 cents in the coin pocket I went to the billfold to see if any coins were in there. That’s when I saw them. 5 crisp bills amounting to $22. I literally screamed and danced around my room out of joy before remembering that I’d reblogged this post.

Tl;dr - This post is fucking magical and actually worked for me.

I’m broke as fuck. Money gods pls send me like 100k.

I never reblog these, let’s give it a shot. BIG MONEY, BIG MONEY


I reblogged this last week and withing an hour I got a client after a month of silence! Literally gave me money to eat for the rest of the month.


Crazy enough but my mom randomly gave me 200 dollars after I reblogged one of these the other day…



I have a theory that these posts actually gather energy from the wishes of people who reblog them and that’s why they work. Plus, yanno, they get passed around by witches…a lot. :)


Financials are getting a little rocky here (new job was a pay cut and was supposed to be an hours increase but ended up being more of a cut/lateral move) and I’m still trying to figure out how to downgrade my spending (seriously how can I cancel some of my cable services and end up paying MORE than before fucking packages fucking Verizon…) so in the meantime I could really go for a cash infusion until I get myself sorted.

Ok this is such a ridiculous coincidence but I JUST reblogged this this morning and between then and now my tax refund hit my account 3 days early. Draw your own conclusions.

Please work money post

i’m in both denial and hope that this will work

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